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更新时间:2023-08-30 浏览次数:17 类型:月考试卷
一、听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
二、听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man want Lucy to do?
      A . To help him ask for a leave. B . To help him find Mr. Smith. C . To take his son to the school.
    2. (2) Why didn't Mr. Smith answer the man's call?
      A . Because he was talking with the teacher. B . Because his phone was busy. C . Because he was busy.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the speakers do this weekend?
      A . Go across a river. B . Climb rocks. C . Climb a mountain.
    2. (2) How does the man think of the last activity?
      A . Exciting. B . Dangerous. C . Easy.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man's weekend plan?
      A . Going diving. B . Trying sky diving. C . Reading books.
    2. (2) Where are the two speakers?
      A . In the classroom. B . In the library. C . In an office.
    3. (3) Why does the woman refuse the man's advice?
      A . Because she will take an exam. B . Because the outdoor activity is dangerous. C . Because she doesn't like the man.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is Jim?
      A . The man's son. B . Jenny's son. C . The man's friend.
    2. (2) Which group will Smile join?
      A . Red Group. B . Yellow Group. C . Blue Group.
    3. (3) When will the lesson finish?
      A . 5:30 p. m. B . 7:30 p. m. C . 6:30 p. m.
    4. (4) How much will the man pay for the first ten lessons?
      A . 200 dollars. B . 50 dollars. C . 250 dollars.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the speaker talking about?
      A . Giant pandas are still in great danger. B . Giant pandas are no longer an endangered animal. C . Giant pandas are influenced greatly by climate.
    2. (2) How many adult giant pandas are living in China now?
      A . 1,864. B . 2,060. C . 1,517.
    3. (3) What will affect the panda's future?
      A . The climate change. B . The human activity. C . The effective measures.
    4. (4) Who contributes greatly to the good news?
      A . The bamboo farms. B . The Chinese government. C . The researchers.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Black Valley, 63 kilometers from downtown Chongqing, is one of the best preserved natural wonders around the municipality. The national 5A-level scenic spot is a popular summer resort for sightseeing, forest adventures, outdoor camping, hunting and angling.

    Located in Heishan town, Wansheng Economic Development Zone, the scenic spot spans over 103 square kilometers, 97 percent of which are covered by primitive forests. With over 110,000 negative oxygen ions in each cubic centimeter of air, it is dubbed as a natural oxygen bar and "the most beautiful healthcare-themed valley."

    Black Valley is also known as "the natural gene bank of Chongqing and Guizhou regions" for the diversity of its rare plants and wildlife, including Cathaya argyrophylla, Davidia  involucrata, Trachypithecus francoisi and clouded leopards.

    Scenic spot level: AAAAA

    Address: Heishan town, Wansheng Economic Development Zone, 63 kilometers from downtown Chongqing

    Opening hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm (peak season from November to February), 9:00 am-3:00 pm (off season from March to October)

    Ideal sightseeing season: from May to September

    Ticket price: 60 yuan ($8. 72) during off season and 100 yuan during peak season, sightseeing bus and cable not included.


    1 It is recommended that tourists start from the higher southern area for a downward journey.

    2 The average temperature is 18. 1 degrees.

    3 It's a good idea to experience the local folk culture of the Miao ethnic group, especially when you choose to visit in May when the traditional Caishan Festival of Miao ethnic group is celebrated.

    1. (1) What can we know about Black Valley?
      A . It lies in downtown Chongqing. B . Plants and wildlife are rarely seen there. C . A visit there costs at most 100 yuan. D . The air is very high in negative oxygen ions there.
    2. (2) A best time for a visitor and lover of the folk culture to Black Valley is in _________.
      A . January. B . March. C . May. D . July.
    3. (3) Which section is the text taken from in a newspaper?
      A . Culture. B . Travel. C . Nature. D . Wildlife.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Until 13, Parker Liautaud was an ordinary kid. That changed after he met polar explorer

    Robert Swan. They began an email correspondence which turned into a friendship that eventually saw the then 14-year-old invited to join a trip to the Antarctic. He said yes almost instantly.

    Friends and family, to whom he'd so far shown he had no particular interest in outdoor pursuits, particularly polar ones, were thrown into total confusion, to say the least. He ate lots of chicken, spent a long time in the gym, and proved them wrong.

    The following year, Liautaud cooked up a more ambitious plan: to become the youngest-ever person to go to the North Pole. He found a new partner, Doug Stoup, and through a mixture of charm and luck raised the roughly $150,000 needed for the record attempt. Then disaster struck.

    The early months of the year, when the two set out, were among the warmest on record. The North Pole, which is essentially a GPS location on a constantly-moving collection of ice sheets, became nearly inaccessible, surrounded by pieces of uncovered ocean.

    A trip which had intended to raise awareness of melting ice caps had been delayed by melting Ice caps. "We would get up, battle through these difficult conditions for 150 hours, then wake up the next morning and find that we were further away from the Pole than we'd started the previous morning", he said. After 14 days' trying, they admitted defeat.

    Liautaud came home and decided to try again the next spring. Conditions were cold but perfect, and he and Stoup reached the Pole in no time. While it might not have made him the youngest North-Poler, the success did give Liautaud a platform to continue advocacy against climate change, through his campaigning website. His view is that it's his generation that must push hardest for cuts in carbon emissions. He has already contributed to research projects carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency and will soon set up two stations to record weather data.

    1. (1) How did Liautaud's family react to his decision to go to the Antarctic?
      A . They made fun of it. B . They turned a deaf ear to it. C . They were puzzled about it. D . They tried to talk him out of it.
    2. (2) What prevented Liautaud and Stoup from reaching the North Pole?
      A . The movement of the ice. B . The lack of funds. C . The delay of their plan. D . The failure of the equipment.
    3. (3) Why was Liautaud determined to go to the North Pole?
      A . To push his physical limits. B . To become the youngest North-Poler. C . To finish a research project for his website. D . To support environmental protection.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can best describe Liautaud as a young man?
      A . Demanding. B . Responsible. C . Generous. D . Cooperative.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Wildlife crossings don't just protect animals. They can also mitigate problems related to wildlife-vehicle collisions (碰撞) and save significant money for a community.

    Wildlife crossings are man-made structures that help animals move safely around their habitat. They are often paths under or over another existing road or railway, or underground passages for animals to get past for food or avoiding attacks.

    Some animals are unable to migrate to survive. People still rely on highways for business and travel, and animals continue to have mobility needs for survival, though. When new roads are built, animals living in a part of their habitat can greatly increase the number of wildlife- vehicle collisions while trying to cross the new barriers.

    In a new study, Wisnu Sugiarto, a Washington State University economics doctoral student, examined data for 13 of the 22 wildlife crossings, including bridges and underpasses, in the Washington State. He compared the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions each year before and after the construction of a wildlife crossing. He considered the area within 10 miles of a crossing.

    Then he compared his analysis to a separate area in the state with no crossings at all. "The findings reported that wildlife crossing structures reduced the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions by one to three accidents on average per mile per year," Sugiarto said. "Therefore, building wildlife crossing structures is typically an essential and effective strategy to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. "

    "Prior to working on this research, I wasn't aware of any strategies to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions. I also thought we couldn't do much about it, partly because we wouldn't be able to communicate with wildlife and control their movement," Sugiarto added. "However, it turns out that there are multiple strategies to deal with issues related to wildlife-vehicle collisions and we can do something about them."

    It is reported that the government has invested $ 350 million over five years for the construction of wildlife crossings. Every wildlife crossing offers a mean benefit of between $235,000 and $443,000 each year.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "mitigate" in paragraph 1 mean?
      A . Analyze. B . Reduce. C . Study. D . Discover.
    2. (2) What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
      A . How the wildlife crossings are built. B . Why wildlife crossings are necessary. C . What should be done to cross the roads. D . When wildlife-vehicle collisions happen.
    3. (3) What is Sugiarto's attitude to the construction of wildlife crossings?
      A . Tolerant. B . Skeptical. C . Favorable. D . Conservative.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Wildlife crossings save wild animals and money. B . The size of wildlife crossings affects animals greatly. C . Every wildlife crossing has a great effect on road safety. D . Wildlife crossings manage to help animals move safely.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    There is a picture: A polar bear is lying lifeless on a beach. On the shore, in the background, stand three guards, talking to each other. One of them has a gun hanging casually on his shoulder.

    This powerful image has made people question the motivation (动机) for this kind of tourism, or ecotourism. Does our proximity (接近) to large animals in the wild, frequently caused by a desire for exciting images, lead to such animals becoming accustomed to human contact? If that is the case, surely the losing side will end up paying the price for such proximity.

    To my sorrow, I have recently returned from a trip to Svalbard, and stood two weeks ago on the very beach where the bear was shot. The bear's death should never have happened. Was the beach examined beforehand? Was there access to flares (照明弹) to scare off a bear that appeared suddenly? These are standard measures for any operator. The incident is probably the result of a terrible systematic (制度的) failure.

    However, the incident should not deny the value of ecotourism. In its best form, this kind of travel has very little influence, or indeed has a positive effect, on the environment where it takes place. This can be achieved by making financial donations to conservation groups, providing income to local communities, or ensuring protection of certain areas or animals. In Svalbard, visitors become ambassadors (大使 ) for the endangered polar bear, increasing awareness of the fact that the far greater danger they are facing is the sea ice melt in the Arctic Ocean.

    Ecotourism is an expanding market that brings benefits as well as challenges to the regions around the world in which it operates. Simply closing off these regions is not the answer.

    1. (1) Why was the polar bear dead?
      A . It was probably killed by tourists. B . It was probably frightened to death by flares. C . The proper measures weren't probably followed. D . The beach wasn't probably equipped with safety equipment.
    2. (2) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
      A . Ecotourism could be developed properly. B . Financial donations should be strongly encouraged. C . Environmental awareness has greatly increased. D . Visitors are ashamed of ecotourism.
    3. (3) What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggest?
      A . More challenges haven't yet been accepted. B . Better measures for leading ecotourism are a good choice. C . The environmental benefits from ecotourism are very obvious. D . The positive effects of protecting tourists haven't yet been felt.
    4. (4) What is the writing purpose of the text?
      A . To urge readers to focus on polar bears. B . To make readers reflect on ecotourism. C . To stress negative effects that ecotourism has caused. D . To analyse the reason why the polar bear was killed.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Leonardo da Vinci and Nature

    In the modern world, art and science are two very separate activities, but in Leonardo's time they were closely connected. Science meant mathematics and medical studies.

    Mathematics included practical work like surveying land for making maps as well as measuring the movements of the stars in the sky. An artist might need to measure the different parts of the body. He could also use mathematics to place things in relationship to each other in a drawing or painting so the scene looked correct.

    Mathematics was also connected to music because musical sounds have a fixed relationship with each other that can be described in numbers. More than this, though, Leonardo believed that numbers were a part of all things in the world, including music, and he said that "without them nothing can be done. "

    "Nature has kindly given us things everywhere to copy," wrote Leonardo. In all his activities, Leonardo was trying to discover the rules that control nature. In his search for those rules, he looked very carefully at a lot of examples and details. Actual experience was more important to him than opinion, and he worked from facts to ideas. His purpose was to examine the world so he could copy it in beautiful paintings and sculptures. He also wanted to learn from the clever solutions of nature.

    His quick little sketches, often done while wandering outside, helped him to catch a movement or a shape. More careful drawings would be done at a desk with a pen and ruler.

    In July 2001, a small drawing by Leonardo was sold for $12 million. It was the most expensive drawing in the world.

    A. Leonardo was always drawing.

    B. How could these be connected with art?

    C. Leonardo was also an influential philosopher.

    D. Mathematicians and doctors worked to discover the unknown.

    E. Above all, Leonardo wanted to understand how and why things worked.

    F. Leonardo himself was a very good musician and liked to play an instrument and sing.

    G. You will see a good example of such positioning in the painting of The Last Supper.

  • 16. 完形填空

    This year, I decided that it would be a(n)1cleaning and we tried to 2our house of years' of accumulated(堆积的)stuff.

    The stuff was3in our house, lining the walls ,filling the shelves and 4the closets (壁橱). I couldn't remember how I got some of it, but I knew I wanted 5now. The stuff was messing up not only my home but also no6, not bringing me any bit of7.

    Then we got down to cleaning. It turned out to be a8job. Twenty-year-old bills and receipts were 9in the trash bin. Outdated 10_were cleared from file cabinets. Broken bowls and damaged handcrafts also found their11 straight to the trash as well Unworn clothes and unused pans were packed up to be12to the local charity. Old books were 13up to be passed on to others to read and enjoy.

    In spite of days 'hard work, it14that I was able to walk through a much tidier home. More importantly. I felt mentally 15than ever before, which was beyond my16. Cleaning is like the metabolism(新陈代谢 ) in the body, we needn't17 keep what works for us and push out what doesn't.

    Therefore, we need to take 18 off our minds and bodies from time to time and to just focus on what really19to us. We can regain a free life by cutting down material things and adding20ones.

    A . complete B . temporary C . instant D . sensible
    A . warn B . rid C . remind D . cheat
    A . wherever B . somewhere C . nowhere D . everywhere
    A . repairing B . locking C . crowding D . closing
    A . burnt B . separated C . broken D . gone
    A . purpose B . work C . mind D . credit
    A . appreciation B . pain C . happiness D . disappointment
    A . tough B . easy C . secure D . promising
    A . forgotten B . hidden C . recorded D . thrown
    A . clothes B . papers C . books D . handcrafts
    A . potential B . fame C . way D . aim
    A . allowed B . selected C . sold D . donated
    A . dug B . boxed C . picked D . given
    A . ended up B . depended on C . turned down D . made out
    A . lighter B . healthier C . weaker D . stronger
    A . control B . power C . comprehension D . expectation
    A . equally B . constantly C . rarely D . obviously
    A . responsibilities B . ideas C . loads D . thoughts
    A . matters B . exists C . responds D . hesitates
    A . realistic B . spiritual C . expensive D . imaginable
七、选词并以短语的正确形式填空(10小题,每题1.5分,选对得0.5分,选对且变形正确得全分,共 15分)每个短语仅用一次。其中两个短语为多余选项。
  • 27. 选词并以短语的正确形式填空

    date back to   drive away   work on   be made up of   communicate with

    reach out   pull off   lead to   adapt to   pull over   take charge of   free of charge

    1. (1) to children who have no permanent home is one important mission of United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
    2. (2) He his gloves, took out his matches, and lighted the fire.
    3. (3) The medical team 150 doctors and nurses went to Wenchuan to rescue the trapped.
    4. (4) Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments which can over 5,000 years ago.
    5. (5) The challenge for TikTok is not just how it expands but how it generates enough advertising income without its users worldwide.
    6. (6) I my school project this time tomorrow.
    7. (7) When exchange students, be sure to be sincere and take their cultural background into consideration in case misunderstandings arise.
    8. (8) The official will make an announcement later this week regarding who the team for the match against Oxford.
    9. (9) Emerging technologies of genetic engineering hold the promise of helping species climate change.
    10. (10) In recent years, industrial activities a huge rise in various gas emissions, completely changing the air we all breathe.
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Buried deep in the ruins of the Shang Dynasty, specifically in Anyang City of Henan Province, bones of the rhino(犀牛) (find) last week.

    A collection of archaeological evidence has confirmed the (exist) of rhinos in ancient China. The animal was distributed across China's Central Plains, Chinese civilization originated.

    Nevertheless, the rhino was no longer wandering in the region after the Han Dynasty. One explanation is it was the colder climate of Northeast Asia that saw the creature (appear) from the pages of history. , Zhou Yu, the writer of History of Chinese Armor(盔甲), offered up another explanation: the crafting of armor.

    Armor was (original) made of bamboo but the material possessed limited (defend) capabilities. Leather armor later became popular during the pre-Qin period.

    Zhou's book reads that the rhino's thick skin was a primary material for the creation of warriors' armor. Many ancient accounts recorded the killing of rhinos and (turn) their skin into protective covering. "The huge demand rhino skins might have caused the animal's disappearance or at least its migration from the Central Plains to the southwestern regions," Zhou told Beijing Review.

  • 29. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    Last weekend, all the students in my class go camping in the woods near our town. Several of our teachers joined us, too. Which surprised us was that Mr. Lee was extreme experienced in camping activities. He offered us a lot of valuable advice. Before we set off, we were also giving special instructions on discipline and behavior. Upon reaching at our destination, we were informed about various aspect of camping and everything we should pay attention to. While hike in the woods, we were really exciting to explore the wonders of nature. It was such unforgettable experience that I couldn't wait to travelling there again.

  • 30. 假如你是学校学生会成员李华,为号召大家积极参与节约用水活动,请你代表学生会发出一份倡议书,内容包括:




    注意:1)词数 100左右;


