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初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级上册Module 4 Heal...

更新时间:2023-03-21 浏览次数:27 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

    I have a good friend. Her name is Julia. She and I are in the same class. 1 she is my classmate. She is a tennis star in our school. Many of us like to 2 her tennis games. Julia thinks tennis is fun and 3. She plays tennis five days a week. So she is 4 good at (擅长) playing tennis. And we like to play tennis 5 Julia after school.

    Julia says she wants to be a great tennis player (运动员) like Sun Tiantian. So she must keep (保持) 6. She has many good eating 7. She always has an apple, some milk and two eggs for breakfast. For lunch, she eats some rice, chicken and vegetables. She likes fruit and she always has some 8 after lunch. For dinner, she wants a vegetable salad. She likes hamburgers, but her mother doesn't 9 her to eat them. And she doesn't want Julia to be 10. After dinner, she likes to watch tennis games on TV with her parents.

    A . And B . But C . After D . So
    A . watch B . know C . thank D . ask
    A . boring B . difficult C . relaxing D . tidy
    A . then B . well C . only D . really
    A . for B . with C . about D . on
    A . nice B . welcome C . healthy D . same
    A . classes B . habits C . pictures D . games
    A . ice-cream B . chicken C . strawberries D . carrots
    A . let B . think C . help D . want
    A . right B . fat C . first D . late
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Everybody wants to be healthy(健康的). You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate. It's not good for you. It's not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don't be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

    1. (1) Which is right?
      A . Everybody is healthy. B . We want to be healthy. C . We are important.
    2. (2) What are healthy foods?
      A . Fruits and vegetables. B . Bananas, apples and chocolate. C . Fruits and chocolate.
    3. (3) Why are healthy foods good for you?
      A . They make you happy. B . They make you grow strong. C . They make you grow and make you strong and happy.
    4. (4) "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." means(意思是): ________.
      A . The doctor goes away when he sees an apple. B . The doctor runs away when you give him an apple. C . You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.
    5. (5) What keeps you healthy? 
      A . Fruits and vegetables. B . Healthy food. C . Healthy food and sports.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    A man goes into a restaurant one day. His clothes are very nice. He sits down at a table near the window.

    A waiter(服务员)comes to him and says, "Can I help you, sir?" The man says, "Yes, please. Can I see the menu(菜单)?"

    "Sure," answers the waiter. The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man has his meal happily. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him ice cream. The man says, "I will be back in 5 minutes." Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream, he stands up and goes to the door. "Excuse me, your father doesn't give the money for the meal and your ice cream," the waiter stops him and says.

    "Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I meet him in the street. He says he'll give me ice cream when I come here at twelve o'clock."

    1. (1) The man comes to the restaurant ___________.
      A . to meet the boy B . to buy a newspaper C . to eat an ice cream D . to have a good meal
    2. (2) The man has _________ in the restaurant.
      A . breakfast B . lunch C . supper D . dinner
    3. (3) The waiter stops the boy because _________.
      A . the man doesn't pay for the meal and the ice cream B . the boy doesn't have the meal C . the boy's father come back soon D . the boy wants to run away
    4. (4) From the story we know that _________.
      A . the boy is the man's son B . the boy knows the man very well C . the man is very good D . the waiter pays(支付)the meal and the ice cream
    5. (5) What's the best title(标题)?
      A . A father and a son B . Not my son C . A free ice cream D . A good man
  • 14. 阅读理解

    How much do you know about American schools?

    There are two terms(学期)in a school year in American schools. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

    High school students take four or five subjects each term. They usually go to school every day except (除了) Saturday and Sunday. All of them have lunch in schools' dining hall. They have homework for every class. After school,they often do some sports with their friends.

    What about your school?

    1. (1) How many terms are there in a school year in American schools?
      A . Five. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    2. (2) When do most American children begin to go to school?
      A . Three years old. B . Four years old. C . Five years old. D . Six years old.
    3. (3) American high school students go to school ______.
      A . every day B . on Saturday C . on Sunday D . from Monday to Friday
    4. (4) Where do American high school students have lunch?
      A . At home. B . At school. C . In the office. D . In the classroom.
    5. (5) After school, American high school students often ______ with their friends.
      A . sing and dance B . read books C . listen to music D . do some sports
  • 15. 阅读理解


    April 20   Medium size, black short hair. Its name is David. I love it. Many thanks for returning it. Call Susan at 7328 0059.

    April 20   Brian has 3 legs. It is blind in one eye, and doesn't have the left ear. I lost it on April 17. Thanks! Call Sam at 5773 8881.

    April 20   I found it at the corner of the 2nd and 4th Street at 11:30 a. m. on Tuesday, April 20. It is about six months old. And it's mostly brown with white and black spots. If you lost it, please call Mike at 5666 3559.

    April 20   My brother found a male dog, medium size, brown with short hair. Please help share to find his home! Please call 5633 2551 if it is yours.

    1. (1) How many notices are there in the passage?
      A . 1. B . 2. C . 3. D . 4.
    2. (2) Susan lost a dog with ________.
      A . brown short hair B . black short hair C . a blind eye D . white and black spots
    3. (3) If you found a dog with three legs, you can call ________.
      A . 5633 2551 B . 5666 3559 C . 7328 0059 D . 5773 8881
    4. (4) Which of the notices are about found dogs?
      A . Notice 3 and 4. B . Notice 2 and 3. C . Notice 1 and 2. D . Notice 2 and 4.
    5. (5) Which is TRUE according to the notices?
      A . Susan found a dog. B . Mike lost a dog. C . Call 5633 2551 to get a male dog. D . Sam lost Brian on April 20.
  • 16. 从文后选择合适的选项,补全对话(有一项是多余的选项)。

    A: Good morning, Bill.

    B: Good morning, Bob.

    A: Fine, thank you. And you?

    B: I'm fine, too.

    A: I have hamburgers and milk.


    A: I usually have breakfast at 7:00.


    A: No, I have lunch at school.

    B: What do you usually have for lunch?


    A. I usually have fish and rice.

    B. When(什么时候) do you usually have breakfast?

    C. Where do you usually have breakfast?

    D. How are you?

    E. What do you have for breakfast?

    F. Do you have lunch at home?

  • 22. 单词短语翻译
    1. (1) stomach
    2. (2) 嗓子
    3. (3) tooth
    4. (4) headache
    5. (5) health problems
    6. (6) know of
    7. (7) have a sore leg
    8. (8) see a doctor
    9. (9) hurt one's back

