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更新时间:2023-03-07 浏览次数:51 类型:开学考试
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will the speakers meet Mr. Peterson in their college?
      A . Next week. B . Next month. C . Next year.
    2. (2) What does the man think of Mr. Peterson's lecture?
      A . Humorous. B . Hard. C . Interesting.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man take with him?
      A . Two large backpacks (背包). B . A large bag and two small ones. C . A large backpack and a small bag.
    2. (2) Which seat will the man take?
      A . One in the middle. B . One in the left row. C . One next to the window.
    3. (3) When will the plane take off?
      A . At 8:00. B . At 8:15. C . At 8:50.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What did the woman buy at the market?
      A . Some animals. B . Many paper-cuts. C . Books of folk stories.
    2. (2) What is the main theme of Chinese paper-cuts in the woman's opinion?
      A . Animals. B . Plants. C . Characters.
    3. (3) Why does the woman want to buy more paper-cuts?
      A . To collect them herself. B . To give them to her friends. C . To make her house attractive.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Friends. B . Neighbours. C . Colleagues.
    2. (2) Where did the woman buy the tea set?
      A . In a tea house. B . In a grocery store. C . In a shopping mall.
    3. (3) What can the speakers do near their neighbourhood?
      A . Do exercise in the gym. B . Read in the library. C . Go to the cinema.
    4. (4) What does the man feel about living there?
      A . Disappointed. B . Uncomfortable. C . Satisfied.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the date next Tuesday?
      A . May 12th. B . May 11th. C . May 10th.
    2. (2) When will there be rain probably according to the programme?
      A . On Monday. B . On Wednesday. C . On Sunday.
    3. (3) What will the temperature probably be at the weekend?
      A . 25℃. B . 8℃. C . 5℃.
三、阅读 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
  • 11. 阅读短文,回答问题

    With all the recent concern about the environment,people want to see their money used to better the planet. Here are four well-known environmental organizations.

    World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

    The World Wildlife Fund is perhaps one of the best-known organizations for the protection of endangered species and their habitats around the world. They've been around for over 45 years. You can donate through their website worldwildlife.org, join their organization as a member, or adopt an animal through their online adoption center.

    National Geographic Society (NGS)

    National Geographic Society is well-known for their magazine and their specials on TV. The organization itself is one of the longest-running in the world—they've been around since 1888, focus on exploration and conservation of forests, oceans, habitats, species and societies. You choose to donate through the website nationalgeographic.com, buy something at their online store, or order a magazine subscription.

    National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

    Founded officially in 1937, the National Wildlife Federation tries to protect wildlife at all costs. In fact, they believe that having the public educated is the best way to help the environment—the more you know, the more you can protect the world we live in. Donations to the NWF can be made through their website nwf.org or through other options, like matching gifts, workplace giving, or memorial donations.

    Ecology Fund.com

    Set up in 1976, Ecology Fund. com is run on user clicks. Advertisers buy ad space on the site every time someone clicks. The money goes to buy endangered wilderness land to protect it from companies that would destroy it. So far, Ecology Fund, com has bought land in many areas. The best thing about this site is that you needn't donate any money—all you have to do is click.

    1. (1) Which environmental organization has the longest history?
      A . Ecology Fund.com. B . World Wildlife Fund. C . National Geographic Society. D . National Wildlife Federation.
    2. (2) What does NWF think is the most important in environmental protection?
      A . Knowledge. B . Management. C . Money. D . Patience.
    3. (3) In what way does Ecology Fund.com differ from the other three organizations?
      A . The size of networks. B . The way of operation. C . The strength of influence. D . The degree of popularity.
  • 12. 阅读短文,回答问题

    I start my workday early, parking myself in front of my home computer and often forgetting to get up for hours. But one thing I try to do every day is take a ten-minute walk around midday.

    Walking at lunchtime is a smart thing to do, a new study finds. This doesn't seem like news. After all, we've known forever that doing exercise is good for us. But as The New York Times points out, those fitness studies typically looked at the effects of exercise plans in the long run.  This new study looks at changes that happen more quickly, from one day to the next or even from this hour to the next hour.

    For the study, researchers gathered a group of mostly sedentary(久坐的) office workers in the UK. All were out of shape, but otherwise emotionally and physically healthy. Researchers asked them to take 30-minute lunchtime walks, three days a week for 10 weeks. The volunteers were also asked to install apps on their phones, so that the researchers could send the volunteers questions after they walked. Then the researchers used those answers to judge how the volunteers were feeling about life and work, and to measure their feelings about everything from stress and tension to motivation.

    When the researchers compared the volunteers' answers on the afternoons when they walked to those on the afternoons they didn't walk, there was quite a difference. On the days when they had a lunchtime walk, the volunteers said they felt less stressed, more energetic and more relaxed compared with the days when they didn't walk.

    Unfortunately, the researchers said many of the volunteers didn't believe they'd be able to continue walking once the study ended, mainly because they were expected to work through their lunch breaks. It's an understandable response, but a sad one.

    1. (1) How does the new study differ from other fitness studies?
      A . It calls on people to have a walk after lunch. B . It focuses on the short-term effects of walking. C . It mainly pays attention to sedentary office workers. D . It aims at studying the relationship between exercise and health.
    2. (2) Why were the volunteers required to install apps on their phones?
      A . To record their time spent online. B . To know how long they walked. C . To prevent them from getting lost. D . To respond to the researchers' questions.
    3. (3) What is the finding of the new study?
      A . Lunchtime walks can soon improve people's mood. B . Office workers usually have little time to go for a walk. C . A sedentary lifestyle is linked to an increased risk of disease. D . Walking brings more advantages to people than other exercise.
    4. (4) What can we infer about the volunteers from the last paragraph?
      A . They will spend more time walking. B . Some of them tend to be more outgoing. C . Most of them will perform better at work. D . They may stop lunchtime walks due to work pressure.
  • 13. 阅读短文,回答问题

    A ship has used autonomous (自主的) sailing technology to complete a trip across world oceans for the first time. The Mayflower Autonomous Ship is a completely autonomous ocean research ship powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

    The Mayflower recently completed a five-week trip across the Atlantic Ocean without any humans on board. It set off from the British port of Plymouth on April 27 and arrived in the eastern Canadian city of Halifax on June 5. The 15-meter Mayflower is named after a ship that carried a group of European settlers from Plymouth to No.0rth America more than 400 years ago. That famous trip, in 1620, prepared the way for Britain's colonization (殖民) of what Europeans called the New World.

    The Mayflower experienced breakdowns on its latest trip, as well as an earlier attempt to cross the Atlantic. The first attempt, in June 2021, was called off after a breakdown forced the ship to return to Plymouth. Later, during the latest trip, a problem with the ship's power system led project organizers to send the ship to Portugal's Azores in the mid-Atlantic. A team member was flown to the area to perform repairs.

    More troubles came in late May when the Mayflower developed another power issue. That trouble was also repaired. But the team decided to send the ship on a new path to Halifax. Experts say AI is getting much better at helping self- sailing ships understand their surroundings and pilot themselves. But most autonomous systems cannot repair themselves when the engine fails. The Mayflower is equipped with instruments designed to measure the health of ocean water. Such ships could be used to probe into parts of oceans that are too difficult for people to reach.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the Mayflower Autonomous Ship?
      A . It sailed by itself. B . It is over 400 years old. C . It is named after the latest ship. D . It carried Europeans in the 16th century.
    2. (2) What happened to the Mayflower Autonomous Ship on its first Atlantic Ocean voyage?
      A . It set off from America. B . It turned back halfway. C . It received repairs on the scene. D . It reached its destination smoothly.
    3. (3) What made the Mayflower fail to complete its sailing several times?
      A . The misuse of AI. B . Some machine failures. C . Some experts' suggestions. D . The wrong choice of sailing course.
    4. (4) What does the underlined phrase "probe into" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Move. B . Drag. C . Improve. D . Explore.
  • 14. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Kindness is seen as a true strength, and the success of civilizations relies on kindness. As parents and teachers, we also teach children from a young age to "be kind to one another" and "treat others the way you want to be treated."

    In addition to being helpful to our interpersonal relationships, research has shown that kindness can even contribute to our well-being. According to the Mayo Clinic, when we perform acts of kindness, the pleasure center in our brain is activated, releasing the stress-reducing hormone(激素) .Individuals who volunteer on a regular basis report greater life satisfaction. And what is even greater is that kindness rarely stops with just one person. There can be a positive contagion(扩散) effect, where other people are motivated to be nice if they receive a random act of kindness. The question then arises: Could kindness be harmful to us when it has such clear benefits? Let's think about this in the workplace or in an organization.

    You are the new person on the team and you want to be well-liked and respected by your colleagues. You are a kind person and tell your team, "Let me know how I can help you; I'm always available to help." Though you may truly mean this, there are unfortunately people in this world who can see your kindness as a weakness. This can lead to you being taken advantage of by others.

    Let's fast forward a year. You have been in your position now for one year, and you are working with the same team. You are noticing that your colleagues continue asking for your help over and over again. In fact, the only time they communicate with you is when they need something. You have been so helpful to your colleagues and there has rarely been any return from them.

    In a very broad sense, it is advantageous to be kind to others, and your kind acts will be appreciated and, perhaps, paid forward. However, you need to be willing to say "no". Recognize when your plate is already too full. When people ask you a favor, assess if you have the time, energy, and attention to give to them. To truly be kind, sometimes you need to be more comfortable saying "no" to others and saying "yes" to yourself.

    1. (1) What has the Mayo Clinic found concerning kindness?
      A . It does good to our mind. B . It reduces hormone levels. C . It adds years to people's life. D . It leads to the success of civilizations.
    2. (2) What might the new person mentioned in paragraph3 feel one year later?
      A . Grateful. B . Satisfied. C . Disappointed. D . Energetic.
    3. (3) What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
      A . When you're too full to eat anything. B . When your kind acts get appreciated. C . When you should ask others a favor. D . When you're physically and mentally tired.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Your kindness counts for your well-being! B . Are we tiring ourselves with kindness? C . Why are random acts of kindness important? D . Never underestimate the power of kindness at work!
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Your own backyard may be a fun place to play. You may have trees to climb, and insects to study. . But did you know these things are related to each other through the food chain? Every part of nature belongs to a community where each member uses the lower members to stay alive.

    Every part of the world has food chains, including the oceans and the deserts. , the whole chain could fall apart. The food chain is most disturbed(扰乱) by people because we build neighborhoods on the land where animals live and we pollute the environment. Both these actions make it difficult for other living things to survive. Still there is a lot we can do to protect the parts of food chains. Here are some ideas that can help:

    . Make your backyard a place that other living things can enjoy. Plant more flowers and trees. And, most of all, try not to disturb the places where other animals live.

    Do not pollute the environment. Recycle any material you can. . Having fewer cars on the road means having better air for all of us to breathe.

    Keep learning about and respecting plants, animals, and the environment. . You may even pass it on to your own children someday. It's important that as many people as possible protect nature and keep the food chain whole.

    A. Share your space

    B. If you ever want to see it

    C. But if one part is taken away

    D. We depend on each other for food and survival

    E. Ride your bike or walk to places that you need to go

    F. You can then pass this information on to your parents and friends

    G. Maybe you hear birds singing or see your pet cat sleeping in the sun

  • 16. 完形填空

    It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee. I was about 13. Paul was the same1as me, his sister Renee was two years younger, and they lived in France. I was keen(热衷的)on learning languages, so I was2when my French teacher assigned(分配)us pen pals.

    It was quite a(n)3to get a letter from a foreign country, so I4receiving their reply. They weren't good at English, so after six months, we were all writing in5, which helped me acquire a good knowledge of the language.

    I decided to go to France on holiday in 1949 to6them. The family7me well, and I visited several times in the years that followed. The first time I met Renee, she8me up at the station, and we hit it off straight away.

    I never got to meet Paul. Renee wrote to me and9me that he had died shortly after joining the army. Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our friendship became10. We talked about our families, our11and our troubles in life. After that I moved to South Africa for a while, married, had children, and changed jobs. Throughout all this, we12writing letters.

    I'm 93 now and I still write to Renee. She has difficulty writing now, so she phones me to13. Most people don't seem to have the14for letters anymore, but it gives me great pleasure to write. And this is the most valuable15 I have ever had.

    A . Interest B . dream C . height D . age
    A . frightened B . pleased C . awkward D . annoyed
    A . arrangement B . thing C . problem D . debate
    A . looked forward to B . was attracted C . signed up for D . took control of
    A . Spain B . English C . French D . German
    A . help B . praise C . check D . meet
    A . treated B . fitted C . knew D . protected
    A . picked B . called C . brought D . held
    A . assured B . informed C . contacted D . calmed
    A . calmer B . deeper C . flatter D . shorter
    A . memories B . kids C . organizations D . hobbies
    A . kept B . stopped C . avoided D . recommended
    A . explore B . remember C . revise D . reply
    A . request B . concern C . time D . place
    A . adventure B . tradition C . friendship D . trip
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In a world that is full of different kinds of colors, red quite stands out. In China, people call this color China Red,  has become a quite popular expression  (catch) the world's attention.

    This expression fully shows Chinese people's special love for red. So why are the Chinese really fond of it? One reason  (lie) in the color's rich meaning in Chinese history and (tradition) culture. In ancient China, red (regard) as a symbol of health, energy, happiness, hope and so on. Now red things can be  (common) found across the nation, for example red lanterns. People can find red lanterns across China, especially during  (festival) and holidays. During the Spring Festival, people will see red lanterns hanging on  front gates of houses and stores, trees, etc. Besides red lanterns, things  Spring Festival couplets (对联) and invitations are also often red.

    In a word, red is popular in China and it's more than just a color. It carries the rich culture of this nation. And you're welcome (feel) and discover it in China.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的美国交换生Jim即将返回自己的国家。请你给他写一封邮件,内容如下:





    Dear Jim,

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Time to get up. It's your birthday." Alex opened his eyes and looked up. His parents were standing next to his bed holding breakfast . "We can do anything you want today," said his mom.

    He jumped up to get dressed as quickly as he could, already imagining what kind of day he would have at the beach. He had always dreamed about playing in the sand and jumping in the waves. He nearly tripped (绊倒) as he ran down the stairs on his way to the kitchen.

    Alex's dad asked him what he wanted to do today. "The beach," he shouted with joy.

    The expression on his mom's face changed from joy to sadness. She knew the one place that he would not go was the beach. When her husband had been a young boy of Alex's age, he had a terrifying experience at the beach. Alex's dad shook off his initial (最初的) shock of hearing his son's plan.

    "How about we go to the zoo instead?" he suggested. "The beach is over two hours away."

    "But dad, I've wanted to go to the beach my WHOLE life," Alex pleaded(恳求).

    "Son, I'm sorry, but we are not going to the beach and that's final."

    They ended up driving to the zoo. It was an exciting day, but Alex could not get the beach out of his mind. He yearned to build a sandcastle, swim in the ocean and chase the incoming and outgoing waves. The beach seemed like the best place on earth.

    Over the next few weeks, he dreamed about it almost every night. Any free moment he had was spent filling his room with pictures and drawings of beaches. He repeatedly pleaded with his mom to help him convince his dad to take them to the beach. Each time she explained that they could do other things as a family, just not the beach.

    One night, Alex received what he thought was good news. His dad was going on a three-day business trip the next day. "This is an opportunity," he thought to himself.



    The next morning, seeing his dad get into the taxi, Alex ran to his mother.

    Hours later, as Alex looked out of the front window of the car, his eyes widened and his jaw(下巴)dropped.

