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更新时间:2023-02-14 浏览次数:54 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Old and unrestored theatres are all around us and yet so unnoticed. A new photobook unveils their often-overlooked beauty.

    Proctor's Theatre, Newark, New Jersey

    Although available outdoors from street sellers, food was banned in theatres to display respectability. In the late 1920s, however, the operators in Proctor's Theatre in Newark began to set up stands to improve the economic situation during the Great Depression. Popcorn and Coke would become a significant part

    of the theatre's income.

    Proctor's Theatre, Troy, New York

    Originally opened as Proctor's Fourth Street Theatre in 1914, it hosted famous comedians such as Jack Benny and Bob Hope. From 1929, it was successively taken over, renamed as Proctor's Troy Theatre and switched to screening films. In the 1960s, it began playing second-run films before closing in 1977. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1979. In 2010, the theatre was repaired but is currently not being used today.

    RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre, New York

    Originally opened in 1928, RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre was designed by Thomas Lamb. In 1982, it was listed on the NRHP. In 1986, the theatre was bought and closed by its new owner who planned to build a shopping centre on the site, intentionally damaging the hall. In 2019, despite the preservation efforts, the hall was knocked down to make way for a residential tower block.

    Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia

    The theatre was originally opened as the Philadelphia Opera House in 1908. In the 1920s, it was renamed as the Metropolitan Opera House, showing silent films in addition to hosting various opera companies. In the 1940s, it became a sports arena. In 1954, it was turned into a church. In the late 1990s, the building was purchased by Mark Hatcher. The church and the developer came to an agreement on a repair for a music venue that was completed and reopened in 2018.

    1. (1) In the late 1920s, Proctor's Theatre in Newark set up stands to _____.
      A . show respect for the guests B . increase the theatre's income C . promote newly released movies D . compete with the street sellers
    2. (2) What can we know from the passage?
      A . RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre is well preserved. B . Proctor's Theatre in Troy plays second-run films now. C . Metropolitan Opera House has witnessed changes in its function. D . Proctor's Theatre in Newark has been officially listed on the NRHP.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of this passage?
      A . To rank the old and unrestored theatres. B . To show the development of American theatres. C . To encourage people to protect the old theatres. D . To provide information on overlooked old theatres.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I've never been the kind of person to say, "it's the thought that counts" when it comes to gifts. That was until a couple of weeks ago, when my kids gave me a present that blew me away.

    For years now, I've been wanting to sell our home, the place where my husband and I raised our kids. But to me, this house is much more than just a building. In the front room, there's a wall that has hundreds of pencil lines, marking the progress of my children's growth. Every growth stage is marked in grey, with each child's name and the date they were measured. Most people I know have been featured on a wall like this, or at least had a wall like it in their home.

    Of all the objects and all the memories, it's this one thing in a home that's the hardest to leave behind. Friends I know have returned home after work only to discover their wall of heights has been freshly painted over. A new paint job wouldn't normally be greeted by tears, but erasing that evidence of motherhood hurts more than it should. Our kids grow in so many ways, but the wall is physical evidence of their progress, right there for everyone to see.

    Over the years, I've talked about how much I would hate leaving that wall behind when I moved, even though the last marks were made 10 years ago when my kids stopped growing. So one day, while I was at work, my children decided to do something about it.

    They hired Jacquie Manning, a professional photographer whose work is about capturing (捕捉) the beautiful things in life, from clear lakes and skies to diamonds and ballgowns. She came to our house while I was at work, and over several hours, took photos of the hundreds of drawings and lines, little grey fingerprints (手印), and old marks. Somehow, she managed to photograph all those years of memories perfectly. Afterwards, she put all the photos together into one image, transforming them into a beautiful history of my family.

    Three weeks later, my children's wonderful gift made its way to me — a life-size photo of the pencil lines and fingerprints that represents entire lifetimes of love and growth.

    1. (1) The author used her friends' example in Paragraph 3 to_____.
      A . persuade her family to leave the wall as it was B . stress the meaning of keeping good memories C . explain why her house badly needed a new paint job D . share her memory of motherhood with readers
    2. (2) According to the article, it was Jacquie Manning who_____.
      A . helped the author paint her new house B . came up with the idea of the photo gift C . shot pictures to record the author's growth stage D . made a copy of the growth marks on the wall
    3. (3) We can infer from the article that the author_______.
      A . was strongly against selling their home B . was not happy with the gift from her family C . kept marks for family members every year D . put great love and care in raising her children
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . A Gift Made with Love B . Advice on Picking up Gifts for Parents C . Paintings Count D . Effective Ways to Communicate with Children
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pinocchio, and more Disney characters all have something in common — gloves. Although there are many surprising facts about Disney's characters, putting gloves on them is actually a reasonable move.

    The short answer as to why so many characters wear gloves is that animation (动画制作) is a difficult process. It takes time and efforts to create the characters you know and love. Animators wanted to make their job easier and faster with a few techniques. One of these techniques was using round edges (边) instead of angles. So this also meant making some parts simple, such as hands, to make the animation process quicker.

    Still, in the age of black-and-white cartoons, separating characters' round-edged hands from their black bodies was hard. Gloves were an easy way to make their hands stand out. In fact, Walt Disney might have been the first to put gloves on his characters. Once animation moved away from black and white, Mickey and his friends kept their white gloves.

    Besides keeping the animation simple, Walt Disney told his biographer, Bob Thomas, that the gloves existed for another reason: to make the mouse more like a human. "We didn't want him to have mouse hands because he was supposed to be more human," Disney told Thomas in 1957. "So we gave him gloves. Five fingers seemed like too much on such a little figure, so we took away one. That was just one less finger to animate. " All this Disney's talk makes us want to go back and look at photos of Mickey Mouse.

    1. (1) Why were round edges used in animation?
      A . They looked more beautiful. B . They could be copied more easily. C . They could make the creating job easier. D . They were more popular with children.
    2. (2) What can we know about Mickey Mouse?
      A . It is like a human with five fingers. B . Its hands are different from humans'. C . Gloves help it stand out among all characters. D . It wore gloves in the past but it doesn't nowadays.
    3. (3) What does the Disney's talk make people do?
      A . Enjoy Mickey's beauty. B . Count Mickey's fingers. C . Recall our childhood. D . Check Mickey's gloves' color.
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . How Disney created his characters. B . What difference Disney characters have. C . What makes Disney characters so popular. D . Why Disney characters wear white gloves.
  • 4. (2022·杭州模拟) 阅读理解

    They say procrastination(拖延)is the thief of time—actually deadlines are. New research has found that if you want someone to help you out with something, it is best not to set a deadline at all. But if you do set a deadline, make it short.

    Professor Stephen Knowles tested the effect of deadline length on task completion for their research. Participants were invited to complete an online survey concerning a charity donation. They were given either one week, one month, or no deadline to respond. Professor Knowles says although the topic of the survey was about charity, the results are true of any situation where someone asks another person for help.

    The study found responses to the survey were lowest for the one-month deadline and highest when no deadline was specified(明确规定). No deadline and the one-week deadline led to many early responses, while a long deadline appeared to give people permission to procrastinate, and then forget. Professor Knowles wasn't surprised to find that specifying a shorter deadline increased the chances of receiving a response compared to a longer deadline. However, he did find it interesting that they received the most responses when no deadline was specified.

    "We interpret this as evidence that specifying a longer deadline, as opposed to a short deadline or no deadline at all, removes the urgency to act, "he says. "People therefore put off undertaking the task, and since they are inattentive or forget, postponing it results in lower response rates. "

    He says of the research that it is possible that not specifying a deadline might still have led participants to assume that there is an unspoken deadline. Professor Knowles hopes his research can help reduce the amount of procrastinating people do. "Many people procrastinate. They have the best intentions of helping someone out, but just do not get around to doing it. "

    1. (1) Why did Professor Knowles do the research?
      A . To study the role a deadline plays in procrastination. B . To find out whether people are interested in charity. C . To attract public attention to the effects of procrastination. D . To test the effect of procrastination on task completion.
    2. (2) What most likely leads to procrastination?
      A . No deadlines. B . Short deadlines. C . Specific deadlines. D . Long deadlines.
    3. (3) Why do people procrastinate when given a long deadline?
      A . They oppose the deadline. B . They are unwilling to act. C . They lack a sense of urgency. D . They are too busy to remember.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text?
      A . Procrastination—the Thief of Time B . Procrastination—an Urgent Problem to Solve C . Deadline—a Result of Procrastination D . Deadline—the Key to Reducing Procrastination
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Easy ways to improve your work productivity

     Whether you are working for yourself, working from home or working in an office, you can all do a little more to improve your productivity. Improving your productivity can help you work shorter hours, get more done and improve your work-life balance. We all want to get more out of our day, but we don't always know how to go about it. .

    Take breaks outside.

    Getting outside to stretch your legs can boost your mood and help you to disconnect from your work for a bit. So taking a walk when you take your break will mean that you return to your desk feeling more positive and focused,ready to tackle whatever task is next.

    Set a good morning routine.

    A good morning routine can make a world of difference to your day. Set your alarm a little earlier and use the time you have to create a morning routine that refreshes and energizes you. . Take time to read a journal,pick out an outfit that makes you feel confident,and do whatever you need to put yourself in the right headspace to have a good day.


    Just as important as setting out boundaries when it comes to your work, set out boundaries when it comes to your personal and social life. Make quality time for yourself and the people you love by setting boundaries regarding your work and giving time and space to the other areas of your life.

    Get enough sleep.

    . After a good night's sleep our brain will feel energized and sharp, whereas a rough night's sleep can leave us feeling slow and unmotivated. Make sure you're setting yourself up for success by regularly getting a good night's sleep.

    A. Stick to your boundaries

    B. Have a pleasant and fulfilled life

    C. Go for a run or do some yoga to start your morning

    D. Don't ignore the importance of getting up early for work

    E. Here are some easy ways that you can improve your work productivity

    F. We cannot overestimate the importance that sleep has on our productivity

    G. The vitamin D we get from the sun has also been proven to boost our mood

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard. That first year, I1feeding peanuts to the blue jays, then the squirrels. The squirrels had no2 coming up right to me for them. As the months went by, the rabbits saw that I was no3and didn't escape. When I threw carrot slices (薄片), they even came for a nibble (啃). Slowly they came to 4me, and by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.

    That second year, the rabbits 5 me, and one would even sit up for slices! While I was feeding them, I noticed that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an 6interest in this food situation. I carefully extended a long 7, with a keen eye on those teeth, and before long, there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit, both munching (津津有味地咀嚼) on carrots. A few months later, while 8, she would even turn her back to me. Once when she was facing away, I reached out and 9 scratched (搔) her back with my finger. She didn't move.

    By year three, the rabbits and the groundhog were back. The groundhog10didn't have a problem with me scratching her back, and I got an idea. I'd always 11, while slicing up carrots, that the end looked like a cap. So one day, just to see what she would do, I gently 12 one on top of the groundhog's head. Again, not a 13. The next time, I had my camera ready to record what you see here, one of several dozen such pictures. So long as she had a slice to eat, she never14the one on her head. It was a fair 15— I got a pleasure, and she had yet another tasty treat.

    A . avoided B . started C . canceled D . suggested
    A . business B . fun C . problem D . privilege
    A . help B . cheat C . threat D . exception
    A . trust B . miss C . admire D . appreciate
    A . feared B . ignored C . discovered D . remembered
    A . extreme B . increasing C . additional D . inspiring
    A . squirrel B . rabbit C . peanut D . carrot
    A . eating B . playing C . sitting D . sleeping
    A . carefully B . suddenly C . violently D . patiently
    A . also B . thus C . just D . still 
    A . thought B . doubted C . admitted D . recognized
    A . fixed B . placed C . hung D . kept
    A . tremble B . move C . delay D . hesitation
    A . welcomed B . required C . bothered D . expected
    A . trade B . competition C . task D . affair
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Dried turnip (萝卜干) is a popular ingredient for cooking. But do you know it can also(turn) into a beautiful "flower" used to decorate headdresses (头冠)? Wang Ping,  is a photographer and stylist, has "the magic" to make this happen.

    Wang collects the usable materials to design and make the headdresses inenvironmentally friendly way. Among all his works, crafting the headdress made from dried turnip is (relative) simple. He uses nail polish (指甲油) to keep the food being rotten(腐烂的).

    Making a (tradition)Chinese phoenix coronets (凤冠) often takes from one week to up to several months as it uses over 30 types of materials.(present) the beauty of Chinese headdress, Wang has also learned how to make ancient clothes. So they can match with each other.

    As people are embracing the growing trend of Guochao, is no wonder that Wang's work has gained much (popular). Wang usually posts videos about how he makes headdresses on Douyin. During the past two years, he (attract) over 150, 000 followers.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,得知你的留学生朋友 Peter 准备写一份中国乡村生活报告。请给他写一封邮件,邀请他寒假到你的家乡体验生活,内容包括:


    注意:1)写作词数应为 80 左右; 2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Peter,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    They'd been planning this forever. From her birth, most likely. Mya's mother, Helena loved hosting parties. And Aunt Beatrice loved birthdays. Together, they'd make her Sweet Sixteen a hundred times bigger, bolder, and brighter than it needed to be. They selected a theme every year and stuck to it. Her fourteenth had been the "Snow White'" and her ninth had been the "Frozen". They never told her what the theme was the day before. She'd just wake up her birthday morning, a brand new birthday outfit (一套服装)laid neatly on her dresser (an outfit related to the theme, of course) and she would open her door to see the adventure that lay ahead of her that day.

    Mya had a few guesses as to what this year's theme would be. A play on the words "Sweet Sixteen" was likely — a candy themed party, perhaps? But she'd had a baking party a few years ago and Helena was anything but repetitive. Mya didn't have any interest in cars, so she doubted a sports-car party was on the menu. She'd tried to look through her mother's purchase history online, but her mother had been careful enough to delete everything recent. So the only clue left was the birthday outfit she would receive the next morning.

    May 1st, Mya woke. The bright sunlight begged her eyes to open and she loved the day that her birthday took place. It was always nice out on May 1st and it never rained. This morning was no different than her previous birthdays. She sat up in her bed and looked to her dresser before slipping out of bed and inspecting the outfit. She unfolded it and held it against her body, seeing how it was like. It reached down, just above the ankle. Mya dressed, eyed herself in the mirror and found it was not so much a pretty outfit as she had received before. It was totally one for blue-collar workers!


    1)续写词数为 150 左右;


    Paragraph 1

    Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock.

    Paragraph 2

    With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile.

