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更新时间:2023-11-15 浏览次数:68 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  完形填空

    It was a fine day. The children were having a 1 in the classroom. Then they heard a snore (打鼾声). The children looked at each other without saying anything, but Miss Black didn't hear it, so she 2 speaking.

    After a minute, Miss Black heard it, too. 

    "Who is snoring?" she asked. The children looked 3 and they didn't know, either. At that time Steven laughed (笑). Miss Black looked at him, and then watched the boy next to him.

    "George, what are you doing? 4 ," she shouted.

    George sat up quickly. Other children all laughed, and it really made the teacher 5 . "The classroom isn't for sleeping," she says. "It's for 6 . " George's face turned red. "Now go to the bathroom (洗手间) and 7 your face," Miss Black told him. "That will help. "

    George walked to the bathroom. "Why am I so 8 ? I must go to bed early tonight," he thought.

    George came back from the bathroom. "George, are you feeling any better?" asked Miss Black.

    "Yes, Miss Black. That's really a good 9 for me to have a clear head," answered the boy happily.

    Miss Black was angry (生气的) at first, 10  this time she was not. She understood him because she sometimes felt tired, too. 

    A .  party B .  lesson C .  cake D .  game
    A .  loved B .  stopped C .  kept D .  forgot
    A .  up B .  down C .  back D .  around
    A .  Come in B .  Eat out C .  Wake up D .  Run away
    A .  unhappy B .  surprised C .  funny D .  strict
    A .  playing B .  learning C .  dancing D .  shouting
    A .  draw B .  make C .  describe D .  wash
    A .  tired B .  quiet C .  scared D .  noisy
    A .  time B .  rule C .  way D .  gift
    A .  or B .  but C .  so D .  because
  • 2.  阅读单选                                 

     The 3rd American Summer Camp in China

     From July 19 to July 28

     Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou

    For kids of 8-17 years old

    $500 each student

    What is different in our summer camp is that American teachers use American original teaching materials (原版教材), and all subjects in English, so children can enjoy the original American lessons and culture (文化) without going to the USA. 

    ◎There will be 25-30 students in each class. 

    ◎ There will be 6 subjects, including Language (speaking, listening, books reading, writing), Culture (American culture), Art, Sports (PE, team activities), STEM or STEAM (STEM, fun math), Acting. The learning time every day will be 4 hours. 

    ◎American teachers give talks about American education (教育) to campers and parents, and problems in family education. Parents are free to listen to the talks, hoping that our education can bring parents more useful ways to teach your children better. 

    To know more about the camp, please email us at Americansummercamp@sdawi. cn. 

    1. (1) We know that the 3rd American summer camp____. 
      A . begins from June 19th B . is open for children under seven C . gives classes all in English D . has 320 students every day
    2. (2) The students in the camp can____. 
      A . have class for 4 hours a day B . learn about 7 languages C . study Chinese writing and art D . join all the activities for $5, 000
    3. (3) From the text, we can learn that parents____. 
      A . are the teachers from the camp B . have many problems with kids C . can listen to the talks for free D . want to live with kids in the camp
    4. (4) The purpose (目的) of the 3rd American summer camp is to____. 
      A . make money for schools B . help kids know American culture C . take kids to a winter vacation D . tell parents to learn English
    5. (5) The text may be from the part of____ in a newspaper. 
      A . Sports B . Animal C . People D . Education
  • 3.  阅读单选

    These days, Jackson Tumbull, a student in Grade 7 at Lakeview Junior High School in Pickerington, US, says that he needs help because he can't listen to the teachers carefully in class. And his classmate McKenna Burchett says he feels sad and he also needs help.

    In their school, there is a room called SMART lab(实验室). It helps students have less stress (压力). "Everything around our kids will impact them, so sometimes they may feel good, but sometimes they may feel not so good, "a school teacher said. "And in our SMART lab, these students can find a time to take a break, relax or have fun. "

    In the lab, students usually spend about 20 minutes. And they can talk to friends or teachers, draw, listen to music and play games. All these things can help them have less stress and sadness. So they will be more focused and listen more carefully in class. 

    This year, the lab helps 383 students at the school out of its 1, 000 students. "There is always a place for us to go to and there we can find someone to talk with, " one student said. "If you are afraid to talk to someone about how you feel, just go into the lab and speak to yourself. "

    1. (1) Jackson Turnbull's problem is that ____.
      A . he worries about studying in class B . he feels sad every day C . a classmate fights with him D . his teachers don't like him
    2. (2) The underlined word "impact" means ____ in Chinese.
      A . 离开 B . 感动 C . 影响 D . 忘记
    3. (3) Students can do something in the lab except(除了)____. 
      A . drawing pictures B . playing games C . talking with their friends D . singing loudly
    4. (4) We can know that ____ in the lab. 
      A . students can stay for an hour B . teachers give lessons to students C . the school gives students a place to relax D . it's easy to make good friends
    5. (5) The last paragraph(最后一段)wants to tell us that ____. 
      A . 500 students get help from SMART lab B . SMART lab is getting popular with students C . there are more SMART labs in other schools D . some students are afraid to stay in SMART lab
  • 4.  阅读单选

    Lowri Moore is a 14-year-old girl from England. She wears glasses. And she wants to do something special for kids who wear glasses. 

    Lowri began this special thing when she was 9. She wrote a letter to Disney to ask for more characters (角色) with glasses in its movies. It worked! Two years later, Encanto came out. Mirabel Madrigal, the main actress of this movie, wears glasses. 

    Now, Lowri has a new idea. It is about letting people put glasses on emojis (表情). Lowri got the idea from her mom. One day, the mother wanted to look for an emoji that looked like her daughter. But the only young-looking emoji wearing glasses was a nerd (书呆子). 

    "Many kids don't want to wear glasses," Lowri said. "They don't want to look different or uncool. But if they don't wear glasses, they cannot see well and won't be able to learn well. "

    So, Lowri wrote a letter to the Unicode Consortium. The company (公司) is good at making all new emojis. She asked for more emojis with glasses. That way, kids with glasses will feel good. Many people and organizations stand up for Lowri. Maybe we can see emojis with glasses in the near future (将来). 

    1. (1) From the passage, Lowri Moore ____. 
      A . is a girl from Africa B . often writes letters to Disney C . likes Mirabel Madrigal best D . does something for kids with glasses
    2. (2) Encanto is the name of ____. 
      A . a movie B . a book C . an actress D . a letter
    3. (3) Lowri got the idea of putting glasses on emojis from ____. 
      A . her teachers B . her mom C . her classmate D . her work
    4. (4) Paragrah 4 mainly (主要) tells us ____. 
      A . how many glasses Lowri has B . what kind of emojis people like C . why Lowri wrote for more emojis D . when kids began wearing glasses
    5. (5) What is the best title of the passage?(哪个是文章的最佳题目?)
      A . Making glasses cool B . All kinds of emojis C . Letting kids wear glasses D . A great mother
  • 5.  用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。                                 

    sun;  brush;  wish;  across from;  another

    1. (1) The hospital is the bank. You can't miss it!
    2. (2) Look! It will be a  day tomorrow!
    3. (3) Make a , and it may come true. 
    4. (4) John finished the cake and ordered 
    5. (5) Emily  her teeth before she goes to bed every day. 
  • 6.  阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。(每空一词)

    Kung fu, or wushu in Chinese, is a popular sport in China. Now young people in Malawii are also (跟随) the love for Chinese Kungfu. 

    Malawi is a country in the (南方)of Africa. Many young people there are fans of kung fu. Meddington Msiska and Promise Symon are two of them. 

    Msiska (开始) learning kung fu in 2012 and was a member of the wushu team at the Blanty re Sports Club. Now he is teaching local people how to do kung fu in the club. He likes kung fu because he thinks it is an (极好的) sport and it's good for people's health. And his (梦想) is to show his talent for kung fu through competition.

    Symon is also a member of the club and he joined it five year (以前). "Most people may think that when we practice kung fu, we may (或者) fight with others or make problems. But no, that's not true. Kung fu is just (像)any other sport," he said.

     (四) young Malawians even made a kung fu movie named The Town Monger in 2017. The movie got really popular when it first came out. It helped(大量)of people fall in love with kung fu. 

  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    In many people's eyes. Elijah Enwerem is different. He comes from England. The boy has white hair his skin(皮肤) is white too, because he has albinism, a special illness (疾病).

    Because of this (boy) hair and skin, people often look at him in surprise. At first, this made him very unhappy. He often asked his mother  he looked different from other children. (lucky), being a model(模特) really helped him. 

    One day, Elijah's mother (put) some of his photos online. One man saw them and thought the photos were special and Elijah could be a model. She thought Elijah would be (interest) in being a model. So she let her son have a try. It took Elijah a long time (practice) and he made it. And it really helped.

    These days, Elijah does very well as a model. He wants to show himself  front of others. He also (help)people with albinism and lets the world know more about the illness. 

    Now Elijah thought being different is  great thing. After all, everyone is special. 

  • 8.  阅读 ,从方框中所给的 A~D四个选项中选择正确的小标题,并将其序号填入小题,使短文意思连贯。

    When you come to a new place, it's easy to get lost. Don't be afraid. There are many things you can do to find your way.


    You don't need to buy a map in the store. You can have one on your phone, like Baidu Map or Gao de Map. It's easy to use it.


    You can always find police me n in the street. Ask them for help. They can give you a helping hand. 


    Your phone helps you again. With apps like DiDi or DiDa, you can call a car quickly. And the cars are usually tidy and nice. 


    Taxi drivers know the place well. They can drive you to the place you want to. So remember to take some money with you. Sometimes your phone can be dead. 


    A. Take a taxi  B. Have a map  C. Ask the police for help   D. Use car-hailing apps(打车软件). 

    What can you do if you get lost in a new city?

  • 9. 近期,学校在开展主题为"Stars of the Term"的评选活动。请你根据下表信息写一封英语自荐信,并在校广播台作交流。                                                                                




    a round face

    ●be friendly


    ●tell English stories


    注意:1. 自荐信必须包括表格内的所有信息,可适当增加细节:2. 词数:50~70词左右:3. 自荐信的首句及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    参考词汇:personality 个性 abilities 能力

    Hello, everyone. I'm Lucy. I'm happy to be in "Stars of the Term" in our school.

    That's all. Thanks for listening!

