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    I have a good friend. Her name is Julia. She and I are in the same class. 1 she is my classmate. She is a tennis star in our school. Many of us like to 2 her tennis games. Julia thinks tennis is fun and 3. She plays tennis five days a week. So she is 4 good at (擅长) playing tennis. And we like to play tennis 5 Julia after school.

    Julia says she wants to be a great tennis player (运动员) like Sun Tiantian. So she must keep (保持) 6. She has many good eating 7. She always has an apple, some milk and two eggs for breakfast. For lunch, she eats some rice, chicken and vegetables. She likes fruit and she always has some 8 after lunch. For dinner, she wants a vegetable salad. She likes hamburgers, but her mother doesn't 9 her to eat them. And she doesn't want Julia to be 10. After dinner, she likes to watch tennis games on TV with her parents.

    A . And B . But C . After D . So
    A . watch B . know C . thank D . ask
    A . boring B . difficult C . relaxing D . tidy
    A . then B . well C . only D . really
    A . for B . with C . about D . on
    A . nice B . welcome C . healthy D . same
    A . classes B . habits C . pictures D . games
    A . ice-cream B . chicken C . strawberries D . carrots
    A . let B . think C . help D . want
    A . right B . fat C . first D . late
