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更新时间:2023-10-18 浏览次数:61 类型:期中考试
  • 1. (2022七上·江都月考) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Here are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live in them. In the early 1990s, about fifty percent of the Americans own their homes and the rest rent their homes. The rented homes are usually apartments.

    74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 26% live in the country. Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US. About half that number have cats.

    Families in the USA are becoming smaller. On the average, 2.64 people lived in a home in early 1990s. In 1960, the average was 3.5.

    Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms.

    An American moves, on the average, twelve times in his or her life. In Japan a person moves about five times, and in England a person eight times.

    1. (1) According to the passage, where do most American live?
      A . In the cities. B . Around the cities. C . In the country. D . Both A and B.
    2. (2) How many American families own a cat?
      A . 40% B . 26% C . 74% D . 20%
    3. (3) Do all the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms?
      A . Yes, they do. B . No. Half of them do. C . No. 5% of them do. D . I don't know.
    4. (4) The passage is about _______.
      A . people and homes in the United States B . dogs and cats in American homes C . teenagers' bedrooms D . moving house
  • 2. (2023七下·榆树月考)  阅读理解

    Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Mr. Sanders, started this restaurant. At that time, he had a small gas station next to a highway(公路 ). Many drivers stopped there to get gas and take a rest. Mr. Sanders got to know they were often hungry, so he began selling sandwiches and coffee. Because the sandwiches tasted good and didn't cost too much. More and more drivers came to eat at his place. Then Mr. Sanders began to sell fried chicken. People liked it very much, and his new business grew rapidly(快速地). 

    However(然而), not long after, there was another highway, and many drivers no longer(不再)went to Mr. Sanders' restaurant. So he had to close it. Then he traveled around the country. He tried to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He succeeded(成功). By 1967, there were almost 5, 000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, wherever(无论哪里)you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I'm sure you'll enjoy eating in Kentucky Fried Chicken. 

    1. (1) The underlined word "gas" in the passage means " ____" in Chinese. 
      A . B . 汽油 C .
    2. (2) According to the passage, ____is the correct order. 

      a. Mr. Sanders started to sell fried chicken. 

      b. Many drivers came to eat at Mr. Sanders' place. 

      c. Mr. Sanders' business grew(发展)quickly. 

      d. Mr. Sanders sold sandwiches and coffee at his gas station. 

      A . d﹣b﹣a﹣c B . d﹣a﹣b﹣c C . d﹣b﹣c﹣a
    3. (3) Many drivers no longer went to Mr. Sanders' restaurant, because ____. 
      A . his fried chicken tasted bad B . there was another highway C . there was another restaurant selling fried chicken
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Mr. Sanders traveled around the world and tired to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. B . Mr. Sanders started all the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. C . By 1967, there were more than 5, 000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants.
    5. (5) The passage mainly talks about ____. 
      A . the Kentucky Fried Chicken is very famous B . people like eating chicken in Kentucky Fried Chicken C . the origin(由来)of Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • 3. (2021·宁波模拟) 阅读理解

    How do you get from here to there?Like most people, you probably drive cars or take buses. The engines of most of the cars burn gasoline(汽油). To save gasoline, as well as to reduce air pollution, some car companies have begun to produce hybrid cars, which run both on gasoline and electricity.

    Hybrid cars are different from traditional cars. Traditional cars have large engines to deal with driving uphill and accelerate(加速), while hybrid cars have a small standard engine and a battery electric motor to provide electric power. Another difference is the braking(刹车)system. The electric motor is used to slow down the car instead of traditional brakes. When the car brakes, the motor produces electricity energy which is stored in the battery by itself. In traditional cars, the energy is wasted when braking. Also, in hybrid cars, the gasoline engine turns itself off when not needed. For example, when the car stops at a traffic light, the gasoline engine stops. It restarts when the driver steps on the gas pedal. (1) Hybrid cars consume less gas per mile and release less pollution than cars run on gasoline alone. (2) In general, hybrid cars have less power for climbing hills and less acceleration than cars with large engines. (3) In addition, the large batteries could be an environmental problem if they end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋地). (4) In this way, drivers must make careful decisions in buying any car.

    1. (1) Hybrid cars are cars that run on ________.
      A . gasoline and solar energy B . electricity and gasoline C . solar energy and electricity D . wind energy and electricity
    2. (2) Hybrid cars consumes less energy than traditional cars because hybrid cars ________.
      A . have large engine to speed up the car B . have traditional brakes to slow down the car C . have no energy wasting when stopping the car D . have electric power when restarting the car
    3. (3) Where can we best put "However, there are still some downsides in hybrid cars. " in Para. 3?
      A . (1) B . (2) C . (3) D . (4)
    4. (4) What's the author's attitude(态度)towards hybrid cars?
      A . Neutral(中立的). B . Supportive. C . Doubtful. D . Unclear.
  • 4. (2023七下·菏泽月考) 阅读理解

    Players Wanted Can you play basketball? Can you play ping-pong or soccer? Can you swim very well? If so, you are welcome to join our school sports club. Please call Victor at 886-3543 or send an e-mail to sports@163. com.

    Dancers Wanted Can you dance? Do you like children? Can you help them with dancing on weekends? Come and join us. Call Tom at 385-4922 for more| information.

    Chess Club Do you like playing chess? Mr. Wang can teach you. He gives lessons here every Friday afternoon.

    Tel: Call Bill at 835-8939

    Add(地址): Room 100

    Let's Learn English Can you speak English? Do you want to learn English? Join the English club now.

    Time: 2:00p. m. —5:00 p. m. : Every weekday(工作日)afternoon

    Call Mary at 625-3928.

    1. (1) Lily can___________ to join a sports club.
      A . cll385-4922 B . call 835-8939 C . send an e-mail to sports@163. com D . call Mary at 625-3928
    2. (2) Lucy can dance well. She wants to find a job, she can call___________.
      A . Victor. B . Tom. C . Mary. D . Mr. Wang.
    3. (3) What subject does Mr. Wang teach?
      A . Chess. B . English. C . Basketball. D . Soccer.
    4. (4) Alice wants to learn English. When should she go to the club?
      A . Every Saturday afternoon. B . Every Sunday afternoon. C . Every Monday to Friday afternoon. D . Every Monday morning.
    5. (5) Betty calls 625-3928 to___________.
      A . join the English club B . learn chess C . teach music D . learn soccer
  • 5. (2023·南山模拟) 下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个不同主题的活动,请根据下列五人的特点选择最适合他们的活动。

    A. Elegant items

    "A Special Exhibition of Ming and Qing Studies and Study Accessories," running through March 5, showcases(陈列)elegant stationeries in traditional Chinese study rooms in Longhua.

    B. Celebrate More!

    Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, who has created playful urban installations(装置)like "Rubber Duck" and "Hippopo Thames," has brought new giant "toys" to the "Celebrate More!" exhibition through March 26.

    C. "2050 Your Planet Needs You"

    Presented by the London Science Museum, it is a digital and interactive exhibition(数字互动展)that gives you a glimpse into the world of the year 2050 and looks at how humans will survive on a changing planet.

    D. Ukulele concerts

    Shenzhen Concert Hall will hold three free concerts this month. Entry(入场券)is free and no sign-up is necessary. On April 27, ukulele players from Shenzhen, Macao and Hong Kong will perform pieces from beloved songs like "You Raise Me Up" and "In Another Life. "

    E. Treasure Hunt

    Come to Shekou for a treasure hunt this weekend as the Shenzhen stop of NEED! Whether you are looking for new and ancient jewelry, enjoy some electronic music performances or make some new friends, this is a get-together you shouldn't miss.

    F. Enjoy the nature

    Guiwan Park in Qianhai has always been a popular spot for Shenzheners to escape the concrete(水泥)jungle and reconnect with nature. Now this belt-shaped park has added three bridge.

    1. (1) Sherry is very social and curious. These days she becomes interested in antiques and electronicmusic.
    2. (2) Tony can play some musical instruments including flute and ukulele. He always attends some free concerts in the city.
    3. (3) Rebecca shows great interest in Chinese history and plans to start with calligraphy.
    4. (4) Pett is a busy clerk in a company. He spends most of his weekends in nature and hiking.
    5. (5) Amber is an art student in a design school. She is interested in designing and making installations.
  • 6. 完形填空

    Kelly's PE Class

        Kelly loved school, especially PE class. She was a very good student and enjoyed reading and math. But Kelly had a 1 time in PE class. She could not run really fast and she was not good at jumping. Sometimes, the other kids in her PE class gave her a hard time and made fun of her. So why would Kelly love PE class?

        The reason Kelly enjoyed going to PE class was that Mr. Burns, her teacher, always told her to do her best. Even if she only ran for a few 2, Mr. Burns said, "Good job. Next time, you will be able to go little longer." Mr. Burns even put small box on the gym floor so Kelly could practice jumping over it. "Great job, Kelly! ""You get better every day!"

        That night when Kelly finished dinner she began practicing 3 over boxes. She could jump over three boxes! The next day Kelly did jump over three boxes in class. The other kids started to 4 how well Kelly was doing and said to her, "Good job!"

        It was Tuesday and time for the weekly relay race in PE class. Kelly was 5 that she would not be able to go very far, or some kids would laugh at her. But, when Mr. Burns said, "Ready, go," Kelly thought, I can do it, I can do it. As Kelly ran around the track, she found herself moving 6 into first place! Suddenly, she heard many cheers and kids yelling, "Go Kelly! You can do it!" That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran as fast as she could, and headed for the finishing line. She made it! Kelly finished first! The kids clapped and cheered for her. Kelly felt so good and 7 of herself. "Thank you, Mr. Burns," said Kelly. "Kelly, you ran the race, not me." "Yes, but you always said I could 8 it.

        After that day, Kelly tried her hardest at everything, and the kids no longer made fun of her. In fact, when the kids needed someone on their team for running, Kelly was the first person they picked! Thanks to Mr. Burns, Kelly had the confidence she needed to do anything!

    A . lazy B . relaxing C . hard D . good
    A . minutes B . hours C . days D . months
    A . flying B . jumping C . walking D . playing
    A . see B . enjoy C . show D . hear
    A . angry B . worried C . glad D . surprised
    A . higher B . lower C . farther D . closer\
    A . smart B . trusty C . proud D . lucky
    A . serve B . find C . believe D . do
  • 12. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The summer vacation is over. It is (true) that time flies. In the vacation, the weather was very hot, but I enjoyed (me). I did my homework in the morning. I got up at 6:30 a. m. and took a walk in the garden half an hour. After breakfast I (begin) reading English and Chinese and did some math exercises. It (usual) took me three hours or more. I worked quite  (hardly) and I made great progress(进步).

    l spent whole afternoon outside. I went (swim) and it was fun. I would not go home it was about five or six o'clock. Sometimes my friends came to see me and we listened to music together. During the vacation, I was in good (healthy) and high spirits(精神).

  • 23. 新的一年马上就要到了,李华计划在新的一年中有新的气象。请根据表格中的信息,以第一人称的形式说说李华的新年计划,并谈谈为什么制定这样的计划以及如何实施。




    New Year's resolutions



    Take up a new hobby

    Get a lot of exercise

    Improve English


    New Year is coming, so I am going to make some New Year's resolutions.

