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更新时间:2022-11-28 浏览次数:271 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Museum Day is here for one day and one day only—so you'll need to hurry if you want to grasp the chance to get free Saturday admission to one of the hundreds of participating museums. The yearly event is hosted by Smithsonian magazine and involves museums and cultural institutions (机构) coming together to offer free admission for visitors who would otherwise have to pay for entry.

    You just need an email address to get a ticket

    To get a ticket, you'll need to go to the Smithsonian magazine website and pick which museum you want to go to. You'll be able to search to see which museums near you are participating, and from there you just have to put in your email address and name. After that, you can download your ticket and head out for some fun. Each Museum Day ticket is good for two people, so if you're in a group larger than that, a few people might need to sign up.

    A lot of mu sums are still feeling financial stress from the pandemic

    The event is happening as museums are still struggling from the hits they took during the first few years of the pandemic. The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) estimated it will take years for museums to fully recover.

    AAM president and CEO aura lots noted that federal relief helped remove the potential of closure that many institutions were facing, but "2021 proved to be another painful year in which operating in go me dropped further and attendance was down nearly 40 % for many of our nation's mu scams." But there hope that a free day at the museums might stimulate following visits.

    Free Admission to Participating Museums FIND A MUSEUM

    1. (1) What do we know about this year's Museum Day?
      A . Some cultural institutions contribute to it. B . Visitor scan get free tickets every Saturday. C . More museums will participate than before. D . Smithsonian magazine hosts it to raise funds.
    2. (2) You can get a Museum Day ticket by ________.
      A . writing an email B . signing up on the Internet C . visiting the nearest museum D . downloading a Smithsonian magazine
    3. (3) How can Museum Day help participating museums?
      A . Recover the financial loses. B . Remove the potential of closure. C . Increase the future attendance. D . Improve the museum operation.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Glass bottles have long conveyed (传递) a high-quality image for the wine they carry, but their carbon footprint is sizable. Fossil fuels are used to produce and recycle them. And when it comes to transport, they are also heavy and waste space.

    "But Packamama, an Australian packaging start up, has launched a range of flat wine-bottles, the first for the country, promoting them as an environment ally-friendly alternative to traditional glass. The bottles are made from 100 % recycled PET plastic. The slim, flat profile (外形) is 83 % lighter, and allows twice as many bottles to fit into a standard case. "Australia is home to the two most significant successful wine packaging innovations of the last century. Bag-in-box and screw cap (螺旋瓶盖), both from the mid-1960 s," says Santiago Navarro, Packamama's co-founder.

    Three months after the first bottles hit the shelves, the data suggests flat-bottled wines are becoming popular with drinkers. Packamarna's first production order was for 65,000 units, a figure that has risen to 90,000. The demand was so strong that they were sold out after the first production. Questions remain, however, about the flat-profile bottle's suit ability for high-quality wines. The wine maker Nicole Esdaile, of Cent are Vineyard in Victoria's Yarra Valley, applauds the move but says it is not a workable option for her business, given its focus on classic, collectible wines typically exported to China. "Critically, they are not suitable for storing wine, with the recommended shelf life being no more than two years. The bottles are perfect for quick ' drink-now' style."

    The wine maker Tom Wallace wants to see how flat-bottled wines perform over the years ahead. "The priority for us is the quality of the wine going in, so the packaging has to reflect that and allow those wines to mature (酿成) in the best way possible. We will wait and see how the trials and research go before we jump on board."

    1. (1) What advantage do the flat wine-bottles have over glass bottles?
      A . They can be recycled. B . They offer zero carbon footprint. C . They save space in transport. D . They indicate good wine quality.
    2. (2) Why does Santiago Navarro mention the two innovations of the last century?
      A . To express his pride in his country. B . To explain his interest in innovations. C . To show his confidence in his products. D . To display his knowledge in packaging.
    3. (3) What is the weakness of the flat wine-bottles?
      A . They have a short shelf life. B . They are hard to produce in mass. C . They fail to meet Chinese standards. D . They are prohibited from being exported.
    4. (4) What does the underlined phrase "jump on board" mean in the last paragraph?
      A . Ship bottled wines. B . Use the new packaging. C . Quicken the process of maturing. D . Produce flat wine-bottles.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    For my second career, as a weather forecaster (预报员), I jerked on the Canadian Plains, which is the second-best place to chase(追逐) severe weather, after Tornado Alley. I was also studying for a degree in Meteorology so I could interpret weather data and make my own forecasts. I didn't want to be looked at as someone silly who didn't know what she was talking about. Around that time, a photographer friend invited me to chase with him in the Alley for a month. I said sure; I wanted to learn everything I could.

    During my second round in 2013, I got to see the largest tornado in recorded history—on the very fat day of the chase season. We were waiting in this dark and dirty gas-station parking lot in El Reno, Oklahoma. Chasers do that a lot. We sit around in groups waiting and eating junk food. The forecast called it a high-risk day, and finally, a tornado rolled in around 5: 30 p. m.

    It started out as a little cloud and then turned into a 60,000-foot thunderstorm in maybe 20 minutes. We jumped in our car and raced toward it. A few minutes later I was looking out the window, filming this massive wall of what seemed like rain. We thought the tornado was hidden inside. But then I saw it taking shape and felt it sucking in wind. That's when I realized that wall was the tornado itself it was around 2.6 miles across with winds nearly 300 miles per hour. It was explosive.

    We hurried to be: out of there. Cars packed the roads. All we could see were brake lights. We feared we'd be tusk. But in a few minutes, it was over.

    Three storm chasers died that day, just up the road from where we'd been stuck. That had never happened before, So yeah, I wondered why I would risk going out again. But then the next chase season called me back.

    1. (1) Why did the author agree to chase tornadoes with her photographer friend?
      A . To earn credits for her degree. B . To forecast the weather on site. C . To interpret weather data for the friend. D . To improve her profession al performance.
    2. (2) What can we learn from paragraphs 2 and 3?
      A . tornadoes occur once in a chase season. B . To ma does are hidden behind a wall of rain. C . Chasing tornadoes require time and patience. D . Chasing tornadoes involves group competition.
    3. (3) Which of the following words can best describe the author?
      A . Efficient and committed. B . Enthusiastic and brave. C . Traditional and ambitious. D . Determined and talented.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . On the move B . Not a weather girl C . Season of chase D . A narrow escape
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Jason alien, a video game designer in pueblo, Color a do, spent about 80 hours working on his entry to the Color a do State Fair's digital arts competition, judge awarded him first place, which came with a $300 prize.

    Allen's victory took a turn when he revealed online that he'd created his prize-winning art using Midjourney, an artificial intelligence (AI) program that can turn text descriptions into images. He says he also made that clear to state fair officials when he dropped off his submission (提交) called Théátre D'péra Spatial.

    Colorado's 150-year-old state fair is held each summer in Pueblo, a town about 185 kilometers south of Denver. The fair's submission guide lines do not directly mention AI-generated art, but they define (定义) digital arts as "artistic practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process."

    The competition's two judge say they were unaware that alien had used AI to create his piece. But even if they had known, they still would've given him first place. They said they awarded the top prize based on the story Théátre D'péra Spatial tells, as well as the spirit it inspires.

    Allen created Théátre D'péra Spatial by entering various words and phrased into Mid journey, which then produced more than 900 versions for him to choose from. He selected his three favorite, then continued adjusting them in Photo shop until he was satisfied. He boosted their resolution (分辨率) using a tool called Gigapixel and printed the works on canvas. He entered all three pieces into the competition, and one of them won.

    Allen said he believes the criticism of his work originate from artist s' fear that technology will one day become so advanced that they'll be out of jobs.

    In the meantime, as state fair spokesperson alga Robak says, it's bringing out "a broader conversation about how we decide what art is, and how we judge it appropriately."

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "that" refer to in paragraph 2?
      A . Taking a turn. B . Revealing the truth online. C . Turning text descriptions into images. D . Applying an AI program to the creation.
    2. (2) Why did the two judge award alien first place?
      A . He followed guide lines for AI-generated art. B . They were unaware of the use of ad in his piece. C . He is a pioneer of using digital technology in creation.   D . They are impressed with the ideas that his work presents.
    3. (3) What is paragraph mainly about?
      A . How Allen created his works. B . What all technologies alien used. C . Why Allen chose to employ Midjourney. D . Where the advantage of Allen's works lay.
    4. (4) According to the text, Allen's victory ___________.
      A . costs artists their jobs B . helps enhance AI technology C . ensured fairness in arts competitions D . generate a discussion on defining art
  • 5. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.

    Variety makes things fresh and interesting; it keeps your brain sharp and your body alive-part of the reason why we feel refreshed after a holiday is the break from routine.  So doing things differently might take a bit of effort at first, but you'll soon feel the benefits. Whether it's learning a skill, or visiting somewhere new, these all require different ways of thinking.

    "Lifelong learning require us to have a growth mind set, to up size our knowledge of the world," says health coach Susan sanders."  It's the learning that makes the difference, firing up our curiosity and engaging our minds."

    Many people decide that the best way to keep their minds feeling younger is to really change up their life and train for a new job. "As humans, we are meant to grow, stretch, and expand," says Francesca Kastelanides, director and founder of Beam Academy."  Although it will most likely be challenging at times, if your reason why is strong enough, you will always gain the benefits."

      "When starting a new journey, ask yourself what you hope to gain, why you want to make this move, and what you expect to get out of it at the end."

    "Learning something new will not only improve your skill set but it will boost your wellbeing. From a physical point of view, when you exercise your brain, the mind reshapes itself, because the physical brain can grow and change. But, mentally, a new skill also provide you with motivation and increase your confidence.  And, of course, learning will open new opportunities in life that will boost your happiness. And who doesn't want to be happier? "

    A. We're naturally creatures of habit.

    B. But learning to grow is no easy task.

    C. And it doesn't matter what we learn.

    D. Thus you can overcome any fears and anxieties you have.

    E. Learning a new skill or re training for a different career can only be positive.

    F. To have the desired result, you should make some preparations in the first place.

    G. She explains that the most important thing is to make use of your central motivation.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

    When our three kids were young, we had days that went on for life times. As I watched my husband crag leave every morning, I felt 1 to have so much time alone with my babies. When crag 2 each evening, he would smile and ask, "So! How was your day?"

    This question showed the 3 between his experience of a "day" and mine. How was my day? I 4 Craig as the kids screamed loudly around. Then I looked down at my dirty T-shirt and the toys littering the floor.

    I wanted to say, "Today has been a 5 There were moments when I was so fed up with the mess that I thought I might 6 was both lonely and 7 to be alone." But busy with so much housework, I was too tired to 8 So I just said, "Fine." But I felt sad because 9 is about being seen and known.

    So we decided to 10 help. We learned from the counselor (咨询师) that love is 11 and we shouldn't ask the same empty questions like: "How was your day?" 12 , we can ask questions like: When did you feel loved or lonely today? A 13 question is a key that will unlock a room inside the person you love.

    Questions are like gifts. It's the 14 behind them that the receiver feels. The more 15 you give to your questions, the more beautiful the answers become.

    A . relaxed B . scared C . excited D . surprised
    A . called B . awoke C . returned D . withdrew
    A . combination B . gap C . wrestle D . linked
    A . stared at B . broke with C . lied to D . drove away
    A . miracle B . flash C . lifetime D . discovery
    A . jump B . regret C . hesitate D . explode
    A . optimistic
    B . desperate C . secure D . thankful
    A . move B . listen C . quarrel D . answer
    A . love B . respect C . trust D . help
    A . offer B . receive C . refuse D . seek
    A . specific B . precious C . fundamental D . plain
    A . However B . Instead C . Consequently D . Besides
    A . caring B . curious C . pointed D . direct
    A . secret B . response C . thought D . inspiration
    A . clue
    B . explanations
    C . support
    D . attention
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

    I graduated from the Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine in 1994, and   (work) in orthopedics (骨科) for 26 years by the time I took part in  Chinese Medical Volunteers tour in Yushu, Qinghai province in August 2020.

    Then, l used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat a variety of health problems, including severe pains, blood pressure issue and kneed (injure ) . These conditions are  (primary) caused by the local people ' herding practice and the tough environment  they live, and are also associated with some of their unhealthy living habits.

    TCM methods can only relieve the pain for a short time, and sometimes they are unable to address the fundamental causes. So, I suggested that Chinese Medical Volunteers perform surgeries locally  bring the patients to better developed regions. We successfully completed surgeries on 21 patients. One surgery had to  (cancel) because the patient had severe heart failure.

    As the head of the surgical team, I was  a lot of pressure because we were responsible for ensuring the safety of every patient, (rid) them of their pain and improving their quality of life. Another goal of our action was (provide) local medical workers with hands-on training, so local villagers would still be able to access quality treatment conveniently after we left.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你的朋友Eric打算参加校园美食大赛,他发邮件向你咨询如何做一道中国传统美食,请你写一封回信,内容包括:



    参考词汇:校园美食大赛 Campus Cuisine Contest


    1)写作词数应为 80 左右;


    Dear Eric,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

    Alex rode his bike on his way home, and Johnson's Pond came into view.

    Sometimes his dad took him canoeing (划独木舟) there, and Alex loved it. The pond was always o alive with activity, and sometimes Alex discovered turtles (乌龟) sunbathing on suing rocks Alex as curious about turtles. When it was too rainy to go canoeing, he often went to the library to check out books on turtles,

    Now it looked like tomorrow might be another sunny day. He decided to ask Dad if they could go canoeing and look for turtles again. Suddenly Alex saw something in the road up ahead. It looked like a big gray rock. But it was a funny place for a rock to be. He jumped off to have a look.

    And then, the rock started to move! It was actually a large turtle slowly making its way across the road! Alex knew right away it was a snapping turtle.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a car approaching. The turtle was still only halfway across the road Alex knew he couldn't pick it up because snapping turtles have a powerful bite and they could even bite off someone's finger! What could he do?

    Thinking fast, he started waving both hands wildly. "Stop! Stop!" he cried. The car slowed to a stop.

    "Are you alight, Alex?" It was his neighbor, Mrs. Ramos.

    "I'm fine, Mrs. Ram's." said Alex. "I'm just trying to save a turtle. It's probably going to lay egg."

    "Oh, yeah. It's spring." said Mrs. Ram's. "So, I guess a lot of turtles need to lay their eggs in the grass across the road." Then she waved goodbye and drove off.

    Alex thought about what Mrs. Ram's had said. "There would probably be more turtles trying to cross the road at this spot!" he realized. But he couldn't stand there all day trying to stop cars. He looked around and a road sign caught his eye. And then his face brightened.

    He jumped on his bike and raced home to find Dad.


    The next morning, Dad and Alex drove to the pond with the wooden sign in the car.

