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直击2023高考英语(乙卷) 完形填空(人物故事)

更新时间:2023-07-28 浏览次数:44 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2023·全国乙卷) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she 1 best. She had to 2 her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say 3 to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to 4 waves on her board. But it was 5 to take the leap (飞跃), however 6 it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she 7 about 1,200 miles away from home, to 8 with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never 9 and everything was new to her.

    As it turned out, Douglas did 10 what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she 11 two Russians. The Chinese coach12 Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the 13, helping her skyrocket from an 14 member of the national team to the top of the sport. By 15 the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She 16 the competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt 17 all along that she would win.

    Not so long ago, Martha Karolyi, the coordinator (联络人) of the women's national team, did not think Douglas had what it 18 to be an Olympian. As time went by, she thought 19 that she could make the London Games — and win.

    "I'm going to inspire so many people," she said. "I'm ready to 20."And shine she did.

    A . tried B . thought C . judged D . knew
    A . take up B . pack up C . clean up D . do up
    A . goodbye B . hello C . thanks D . no
    A . cause B . observe C . ride D . strike
    A . common B . time C . fun D . tough
    A . breathtaking B . heartbreaking C . eye-catching D . head-spinning
    A . dropped out B . moved on C . pulled over D . went off
    A . reason B . talk C . compete D . train
    A . met B . helped C . understood D . needed
    A . approximately B . gradually C . exactly D . possibly
    A . defeated B . pleased C . respected D . assisted
    A . forced B . transformed C . persuaded D . put
    A . world B . city C . team D . state
    A . amateur B . elected C . average D . enthusiastic
    A . clarifying B . defending C . winning D . demanding
    A . followed B . organized C . watched D . led
    A . confident B . nervous C . excited D . uneasy
    A . viewed B . appeared C . mattered D . took
    A . now and then B . more and more C . far and wide D . on and on
    A . shine B . fly C . dance D . score
  • 2. (2021·榆树模拟) 请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中),选出最佳选项。

    For most people, having things stolen feels like an offence. Robbie Pruitt admitted that he got 1 when he discovered the theft of his mountain bike last September. But soon enough, his 2 took a turn. After letting go of his anger and frustration, he found himself on a road to sympathy 3.

    For Pruitt, a keen bicyclist, the first thing to do was 4 his stolen bike. But when he went bike shopping, he found few available, which got him thinking: What if the 5 of bikes was Covid-19 related, and what if the person who'd taken his bike really needed 6 to get to work?

    With that thought in mind, Pruitt 7 a plan and posted it on the community website. He 8 to fix bikes free of charge for anyone who needed it. He also asked for unwanted bikes, which he would repair—again 9. And then he would donate them to folks who could truly use them but didn't have the 10 to buy one.

    The day the post went live, Pruitt received thirty 11 bicycles. Then came more than 500 12 for detailed information. By the end of 2020, Pruitt had repaired more than 140 for donation or to be

    13 to their owners.

    Pruitt tries to give his donations to families that are 14 struggling. 15 simply satisfying a material need, he has provided an opportunity for kids in his neighborhood to learn how to fix their own bikes.

    In addition to 16 skills, Pruitt's lessons teach teamwork, encourage self-worth, and promote feelings of community. 17, the kids have gained a sense of accomplishment.

    "It's a really great 18 for kids," said a neighbor in an interview with the local newspaper. "Pruitt is certainly providing a 19, but it's not just the bikes. It's the relationships in the community. It's the 20 he can make on people. "

    A . amazed B . mad C . curious D . frightened
    A . emotions B . career C . opinions D . route
    A . ever B . together C . instead D . yet
    A . ride B . lock C . repair D . replace
    A . lack B . variety C . increase D . quality
    A . instruction B . qualification C . transportation D . permission
    A . came up with B . stuck to C . gave up D . broke away from
    A . remembered B . refused C . hesitated D . offered
    A . by accident B . in advance C . for free D . on credit
    A . profit B . budget C . courage D . excuse
    A . shared B . used C . expensive D . modern
    A . enquiries B . advertisements C . notices D . announcements
    A . exported B . sold C . lent D . returned
    A . hardly B . slightly C . truly D . instantly
    A . Without B . Beyond C . Upon D . Among
    A . practical B . commercial C . mathematical D . social
    A . Otherwise B . However C . Somehow D . Meanwhile
    A . promise B . celebration C . comfort D . experience
    A . competition B . service C . ceremony D . suggestion
    A . compromise B . impression C . impact D . progress
  • 3. (2021·宣城模拟) 完形填空

    Alexis, 17, sat quietly in the passenger seat of her dad's car. She let her eyes lazily scan the landscape for wildlife. Then a deer came into 1 about 200 yards in front of them. It was a male deer with 2 antlers (角)on each side of its head.

    As the car moved closer, Alexis heard a 3 and then saw the deer 4 a woman. Sue had been out for her morning run. The deer followed her and edged 5. "I knew I was in trouble, " Sue says. She went to pick up a stick for 6, and the deer 7. It lifted her with its antlers and 8 her into the air. Sue could feel blood flew down her leg.

    When Alexis and her father 9, the deer was throwing Sue like a doll. Alexis looked into the woman's 10 eyes, and 11 her father had even stopped the car, the teenager 12 quickly out of the car and ran toward the deer. "I was kicking it to get its 13," she says. Then her father followed and pushed the deer away from the women.

    Alexis helped Sue into the car. Then she heard her father shout 14 . He had been knocked to the ground. Alexis took hold of a hammer from the car to beat the deer's head and neck, but the blows didn't 15 it away. "I was losing faith," she says. "A couple more 16, Alexis," said her father. "You can do it. "Turning the hammer around, Alexis 17 her eyes and beat the deer's neck with all her 18. When she opened her eyes, the deer was running away. Alexis got in the driver's seat and 19 toward the nearest hospital. After Sue was treated, she 20 thanked her rescuers.

    A . force B . view C . play D . existence
    A . slim B . smart C . shallow D . sharp
    A . scream B . secret C . sigh D . step
    A . accessing B . attracting C . attacking D . awaking
    A . further B . faster C . deeper D . closer
    A . self - defense B . self - study C . self - control D . self - awareness
    A . broke B . charged C . faded D . withdrew
    A . allowed B . defended C . prevented D . threw
    A . pulled back B . pulled away C . pulled up D . pulled out
    A . terrified B . astonished C . thrilled D . satisfied
    A . after B . until C . before D . when
    A . slid B . dived C . rode D . jumped
    A . response B . attention C . treatment D . behaviour
    A . loudly B . gently C . patiently D . slowly
    A . take B . put C . scare D . give
    A . matches B . strikes C . choices D . requests
    A . widened B . narrowed C . rolled D . closed
    A . strength B . pride C . desire D . relief
    A . walked B . fled C . sped D . returned
    A . skillfully B . tearfully C . hopefully D . bitterly
  • 4. (2023·贵州模拟) 完形填空

    Henry was originally bred to be a show dog with beautiful smooth hair, but his unique qualities made him a perfect therapy dog. His job was to visit elementary school classes and listen to students1to him. Henry gave the children his full2and never corrected them or3them when they tried so hard. At the end of each session, the children would place a4on his nose, such as a cookie or a sausage, which he would jump and5in his mouth.

    One day, a special education student, Sam, joined the class. Henry laid next to him as the boy6to read aloud. 7, after some time, the teacher whispered, "That is8! This is the first time that he has ever read aloud!" It was just one of the many times Henry9. His patient and welcoming existence helped students to build10while they were reading.

    As time went on, Sam was noticed his reading abilities had improved a lot. He was reading faster, more fluently, and with more11than ever before. It was clear that the12companion had played a great role in this13. By providing a comforting14, it had helped Sam with his reading abilities, and by actively listening, it had15Sam to continue improving.

    Henry was not just a dog. He was a special companion that16impacted the lives of numerous young students. His encouraging attendance and17nature helped the students to18their fears of reading aloud and develop their reading skills. Henry was not19a dog. He was a true reading buddy who created tiny20wherever he went.

    A . speak B . sing C . talk D . read
    A . gratitude B . complaint C . attention D . energy
    A . teased B . bit C . supported D . improved
    A . trick B . treat C . medicine D . ring
    A . catch B . damage C . release D . chew
    A . declared B . managed C . struggled D . competed
    A . Therefore B . However C . Otherwise D . Thus
    A . fascinating B . shocking C . embarrassing D . amazing
    A . took a chance B . made a difference C . came to an end D . drew a conclusion
    A . honesty B . relationship C . confidence D . skill
    A . anxiety B . enthusiasm C . caution D . respect
    A . furry B . skinny C . clumsy D . feathery
    A . expansion B . decision C . development D . agreement
    A . presence B . convenience C . attraction D . expectation
    A . forced B . required C . motivated D . advised
    A . accidentally B . suddenly C . previously D . significantly
    A . creative B . supportive C . competitive D . attractive
    A . confirm B . generate C . adjust D . overcome
    A . merely B . hopefully C . hardly D . basically
    A . comments B . arguments C . obstacles D . miracles
  • 5. (2023高三下·甘肃模拟) 完形填空

    Before she passed away from cancer, A. J. Walters made her husband Sean and daughter Brittany promise her one thing: Sean would accompany Brittany, a high school senior, to the homecoming game, where she was in the running for homecoming1A. J. was a beloved administrative assistant at Brittany's high school. It was2to her that her daughter go. Brittany and Sean3.

    Days later, on the morning of Friday, A. J. 4Keeping their5that very afternoon, an emotional Brittany walked arm in arm with her father. They crossed the football field with the other candidates to await the6of the voting.

    Brittany wasn't7homecoming queen that day; Nyla was. But, like many in the community, Nyla had also8A. J. Out of9moments after receiving the crown, Nyla walked over to Brittany, removed the crow from her head, and10it on her friend's. The two11tearfully holding each other for support. "She'd rather have her12than a crown," Nyla said. By13it to Brittany, "I was telling her that she was her mom's queen, and that she was loved by many14me."

    "I felt so much love from her, and I just felt so much15for her," said Brittany, "I can16my mom through Nyla. They have the17caring and giving spirit. "

    Nyla is no less perfect for18of a crow. A friend of the Walters family said, "There's an old19goes," Realqueens fix each other's crowns. "But the fact is, real queens20their crowns to let other queens shine."

    A . king B . queen C . lady D . master
    A . important B . regretful C . obvious D . easy
    A . admitted B . replied C . forgot D . agreed
    A . died B . escaped C . arrived D . approached
    A . seal B . balance C . promise D . secret
    A . right B . result C . delay D . loss
    A . warned B . sent C . paid D . named
    A . debated with B . suffered from C . heard about D . called up
    A . order B . curiosity C . happiness D . kindness
    A . carried B . threw C . placed D . abandoned
    A . hugged B . trembled C . smiled D . creamed
    A . teacher B . cash C . mom D . scholarship
    A . owing B . handing C . driving D . submitting
    A . especially B . possibly C . basically D . luckily
    A . information B . blame C . advice D . love
    A . meet B . see C . touch D . contact
    A . mild B . opposite C . special D . same
    A . fare B . sake C . lack D . love
    A . saying B . finding C . thinking D . reading
    A . show off B . give up C . knock down D . take in
  • 6. (2023高三下·开封模拟) 完形填空

    A Florida man likes to shop at garage sales for old plaques (纪念匾) so he can reuse the wooden backs. Recently, he was looking through a1he bought years ago when one2a small ball caught his eye.

    The man took a moment to3what was written on the plaque and quickly realized there was a4stone inside the ball-a piece of moon rock brought back on the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The plaque and rock had been a5to the state of Louisiana by then-President Richard Nixon but6ended up in a garage sale for the man to find years later.

    "I can't even tell you how long I7it for. I'm not even sure how much I8for it. The wood in the plaques is such nice wood and that is what I9them for," the man said. The man10the Louisiana governor's office, which11him to the Louisiana State Museum. The man hand-delivered his12to the Louisiana State Museum. He didn't want to take a chance that something might happen to it during13. The museum's director is14for his generosity and15for reuniting the state with this priceless object. "It is an extraordinary piece of Louisiana history," he said. "We're16to take possession of this piece and to share it with our audiences."

    After Apollo 1717on Earth, Nixon18379 pieces of the satellite stone to all the states as well as foreign nations. Over time, those gifts began to19. A 2002 search found that many were unaccounted for. To date, the fate(命运) of 171 rocks remains20.

    A . painting B . ball C . book D . collection
    A . linking B . featuring C . sharing D . obtaining
    A . read B . stress C . think D . remember
    A . normal B . new C . precious D . similar
    A . gift B . signal C . threat D . change
    A . sometimes B . somehow C . instead D . never
    A . borrowed B . returned C . owned D . lost
    A . paid B . earned C . saved D . charged
    A . carry B . prepare C . push D . buy
    A . passed B . contacted C . recognized D . trusted
    A . attracted B . added C . pointed D . reported
    A . work B . find C . receipt D . letter
    A . delivery B . discovery C . construction D . treatment
    A . eager B . responsible C . famous D . grateful
    A . reason B . demand C . concern D . claim
    A . likely B . free C . embarrassed D . excited
    A . landed B . existed C . wandered D . failed
    A . threw away B . put aside C . turned in D . handed out
    A . improve B . disappear C . drop D . matter
    A . unforgettable B . unacceptable C . unknown D . undoubted

