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更新时间:2023-06-26 浏览次数:29 类型:月考试卷
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。(共5小题,每小题 
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 
  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。 
    1. (1) How long can a British adult stand in line patiently according to the survey? 
      A . About 11 minutes. B . About 42 minutes. C . About 90 minutes.
    2. (2) How do most British people pay their bills now? 
      A . In person. B . By mail. C . Online.
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。 
    1. (1) What will the man do over the next year? 
      A . Switch to another major. B . Start a computer company. C . Work at his uncle's company.
    2. (2) What happened to the woman's brother last year? 
      A . He finally found a good career. B . He moved to Silicon Valley. C . He graduated from college.
  • 8.  听录音,回答问题。 
    1. (1) What does the man usually get at the movies? 
      A . Some popcorn. B . A hot dog. C . A sandwich.
    2. (2) What does the woman mean by "real food"?
      A . Food that's classic. B . Food that's cooked at home. C . Food that's similar to that at a cafe.
    3. (3) What does the woman imply in the end? 
      A . They should come back to that theater soon. B . Other theaters have similar food choices. C . She already goes to that theater enough.
  • 9.  听录音,回答问题。 
    1. (1) How does the woman feel about the information session? 
      A . Uncertain. B . Interested. C . Disappointed.
    2. (2) What does the man seem to be doing? 
      A . Explaining the course outline. B . Urging the woman to reconsider. C . Providing details about some jobs.
    3. (3) When will the speakers meet on Monday? 
      A . At 10:00 in the morning. B . At noon. C . At 1:00 in the afternoon.
    4. (4) What's the probable relationship between the speakers? 
      A . Teacher and student. B . Brother and sister. C . Schoolmates.
  • 10.  听录音,回答问题。 
    1. (1) Where is Hot Springs? 
      A . In the mountains. B . In the northern U. S.  C . By the ocean in the southern U. S.
    2. (2) Why did Hot Springs get its name? 
      A . Because of the hot climate of the area. B . Because of the tough guys hiding here. C . Because of the hot waters coming out of the ground.
    3. (3) What is the highest temperature of the waters in Hot Springs? 
      A . 135 degrees Fahrenheit. B . 145 degrees Fahrenheit. C . Nearly 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
    4. (4) What is an interesting fact about the city? 
      A . The old bathhouses are still being used there. B . The hot water there carried special powers. C . Many famous people were born there.
三、阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分) 
  • 11.  阅读理解 

     See the Exhibitions on View Just for You 

     Bernd & Hilla Becher 

     The famous German couple Bernd and Hilla Becher (1931-2007; 1934-2015) changed the course of late 20th-century photography. Working as a rare like-minded and professional couple, they focused on a single subject: the disappearing industrial architecture of Western Europe and North America that fueled the modern time.  

     Fictions of Emancipation: Carpeaux Recast 

     Organized around a single object — the marble sculpture (雕塑) Why Born Enslaved! By French sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux — Fictions of Emancipation: Carpeaux Recast is the first exhibition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art to examine Western sculpture in relation to the histories of Western slavery, colonialism, and empire.  

     Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color 

    Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture was once colorful, vividly painted and richly decorated. Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color tells the colorful backstory of polychromy — meaning "many colors" in Greek — and presents new discoveries of surviving ancient color on artworks in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's world-class collection.

     Hear Me Now: The Black Potters of Old Edgefield, South Carolina 

     Focusing on the work of African American potters (陶工) in the 19th-century American South — in dialogue with contemporary artistic responses — the exhibition presents approximately 50 objects from Old Edgefield District, South Carolina, a center of stoneware production in the decades before the Civil War.  

    1. (1) What were Bernd and Hilla Becher? 
      A . Photographers. B . Architects. C . Journalists. D . Historians.
    2. (2) What does Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color focus on? 
      A . The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collections. B . Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture's colors. C . The background of Greek and Roman sculpture. D . New discoveries about ancient Greek and Roman.
    3. (3) Which exhibition has something to do with American South? 
      A . Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color. B . Fictions of Emancipation: Carpeaux Recast. C . Bernd & Hilla Becher. D . Hear Me Now: The Black Potters of Old Edgefield, South Carolina
  • 12.  阅读理解 

     Born in a musical family in 1925 in New Orleans, Renald Richard spent his childhood filled with music. At the age of 13, he went to see a band perform at a church where he fell in love with trumpet. So he started lessons on it, and later played it in the high school band. After high school, he was sent into military service and played his trumpet in the United States Navy Band. After ending up studying music at Xavier University of Louisiana, he played clubs on the famous Bourbon Street and also toured with many bands.  

    In 1954, Richard was approached by Jeff Brown, the manager of musician Ray Charles. He invited Richard to join Ray Charles' new band. "To be selected by Ray Charles was an honor to me. Ray Charles was exacting. " said Richard, "He was a perfectionist and was rather demanding about his music. "

    Renald Richard toured all over the South and West with Ray Charles. Sitting in the back seat of the car on the way to a concert, Richard wrote the song "I Got a Woman" for Charles, which became Ray Charles' first number one radio hit. In 1954,Renald Richard left Ray Charles' band. However, he stayed friendly with Ray Charles over the years. He became the high school's band director in his hometown until 1962. Four years later, he moved again to New York City. Over the years, Richard has written many other songs that have been recorded by artists including Joe Turner, the Beatles,the Rolling Stones and Elvis Presley to name a few. Living now in Southern Florida, Richard is still active at the age of 92. As you can see, Renald Richard's musical days are by no means near an end.

     That is today's Celebrity Introduction. Any comments? Please write to us in the Comments Section on this page.  

    1. (1) How is the text organized? 
      A . In order of frequency. B . In order of time. C . In order of preference. D . In order of importance.
    2. (2) The underlined word "exacting" (Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to____.
      A . strict B . careful C . devoted D . enthusiastic
    3. (3) What would be the best title for the passage?
      A . The Influence of a Musician B . Active at an Advanced Age  C . A Life Filled with Music D . Renald Richard and Ray Charles
    4. (4) Where would you be most likely to find this text? 
      A . On a website. B . In a brochure. C . In a newspaper. D . In a textbook.
  • 13.  阅读理解 

    Some Asian children are becoming increasingly fat, a new report says. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) joint report was released on Monday. The two agencies call for better regulation of junk food and a limit on sugary drinks for children. They also call for action against malnutrition (营养不良), because a lack of food has prevented children who live in poverty growing normally and healthily-or rather, hurts their development.

    Dorothy Foote is a UNICEF regional nutritional specialist. She says the lack of food affects children's height and development inside their bodies. But at the same time, the area is facing high levels of overweight children.

     The main reason for the food problems, the report says, is that there is more junk food available, which does not provide nutrition. Another problem is drinks with high sugar or high trans-fat, but low nutritional value. Lack of physical activity is also part of the problem, the report adds.  

    Foote says this is seen in nutrition across the area. She says people lack knowledge about what is needed and normal for healthy children's development.

     The economic growth in the area has brought unhealthy products to rural areas. Poor and middle-class families buy them and do not make the right choices to use healthier foods instead. Poor feeding practices, especially for children younger than two, mean ongoing high levels of malnutrition.  

     The report says governments need to regulate the marketing of junk food and sugary drinks to children. It also calls for better feeding practices for infants and young children, and treatment for severely malnourished children. And it says the countries should work to reduce poverty and make sure that children stay in school.  

    1. (1) What does the report focus on? 
      A . The economic growth in Asia. B . Asian countries' development. C . Some Asian children's health problems. D . The education in Asian rural areas.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "them" in paragraph5 refer to?
      A . The right choices. B . The high levels. C . The healthier foods. D . The unhealthy products.
    3. (3) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? 
      A . The children's situations. B . The problem's causes. C . The governments' efforts. D . The report's suggestions.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? 
      A . The reasons for children's being hungry B . Asian children face malnutrition or fatness C . Why children in Asia become overweight? D . How to stop children from being overweight?
  • 14.  阅读理解 

    Technology usually distracts us from nature. But now technology is "offering us an opportunity to listen to nonhumans in powerful ways, reviving our connection to the natural world," wrote professor Karen Bakker in her new book, The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals.

     All around the animal kingdom, there are sounds that we struggle to pick up and understand.  

    Elephants, for example, communicate with each other using infrasound (次声波), a sound frequency far below our human hearing range. Coral (珊瑚) in the ocean also communicates with each other through sound waves, with one purpose being to attract baby coral to areas where it can successfully grow. This is a shocking fact as coral doesn't have any ears! Scientists have placed listening devices in these environments to pick up sounds humans are normally unable to detect.

    After the sounds are recorded, AI is then able to determine their meaning, according to the news website Vox. There are now whole databases of whale songs and honeybee dances. Bakker wrote that one day this information could be turned into "a zoological version of Google Translate". One animal language Bakker wrote about is that of the elephant. She explained how elephants "have a different signal for honeybee, which is a threat, and a different signal for human," in an interview with Vox. "Moreover, they distinguish between threatening humans and non-threatening humans, " she said.

     Technology can not only understand the animals, but also communicate back to them. For example, bees use dances to communicate to their peers where to go in search of nectar(花蜜), A research team in Germany, therefore, plugged the bee language AI database system into a robot bee, allowing the robot to create a dance routine that can tell the bees which direction to move, Vox reported. Whereas in the past language creation had been limited to mainly apes( 类 人 猿 ), with there being many examples of chimpanzees(黑猩猩) having been taught sign language to communicate with humans, this new technology now allows humans to socialize with different animals throughout the animal kingdoms.  

    1. (1) What can we know about coral from paragraph 2? 
      A . Sound waves help baby coral choose their home. B . They communicate through infrasound. C . They have no ears and cannot pick up sound. D . Their sounds are within our range of hearing.
    2. (2) Which of the following animals have different reactions for different objects? 
      A . Honeybees. B . Coral. C . Whales. D . Elephants.
    3. (3) What did researchers create the robot bee for? 
      A . collecting more bee dances B . learning the language of bees. C . showing direction to bees D . helping bees search for their friends.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? 
      A . Animals interact with each other through technology B . Communicating with animals via AI C . Technology always distracts people from nature D . Humans socialize with chimpanzees
四、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分) 
  • 15. (2023高二下·温州期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    An indoor garden has a positive impact on your life if you take care of them properly. However, if you fail to plan before starting one on your own, you may end up with a few problems.

    Plants need an ample amount of sunlight for them to grow properly. . Before starting an urban garden, make sure you've conducted a few weeks' worth of observations about how sunlight behaves inside your home at different times of the day. This will give you an idea as to where your urban garden is.

    Obviously, the sun conditions would be useless if you don't have enough space for the garden. That said, consider where the sunlight lands. You must also determine whether you can place a garden there. Do it in such a way that you get to accommodate your plants' sunlight needs while also maximizing the space of your home for other things.

    That's a fact. This shouldn't bother you, though. That's because, in the long run, urban gardens are actually money-savers. The money you spent on gardening essentials will return in the form of not having to buy certain things in the market because you have one at home. Before starting an urban garden, consider the budget you want for the garden. This will determine the containers and types of plants you can cultivate.

    The world will always present us with many problems that can affect us physically, mentally and emotionally. One great method for achieving a healthy lifestyle is by growing a garden. Thanks to urban gardening, you can have a slice of paradise in the city.

    A. If not, you can try rearranging your home.

    B. You also need to consider watering your plants.

    C. To avoid that, you need to consider a few things.

    D. Without enough sunlight, all living things wouldn't survive.

    E. That means you should consider the availability of sunlight.

    F. Living in the city is not a problem for new gardeners anymore.

    G. You will spend a few dollars if you want to start an urban garden.

  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 

     One day, I was driving my truck on the Harare-Mutare Highway in Zimbabwe. When traffic  1  to a crawl (徐行,爬行), I realized there was an accident  2 . Drawing closer, I saw that a bus had 3 into a fuel tanker, and the bus was on fire. More than 60 people were  4  inside the bus when the accident occurred, so without a thought for my own safety, I jumped from my truck,  5  into the fire.  

    I was one of the 6 people on the scene. I knew the passengers in 7 needed my help. 8 , I ran into the bus and started pulling out victims. By the time the rescuers arrived, I'd single-handedly rescued eight people from the fire! 9 all the people were rescued, I was covered in 10 third-degree burns.

    I was taken to Kadoma General Hospital to be 11 for my wounds. When word about the accident 12 , people all over Zimbabwe praised me for risking my 13 to save people I didn't even know. People from all over the world have sent donations to aid in my 14 . A stranger even sent me $250, 000! Now my condition is 15 and I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness and generosity I have since received.

    A . slowed B . occurred C . nodded D . compared
    A . alongside B . subsequently C . backward D . ahead
    A . encountered B . crashed C . transformed D . combined
    A . joined B . visited C . trapped D . surrounded
    A . rushing B . escaping C . changing D . looking
    A . best B . quickest C . first D . useful
    A . surroundings B . challenge C . fashion D . danger
    A . Within reach B . In particular C . Without hesitation D . At work
    A . If B . When C . Unless D . Although
    A . spectacular B . painful C . obvious D . contrary
    A . warned B . treated C . cleared D . affected
    A . came out B . came down C . turned down D . faced down
    A . work B . way C . life D . future
    A . reputation B . motivation C . kindness D . recovery
    A . abnormal

    B . steady C . unforgettable D . effective
六、语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,共15分) 
  • 17.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 

    I've had my fair share of travelling around China, and a recent week-long trip to Guizhou was my first time to the province. I tried looking up the meaning and significance of the name Guizhou before the trip, (basic)to have a reasonable idea of what was in store for me. But that was hard task so I inquired from a Chinese colleague on the trip. From what she said, initially the province (name)after a famous mountain called "Gui", sort of noble in literal translation and "zhou", which simply means province in Chinese. (keep)that in mind I set out on a journey of discovery and I found was mind-blowing, a photographer's paradise. Generally (describe)as a mountainous province in southwestern China, with Guiyang as (it)capital, the province is truly one of nature's best kept secrets. Compared to other leading (province)in China, with regard development, Guizhou has some catching-up to do. However, the province remains unique not only for its amazing landscape, for the role it played in the political history of modern China and the role it is to play in the world.

  • 18. 对于高中的学生来说,时间管理无疑是至关重要的,然而不是每位同学都足够重视时间管理。假定你是某中学高二的学生李华,请在你校英语校报上写一封倡议书,呼吁同学们恰当地管理时间。 

    1. 拖延的弊端;
    2. 你的建议;
    3. 发起倡议。 

    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 

     Dear fellow students, 

  • 19.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150 左右。 

    Six decade years ago, a 13-year-old boy saw a beautiful hairpin (发夹) in a shop window which set his heart racing. But the price—five dollars—was too high for Jack. Five dollars would buy almost a week's food for his family.

    Jack couldn't ask his father for the money. Everything his father made through fishing went to his mother, Dora. Slim and beautiful, she was the center of the home, the glue that held it together. The housework was never-ending, and she struggled to feed and clothe their five children but she was happy as her family and their well-being were all she cared about.

    Nevertheless, he opened the shop's door and went inside. Standing proud and straight in his shabby shirt and washed-out trousers, he told the shopkeeper what he wanted, adding, "But I don't have the money right now. Can you please hold it for me for some time?"

    "I'll try," the shopkeeper smiled. "People around here don't usually have that kind of money to spend on such things. It should be kept for a while. "

     Jack respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out. He would raise the money and not tell anybody, for he thought Mum would get surprised when she saw that hairpin. On hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Jack suddenly had an idea that he could raise money by selling the used nail bags. People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails bought in bags from a local factory. Sometimes the used bags were thrown away at the construction site, and Jack knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece.  

     That day he sold two nail bags and hid the money in a rusty soda tin.  

    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 

     Paragraph 1: Every day after school, Jack started his plan.  


     Paragraph 2: Finally, the time came!  


