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仁爱科普版初中英语八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 3 M...

更新时间:2022-09-06 浏览次数:48 类型:同步测试
  • 41. 完形填空

    Ted is my brother. He had a1lifestyle before. For example, he hardly ever2up before seven o'clock in the morning. After supper, he always played computer games3doing his homework. He didn't like drinking milk and he ate a lot of4every day.

    Then one day, he got ill. He had to be in hospital5. Then he knows that he must6himself well.

    Now Ted7early every morning. Usually he runs before breakfast. He only plays computer games8Saturdays or Sundays. He has good9habits, too. He drinks milk every day. 10he likes junk food very much, he only eats it once a week. A good lifestyle helps him keep healthy.

    A . good B . healthy C . bad D . fine
    A . get B . gets C . got D . getting
    A . before B . or C . and D . when
    A . fruit B . junk food C . vegetables D . rice
    A . once a week B . two weeks ago C . for three weeks D . twice a week
    A . look after B . look for C . look at D . look up
    A . exercises B . gets up C . sleeps D . goes to bed
    A . in B . on C . at D . for
    A . eat B . eats C . eating D . ate
    A . And B . But C . Although D . Because
  • 42. 阅读理解

    June 8, 2009

    Dear Cindy,

    I'm sorry to hear that Bird Flu is very serious in some parts of the world and some people have got the flu. We must take good care of ourselves and keep away from the disease. Could you tell me what people in China do to keep away from it?

    Please write to me soon.



    July 2, 2009

    Dear Betty,

    I think Bird Flu is very bad. Many chickens, ducks and birds in our country got the disease. Some of them died, but some birds flew away and they might carry germs to other places. This is a serious problem. We must do something to solve it. Let me tell you what people have to do to keep away from the disease.

    * Do morning exercises every day.

    * Open the windows in the morning.

    * Wash hands very often.

    * Eat more vegetables and less meat.

    * Go to bed early.

    I think these are good for our health. Do you think so?



    1. (1) From the letter we know Cindy comes from _______.
      A . Canada B . the U.S.A C . China    D . Japan
    2. (2) Betty wrote her an e-mail to ask _______.
      A . whether (是否) Cindy got Bird Flu B . how to keep away from Bird Flu C . when Bird Flu began to spread D . how Bird Flu spread in Cindy's country
    3. (3) A hard problem to fight Bird Flu is _______.
      A . we don't have better doctors or nurses B . Bird Flu is serious C . some places are still poor D . birds with the germs will carry germs to other places
    4. (4) What does the underlined word" solve" mean in Chinese?
      A . 解决 B . 分析 C . 通告 D . 治愈
    5. (5) From Cindy's letter, we know _______ is bad for our health.
      A . washing hands very often B . going to bed late every day C . eating more vegetables and less meat D . opening the windows in the morning
  • 53. 在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。

    A: Hello! I'd like to speak to Kangkang.



    B: He has a bad stomache.

    A: How did it happen?

    B: He ate out for fast food with his friends yesterday. He felt terrible as soon as he came back.

    A: That's terrible. I want to see him.

    B: Not far. It's on Xinhua Road. You can find it easily.

    A: I hope he will get better soon.


  • 54. 由于学习生活紧张,现在许多学生饮食随便、不爱运动、不讲卫生,对身体有很大危害,假如你是学校的一名校医,请写一篇简短的发言稿,给同学们提出一些建议和忠告。不少于60词。

