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更新时间:2023-01-09 浏览次数:47 类型:月考试卷
一、           阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Friends and Buddies

    This program is planned for teenagers who have special needs with the goal of meeting within a community with other peers(同龄人). The purpose of the program is that it will lead to a better understanding of friendships. Gym, Swim, Surprise Guest, and Pizza are included. Ages 12-18, numbers of members are limited. Contact: Gloria Bass. This program is held 2 Fridays per month. Fees: $65/$85

    Club Saturday Swim

    This program is available to anyone aged 5-14 who is challenged by mental, physical or emotional trouble. The program will be held each Saturday afternoon, 12:00-12:30 pm or 12: 30-1:00 pm.

    Fees: $136/$260

    Sibshops (Ages 10-13)

    Sibshops is a program for siblings (兄弟姊妹) of children with challenges. It includes group activities and talk treatment ways with the focus on improving sibling relationships and whole family happiness. Location: Hope Church, Wilton CT. Wednesday: 4:00-5:00 pm.

    Fees: $50/$65

    Banana Splits

    Banana Splits is an educational support group for children in family trouble. Children aged 9-13 will have the opportunity to meet other children whose parents have separated or divorced, learn to recognize feelings, think of healthy coping skills and have a place to share their struggles through verbal(语言的), physical, and artistic experiences. Location: Hope Church, Wilton CT. Tuesday: 4:30-5:30 pm.

    Fees: $50/$65

    1. (1) If you have free time only on Saturday, you can go to ______.
      A . Friends and Buddies B . Club Saturday Swim C . Sibshops (Ages 10-13) D . Banana Splits
    2. (2) Activities on how to lead to a better understanding of friendships are held ______.
      A . 2 Fridays per month B . 12:00-12:30 or 12:30-1:00, Saturday afternoon C . 4:00-5:00 pm, Wednesday D . 4:30-5:30 pm, Tuesday
    3. (3) If you go to Sibshops (Ages 10-13), you can ______.
      A . meet with other peers B . solve your mental problem C . improve sibling relationships D . think of healthy coping skills
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Jack was born without eyes. He was very lucky as he grew up having other kittens (young cats) to socialize (交往) with, and was used to people from the moment he was born. However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Jack would end up.

    That's when I got an e-mail from my friend. All she asked was "Do you still want one of the kittens? There's one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him". Without thinking I told her that I did want the kitten.

    When we first brought him home, Jack stayed mostly in my room. After about a day he had no issues running around and climbing on everything. At times he gets lost in the house, he'll stop. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isn't long before he finds his way back to us.

    A few weeks after getting Jack, we got a new cat named Bear. Jack and Bear have become best friends. It doesn't matter that he can't see. He always knows when Bear is around. He'll run across the yard straight to Bear and wrap his front legs around his neck in a big hug. They run after each other around and wrestle(摔跤). They'll lie down in the grass together when tired.

    Jack is truly an inspiration. I've owned lots of kittens in my life, but Jack is the happiest and most playful. He doesn't feel sorry for himself. He doesn't need pity. I think Jean, owner of Gumbo, another eyeless cat, said it best when she told me that cats don't have disabilities; they have adaptability.

    1. (1) Why did Jack come to the author's home?
      A . The author cared for an eyeless cat. B . The author didn't mind whether he was blind. C . No other young cats kept him company. D . The author's friend begged the author to take him home.
    2. (2) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . Jack often wrestles with Bear indoors. B . Jack likes to play with a new eyeless cat. C . Jack quickly adapts to the new environment. D . Jack is good at talking and playing with people.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "issue" in Paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Trouble. B . Fun. C . Luck. D . Business.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . A cat has nine lives. B . All is well that ends well. C . God helps those who help themselves. D . A good beginning makes a good ending.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Physical education, or gym class, isn't required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn't offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical education? The answer is certainly "yes".

    Today many people don't do sports. But as is known to all, doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.

    High school isn't that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student's studies and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.

    The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity(肥胖症). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don't get teens to move around, such as video games and computer activities, means many teens don't get their required exercise. Physical education classes act as a public health measure to encourage activity and help teens have healthy weights.

    Inactivity increases teens' risk of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health­care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.

    According to the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition(PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic (学业的) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study, did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 2, what does physical education in high school mean?
      A . Helping teens learn to make good plans.         B . Removing the stress faced by teens at school. C . Making teens attach importance to exercise later.  D . Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "hindered" in Paragraph 5 mean?
      A . Measured. B . Prevented C . Shown. D . Caused.
    3. (3) According to the PCFSN, doing sports          .
      A . means making students choose between sports and studies B . helps students make good use of all their time C . means students adjust to their studies better D . helps students do better in their studies
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . How high school students can live a better life. B . How schools can help students love doing sports. C . Why some schools consider physical education important. D . Why high school students should receive physical education.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    "Farm to table" is the name of a movement that encourages people to eat locally grown food. The farm­to­table idea has become more popular in recent years. But there is also a movement that brings "table to farm". Its purpose is to connect people to the land and to honor local farmers by creating a sort of restaurant without walls.

    Its founder, Jim Denevan, got the idea for this kind of "culinary adventure (美食探险)", as he calls it, ten years ago. He recently prepared tables for more than a hundred people at Briars Farm in Virginia. He and his eight member team arrived the night before. Chefs (厨师)from a local restaurant prepared the dinner.

    Jim Denevan's brother is a farmer and he himself is a chef. He thought that the idea of a meal served right on the farm made sense, though not everyone agreed.

    "But I wanted to make the idea work, so I decided to cross the country," said Denevan. "I went all the way across the United States and set the table on farms, ranches (大牧场) and beaches, and all the places where food comes from. "

    "This kind of event connects us with a lot of enthusiastic people, people that we can form relationships with, " said Matt Szechenyi, who operates Briars Farm.

    The tour of the farm ends at the dinner table. The meats in the meal come from Matt Szechenyi's farm. The vegetables come from nearby farms. Guests and local farmers sit together.

    Annoica Ingram came with a friend. "The food is wonderful. I appreciate their hard work. I see everything they have to do to take care of the animals and make sure they are well­cared­for. Without them, I think, we'll have big problems, " she said.

    1. (1) What is the main purpose of the movement "table to farm"?
      A . To provide people with healthy food. B . To help farmers earn more money. C . To honor farmers for their hard work. D . To encourage people to work less and practice more.
    2. (2) Members of the movement "table to farm" will probably not         .
      A . make new friends B . walk around the farms C . communicate with farmers D . build restaurants for farmers
    3. (3) Annoica's attitude towards farmers' work is         .
      A . Worried B . Grateful C . Doubtful D . Supportive
    4. (4) What kind of writing is the passage likely to be?
      A . A travel guide. B . A news report. C . A diary. D . Popular science.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Good Money Habits

    It's the right time for a financial plan. Most plans are made in extreme excitement — when you get a pay rise, or after reading a self-help book. Here are some tips that will help you stay the course all year round.

    *Take baby steps.

    The other day a colleague said, "I have decided to wake up at 6:30 am, starting tomorrow." But she usually woke up at 8:30 am. Two hours earlier is a difficult task. After a few days I asked her how she was progressing. Her disappointed smile said it all.  If she had considered pushing the clock by 5 minutes every 10 days, she'd reach her 6:30 am goal in eight months. Get the idea? Now simply replace time with savings.

    *Tell apart a plan and a habit.

    We made plans with a conscious mind, and habits are formed so that eventually they are dealt with by our subconscious mind; and they stick. So don't be in a rush to invest (投资) your money. Go with a systematic investment plan (SIP) of a mutual fund or start a recurring deposit (RD). As human beings, we want to progress.

    *Get your family's support.

     If your daughter knows that she can only eat out one weekend a month because you are putting money away for a European trip in 2018, she will be much more cooperative and feel she is a part of the decision.


    Link your investment to a particular financial goal; your commitment to it will be stronger. A client decided to open an RD, but she seemed directionless about the investment. Once we suggested that she link it to her daughter's education fund, she immediately increased the amount she was investing. When you name your investment, the goal takes on a greater meaning.

    A. Give your goal a meaning.

    B. But soon the charm dies down, and so does the enthusiasm.

    C. It's a good idea to involve your family in your financial plan.

    D. Look at them as a promise to yourself, a promise that needs to be honored.

    E. I suggested that she set her alarm for 5 minutes before her regular time.

    F. If you know this well in advance, you are less likely to buy an expensive mobile phone on an urge.

    G. Once a habit is formed, we want to move ahead and will most probably increase the investment amount without any encouragement.

  • 6. 完形填空

    I used to travel to make myself relaxed. Two years ago, I was rather busy with my business and under a lot of1, so I went to Las Vegas for a holiday.

    When I was on holiday, a(n)2suddenly came to me. I had long wished to pay a visit to the Greek island of Santorini. Therefore, the idea of a two week European3alone was born.

    I'd driven alone across the US before, but traveling to other countries whose languages aren't the same as mine4me. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to5 with anyone.

    But I soon6that if I wanted to follow my dreams, I had to step out of my comfort area. If I let 7 take control of me, I'd get nowhere.

    As I was in search of more places visit on my trip, I found Mykonos, Greece, which I8just as much as I liked Santorini. When I arrived in9, it was like I was in a dream.

    What I appreciated best was the bus ride to Venice. As I rode the bus and enjoyed every new thing I saw, I was completely 10 from the pressure of my work. How 11 it was to see people riding their bikes to the 12they would like to go to!

    Some people might say, "It's not a big 13; it's just Venice. Thousands of people go there every day." But is was more than that to me. It was about having a14 and when it was time for it to come true, don't let it 15.

    A . joy B . pressure C . loss D . pain
    A . idea B . incident C . stranger D . invitation
    A . stay B . research C . vacation D . study
    A . attracted B . frightened C . surprised D . interested
    A . agree B . play C . communicate D . travel
    A . realized B . responded C . selected D . suggested
    A . fear B . pride C . anger D . eagerness
    A . explored B . visited C . doubted D . liked
    A . Asia B . Europe C . America D . Africa
    A . tired B . lost C . different D . free
    A . threatening B . generous C . impressive D . nice
    A . castles B . places C . campus D . homeland
    A . deal B . reality C . order D . ending
    A . business B . dream C . challenge D . journey
    A . explore B . decrease C . go D . happen
四、单项选择(每题1分,共 15分)
  • 22. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Mr Brown was tired of (live) in the big city where he worked. He wanted to move to the country and live in a house from which he could get to his office in the city early every day. He (look) for a house when he saw an advertisement in a newspaper one day. The advertisement said that a suitable house in a quiet area was up for sale a reasonable price, and the house was within a stone's throw of a railway station from which there were frequent  (train) to the big city.

    "That's exactly I need," Mr Brown said to (he). So he called the housing agency and arranged to go by train the next day (have) a look at the house.

    The housing agent met him at the station and they started walking. It took them at least 15 minutes to get to the house. When they finally arrived, Mr Brown said (angry), "I should be very  (interest) to meet the man who threw the stone you mentioned in newspaper."

  • 23. 假定你是中学生李华,你校正在进行野生动物保护宣传周活动。请用英语写一封倡议书。内容包括:






  • 24. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为80左右

    Jenny was the only child in her home. She had a quarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily. She couldn't help crying sadly when she thought of the scolding(责备) from her mother. Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat, but it was not possible for her, since she had nothing with her. She stood beside a stand(摊位) for a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business. However, with no money in hand, she sighed and had to leave.

    The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked, "Hey, girl, you want to have the noodles?"

    "Oh, yes…but I don't have money on me…" she replied.

    "That's nothing. I'll treat you today," said the man. "Come in."

    The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, whose smell was so attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.

    "What is it?" asked the man kindly.

    "Nothing, actually I was just touched by your kindness!" said Jenny as she wiped her tears. "Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother drove me out of the house. She showed no care for me. She is so merciless (无情的) compared to a stranger!!"

    Hearing the words, the seller smiled, "Girl, do you really think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot. But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby. Can you number the times she cooked for you? Have you expressed your gratitude (感激) to her?"

    Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shock (震惊的目瞪口呆); she remembered mother's familiar face and weathered (风化的) hands. "Why did I not think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful, but I have never thanked my mum for what she has done for me. "

    On the way home, Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.



    Paragraph 1:

    Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.

