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更新时间:2023-05-31 浏览次数:69 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When did you start to pay for your own bus ticket or a train ticket? Do you still 1 it?

    My friend Bobby and his family live a simple life. They don't have that much money to spend on anything but 2 things like food. But as the summer vacations come around, Bobby wants to give his kids a gift 3 he takes them to play miniature golf (迷你高尔夫).

    When they arrive at the golf course (球场), Bobby walk up to the 4 at the ticket counter (售票柜台) and said, " 5 is it to get in?"

    The young woman answers,"$3.00 for you and $3. 00 for any 6 who is older than 6 years old. We let them in 7 if they are 6 years old or younger. How old are they?"

    Bobby answers, "One is 3 and 8 is 7, so I guess I should pay you $ 6. 00. "

    The woman at the ticket counter says, "Hey, do you just win the lottery (彩票) or 9? You can save 10 3 dollars. If you tell me that the older one is 6, I won't know the 11. "

    Bobby says, "Yes, that may be 12, but the kids will know the difference. It is my responsibility (责任) to set a good example for 13. That way, they can grow up and set good examples for others, too. "

    Then, 14 his two boys by the hand, Bobby spends a 15 afternoon with them playing golf.

    A . pay B . like C . remember D . miss
    A . delicious B . interesting C . expensive D . important
    A . when B . so C . if D . before
    A . man B . boy C . woman D . girl
    A . How long B . How much C . How old D . How far
    A . teacher B . worker C . player D . child
    A . late B . fast C . free D . near
    A . the other B . another C . other D . others
    A . nothing B . everything C . anything D . something
    A . yourself B . themselves C . ourselves D . herself
    A . group B . ticket C . answer D . difference
    A . lucky B . friendly C . true D . lovely
    A . us B . them C . you D . her
    A . cleaning B . teaching C . taking D . showing
    A . lazy B . nice C . funny D . hard
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Hi there!


    Hi there, I'm at school. There are 12 girls and 15 boys in my new class. They aren't very friendly. I'm a little worried. But the teacher's really cool. How are you?

    Are you OK? See you soon.

    10. 06


    Look at my photo. I'm on the beach. It's hot and sunny. I'm very happy. I'm with 2 American girls, Amy and Katie. It's fun! What about you? How's your holiday? Is it nice there?

    3. 26


    I'm on the bus to school and I'm not very happy. It's so full and I'm very hot. The driver isn't very nice and he's angry. Ten more minutes to get to school, See you soon!

    8. 16


    Hi, I'm at the stadium. It's 4-0 to the other team. The players in my team aren't good. Are they tired or bored? I'm sad. Football is a great game, but this match isn't great. Bye.

    4. 58

    1. (1) Who feels good according to the text messages?
      A . Nicky. B . Lucy. C . Ryan. D . James.
    2. (2) Which of the following pictures may be the right photo for Lucy?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What can you learn from the passage?
      A . Jame's team wins the football match. B . The bus driver is friendly to Ryan. C . Nicky is good with her new classmates. D . The weather is good on Lucy's holiday.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    On Thursday, during writing class, Lucy's class is writing poems (诗歌) about space.

    Lucy writes this poem about astronauts (宇航员).

    Mrs. Johnson is very happy with Lucy's poem.

    "Great work, Lucy. I really like that poem," she says. "I would like to put that poem on the wall and other students can enjoy it. Will that be OK?"

    Marvin hears Mrs. Johnson talking to Lucy and has a different idea.

    "Ppfffffitt, I think my poem is much better than that," he says. "In my poem, astronauts fight a lot of bad people from other spaces and save the Earth (拯救地球). They are much cooler. "

    "Yes, but your spelling needs a lot of work, Marvin," Mrs. Johnson answers.

    "Earth begins with the letter E, not U. " Lucy says.

    "Ppffittt," says Marvin.

    1. (1) Which of following sentences are students' imagination (想象)?

      ①Mrs. Johnson likes Lucy's poem.

      ②Lucy is an astronaut.

      ③Astronauts fight a lot of bad people.

      ④There are space monkeys on Mars.

      A . ①②③ B . ①②④ C . ②③④ D . ①③④
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "that" mean?
      A . Mrs. Johnson's poem. B . Astronauts' poem. C . Marvin's poem. D . Lucy's poem.
    3. (3) How does Marvin feel when he says "Ppffffftttt" for two times?
      A . Surprised. B . Unhappy. C . Excited. D . Bored.
    4. (4) How does Marvin spell the word "Earth"?
      A . U-A-R-T-H. B . E-A-R-T-H. C . E-U-R-T-H. D . E-A-U-T-H.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Making a movie is hard work. There are a lot of things for you to do. The first thing you need is a good story. So you have to write a story for the movie. After you have a good story, you will need some hard-working and good friends to help you out.

    If you are the director, you need to find some people to act in your movie. You also need a person to help with sound, and another person to work the camera (摄影机). Other people can help to hold lights, do makeup, and build sets (搭建布景).

    When you have all the people and things you need, you can start to shoot (拍摄) your movie. It will take a long time, but it will be fun. Everybody works together to make it great.

    When you finish shooting it, you need a computer to edit (剪辑) your movie carefully. Some people think editing is the best part of making a movie. This is when your story starts to come together. When you finish editing, you can show your movie to your friends and family.

    All you have to do now is to watch the movie and relax!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "director" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . The person who writes stories. B . The person who makes a movie. C . The person who acts in movies. D . The person who holds lights.
    2. (2) What can you learn from the passage?
      A . Everyone thinks editing is very boring. B . You can finish making the movie only by yourself. C . It takes only a short time to make a movie. D . Making a movie is a difficult but interesting thing.
    3. (3) How can we make a movie?
      A . Find actors and workers → write a story → edit the movie → shoot the movie. B . Write a story → find actors and workers → edit the movie → shoot the movie. C . Write a story → find actors and workers → shoot the movie → edit the movie. D . Edit the movie → write a story → find actors and workers → shoot the movie.
    4. (4) Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
      A . Making a Movie B . The Director's Job C . Working together D . The Best Part of a Movie
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Some people are very forgetful, while others can remember everything they have done. Scientists know a lot about how our brains keep and remember facts and experiences. ____①____ There is little study on how or why the brain forgets things. A new study looks at forgetting. A team of scientists from the USA studied the brain's process of forgetting things. They study the brain and how it thinks and works. Their work may help people who have memory (记忆) problems. It may also help those with depression and dementia (抑郁症和痴呆症). ___②___ The lead scientist, Marie Banich, said, "It may sound surprising that people can decide what and how they forget. "

    Professor Banich said forgetting is important. She said it keeps the brain working well. Her study found ways that people take information away from their brain. She said, "We have control (控制) over the ability to take information away from…our thoughts. "___③___ However, although we can control what and how we forget, the act of forgetting is difficult and needs a lot of energy (能量). Another scientist, Sara Festini, agreed. She said, "We've found that the act of forgetting no-longer-relevant (不相关) information from the mind is good for people, but it doesn't happen by the brain itself. " ___④___ Researchers will now look at why we forget recent things, like where we left our keys.

    1. (1) Why do the scientists study on forgetting things?
      A . They want to help people with memory problems. B . They want to know how our brain works. C . They want to learn how to forget things. D . They want to remember facts and experiences.
    2. (2) In which of the following places might best put the sentence "This is important because it means we can work on more important things. ?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What do the scientists in the passage think of forgetting things?
      A . We always forget important things. B . We can save energy for important things. C . Forgetting things is quite easy for people. D . Forgetting things always brings us problems.
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can you probably read the passage?
      A . History. B . Life. C . Science. D . Geography.
  • 6. 图片是Brenda早上发生的故事,请仔细阅读,将A-F表述(其中有一项多余)分别填入各小题相应图中。

    A. Brenda has many things to do before school.

    B. Brenda's clock says 7: 15.

    C. Brenda doesn't want to be late for school.

    D. Brenda's clock isn't working.

    E. Brenda is making a list of things she has to do.

    F. Brenda is thinking. Her sister comes into her room

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 17. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    story     quick     America    talk     people

    Do you know ChatGPT? It is a new and clever AI chatbot (聊天机器人) made by an company (公司).

    It can do a lot of things. It can talk to and answer questions, even the open ones. For example, "What do you think of life?" or "It's very hot today. What should I wear?" It can write emails, and songs. It can give people a movie review (评价) in the style of Shakespeare. It can even work out some difficult problems.

    ChatGPT's knowledge (知识) and way of to people really surprise us. But the robot has its problems, too. It is not good at thinking or being as smart as people.

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Maybe a big crocodile (鳄鱼) is living near your house? There is one in the movie Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile. It is (come) to cinemas soon.

    Lyle is a singing-but-not-speaking crocodile. He could become a great (music). But he has stage fright (怯场) he can't sing a word in front of many people. His best friend (leave) him at last. Most people are afraid Lyle and don't want to make friends with him. So Lyle is (happy) and keeps himself in a house.

    one day Lyle meets a boy called Josh. Josh is nice to him. The two are quite the same in many ways, singing well and being shy. And also they are very (friend) with each other.

    The movie tells us that we really need (follow) some rules in our life. For example, we should accept (接受) others for who they are.

  • 19. 假如你是李华,新认识了一个来自英国的笔友Helen。请根据导图提供的信息,给她写一封邮件介绍你的基本情况。


    Dear Helen,

    I'm writing to you tell you something about myself.



    Li Hua

