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更新时间:2023-11-20 浏览次数:35 类型:开学考试
一、第一部分,听力,第一节,听下面5段对话 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)
  • 1. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  What will the man do?
    Hello, could I speak to Craig Robinson, please?<br />Mr. Robinson's in a meeting right now.<br />Can I put you through to his voicemail?<br />No, thanks. I'll try back later.
    A . Send an email. B . Call back later. C . Leave a message.
  • 2. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  When does the woman like to climb the hill?
    I've hiked up this hill twice this year already, and it was hot in the spring and the summer.<br />Yeah, so I prefer to climb it in the winter. We'll be prepared for the cold.
    A . In the winter. B . In the spring. C . In the summer.
  • 3. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  What is the man doing?
    Why are you doing those funny stomach movements?<br />This is my new exercise program.<br />I'm trying to make my stomach stronger and prevent back pain.<br />Great. When you're finished, maybe you'd like to do some exercises with me.
    A . Doing back movements. B . Doing exercises for his stomach. C . Watching the new exercise program.
  • 4. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  What is the conversation mainly about?
    Pens, paper, an old notebook from last year. Do you ever clean out your book bag, Peter?<br />Uh, not much. I guess that's why it's so heavy.
    A . Cleaning the room. B . Buying school supplies. C . Clearing up a school bag.
  • 5. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  What does the woman suggest the man do?
    Hi, Jackie. You don't look very well. What's going on?<br />I am working part-time, so I find it's quite difficult to keep up with the class.<br />The best thing to do is study as much as you can. I'm sure you'll do all right.
    A . Study hard. B . See a doctor. C . Find a part-time job.
  • 6. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    Hey, Francis. I heard you played your first concert last night. How was it?<br />It was okay. The audience liked it, but we had a problem.<br />Really? What happened?<br />Well, as I was singing the fourth song, all the light suddenly went out.<br />Oh no! What did you do?<br />The audience sat in the dark and I continued singing.<br />Wow! Well done. That was pretty cool of you.<br />Hey Francis, this also was a nice piece.<br />I какой. Hey, Francis. I heard you played your first concert last night. How was it?<br />It was okay. The audience liked it, but we had a problem.<br />Really? What happened?<br />Well, as I was singing the fourth song, all the light suddenly went Peak pink.<br />went out. Oh no, what did you do? The audience sat in the dark and I continued singing. Wow,<br />well done. That was pretty cool of you. By the way, are you still writing songs? Yes,<br />and I'm also teaching myself to dance.
    1. (1) Who is the woman?
      A . A writer. B . A singer. C . A teacher.
    2. (2) What happened during the concert?
      A . The audience shouted loudly. B . The performance was stopped. C . All the lights went out suddenly.
  • 7. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    It seems that there is something wrong with my computer now.<br />What's the trouble with it?<br />It runs very slow. Whenever I type, it takes a long time before the words can come out on the screen.<br />Maybe your system has a problem.<br />How should I deal with it?<br />You have no choice but to fix a new system.<br />Could you help me do that?<br />I'd like to, but I'm not available now.<br />How about tomorrow morning?<br />I'm afraid not. I will have a meeting then. How about tomorrow afternoon?<br />Alright, give me a ring when you come to my office.<br />It seems that there is something wrong with my computer now.<br />What's the trouble with it?<br />It runs very slow. Whenever I type, it takes a long time before the words can come out on the screen.<br />Maybe your system has a problem.<br />How should I deal with it?<br />You have no choice but to fix a new system.<br />Could you help me do that?<br />I'd like to, but I'm not available now.<br />How about tomorrow morning?<br />I'm afraid not. I will have a meeting then. How about tomorrow afternoon?<br />Alright, give me a ring when you come to my office.
    1. (1) What's wrong with the woman's computer?
      A . It runs too slow. B . It has a broken screen. C . It can't be used to type at all.
    2. (2) What will the man do tomorrow morning?
      A . Have a meeting. B . Fix the computer. C . Buy a ring for the woman.
  • 8. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Welcome to England. I'm Helen, Mr. Green's secretary. My boss<br />is in a meeting now, so he asked me to show you around the factory first.<br />Okay.<br />Now, this is our office block. All the departments are here. Sales, accounts, human resources,<br />market research, and so on.<br />What's that building across from us?<br />That's the storehouse. It's for storing larger pieces of medical equipment. And here is our new<br />production equipment. It was completed two months ago, and it has left us being able to double our<br />output.<br />I see. If I order X-ray equipment today, how long will I have to wait for it to reach Scotland?<br />Half a month, Mr. Smith.<br />Sounds good.<br />Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Welcome to England. I'm Helen, Mr. Green's secretary. My boss is<br />in a meeting now, so he asked me to show you around the factory first.<br />Okay.<br />Now, this is our office block. All the departments are here. Sales, accounts, human resources,<br />market research, and so on.<br />What's that building across from us?<br />That's the storehouse. It's for storing larger pieces of medical equipment. And here is our new<br />production equipment. It was completed two months ago, and it has left us being able to double our<br />output.<br />I see. If I order X-ray equipment today, how long will I have to wait for it to reach Scotland?<br />Half a month, Mr. Smith.<br />Sounds good.
    1. (1) Who is in a meeting now?
      A . Helen. B . Mr. Smith. C . Mr. Green.
    2. (2) What is the building across from the speakers?
      A . The office block. B . The storehouse. C . The production area.
    3. (3) When was the new production equipment completed?
      A . Two months ago. B . One month ago. C . Half a month ago.
  • 9. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    In the studio today we have Jonas, a student from Washington, DC.<br />He's just won an award by writing an article about the famous singer, Madonna, for his college newspaper.<br />Jonas, welcome. I believe Madonna herself called you to congratulate you.<br />Well, it's true that I got a letter from her PR company, but I haven't spoken to her myself.<br />So she was born in Detroit in 1958. What about her family?<br />Well, let's see now. Her father was an engineer. I think life was quite a battle for her.<br />You see, she was quite young when her mother died of cancer. Anyway, she took ballet, singing and piano lessons, and got a scholarship to the University of Michigan.<br />A scholarship? She must have been quite good.<br />Well, I think on the whole she did well. Anyway, it wasn't enough for her, and she dropped out of college in 1978 and went to New York to find fortune.<br />Oh, right. Okay, now tell us how her career took off.<br />In the studio today we have Jonas, a student from Washington, DC.<br />He's just won an award by writing an article about the famous singer, Madonna, for his college newspaper.<br />Jonas, welcome. I believe Madonna herself called you to congratulate you.<br />Well, it's true that I got a letter from her PR company, but I haven't spoken to her myself.<br />So she was born in Detroit in 1958. What about her family?<br />Well, let's see now. Her father was an engineer. I think life was quite a battle for her.<br />You see, she was quite young when her mother died of cancer. Anyway, she took ballet, singing and piano lessons, and got a scholarship to the University of Michigan.<br />A scholarship? She must have been quite good.<br />Well, I think on the whole she did well. Anyway, it wasn't enough for her, and she dropped out of college in 1978 and went to New York to find fortune.<br />Oh, right. Okay, now tell us how her career took off.
    1. (1) Who wrote to congratulate Jonas?
      A . Madonna. B . His college teacher. C . Madonna's PR company.
    2. (2) Where was Madonna born?
      A . In WashingtonD.C.             B . In New York. C . In Detroit.
    3. (3) What do we know about Madonna's mother?
      A . She died of disease. B . She was an engineer. C . She taught piano lessons.
    4. (4) What happened to Madonna in 1978?
      A . She left college. B . She got a scholarship. C . She had a successful career.
  • 10. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    Thank you for having me, Foothill High School. I'd like to talk to you about using cell phones<br />while driving. This is an important issue for you students to learn about. Most drivers<br />today are young teenagers and adults who don't have much driving experience. Many car accidents<br />are caused by drivers using their cell phones. Police have been creating new laws to help.<br />If you are seen sending messages with your phone while driving, you can be pulled over<br />and fined. These punishments exist because this issue is more serious than people think.<br />In our home state of California, we are working on improving our driving laws. In 2015, there<br />were 350 car crashes that killed at least one person due to the misuse of cell phones.<br />States such as New York and Massachusetts have not done enough to solve the problem.<br />Last year, the well-known story of Joey Banks got the whole country's attention. The teenager<br />hit a parked car while at a stoplight, injuring the family of four that was in the car and<br />putting himself in serious condition. Everyone is getting better though. Let's all learn<br />from Joey Banks' story. Thank you for having me, Foothill High School. I'd like to talk<br />to you about using cell phones while driving. This is an important issue for you students<br />to learn about. Most drivers today are young teenagers and adults who don't have much<br />driving experience. Many car accidents are caused by drivers using their cell phones.<br />Police have been creating new laws to help. If you are seen sending messages with your<br />phone while driving, you can be pulled over and fined. These punishments exist because<br />this issue is more serious than people think. In our home state of California, we are working<br />on improving our driving laws. In 2015, there were 350 car crashes that killed at least one<br />person due to the misuse of cell phones. States such as New York and Massachusetts have not<br />done enough to solve the problem. Last year, the well-known story of Joey Banks got the<br />whole country's attention. The teenager hit a parked car while at a stoplight, injuring<br />the family of four that was in the car and putting himself in serious condition.<br />Everyone is getting better, though. Let's all learn from Joey Banks' story.
    1. (1) Who is the audience for this speech? 
      A . Adults in the workplace. B . Kindergarten students. C . High school students.
    2. (2) According to the speech, what are most drivers today like?
      A . Careful. B . Young. C . Experienced.
    3. (3) Which state is improving the driving laws?
      A . New York. B . California. C . Massachusetts.
    4. (4) Who is Joey Banks?
      A . A well-known storyteller. B . The person giving the speech. C . A teenager who got in an accident.
  • 11. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读理解

    As an old saying in China goes, "The days of the Sanjiu period are the coldest days." "Sanjiu period" , which is in Minor Cold, refers to the third nine-day period (the l9th to the 27th day) after the day of the Winter Solstice(冬至). There are many different customs related to Minor Cold in China.

    Eating hotpot

    During Minor Cold people should eat some hot food to benefit the body and defend against the cold weather. Winter is the best time to have hotpot and braised mutton with soy sauce. But it is important to notice that too much spicy food may cause health problems.

    Eating huangyacai

    In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai, a kind of Chinese cabbage, during Minor Cold. There are large amounts of vitamins A and B in huangyacai. As huangyacai is fresh and tender, it is fit for frying, roasting and braising.

    Eating glutinous rice (糯米饭)

    According to tradition, the Cantonese eat glutinous rice in the morning during Minor Cold. Cantonese people add some fried preserved pork, sausages and peanuts and mix them into the rice.

    Eating vegetable rice

    In ancient times, people in Nanjing took Minor Cold quite seriously, but as time went by, the celebration of Minor Cold gradually disappeared. However, the custom of eating vegetable rice is still followed today. The rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. Among the ingredients (原料), aijiaohuang (a kind of green vegetable), sausages and salted duck are the specialties in Nanjing.

    1. (1) What do we know about Minor Cold?
      A . It refers to the Winter Solstice. B . The Sanjiu period is in this period. C . It lasts twenty-seven days. D . It marks the first day of winter.
    2. (2) How do the Cantonese eat glutinous rice?
      A . They fry and toast it. B . They eat it for dinner. C . They mix it with many other things. D . They steam it with soy sauce.
    3. (3) This text may be taken from the ____ column (栏目) of a newspaper.
      A . travel B . culture C . fashion D . science
  • 12. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读理解

    When I was in middle school, I was on a family vacation in Washington DC. I found there was a homeless man down the street.

    On our final day in the city, when my parents went for an evening walk, I went out of our hotel room and ran down the street to the homeless man.

    He looked at me, surely not expecting anything from a middle school girl. I asked him what he wanted to have for dinner. He replied "Bread and water". I ran into the store and bought a big bag of bread and a bottle of water. I ran back with a smile on my face and handed the bag and the bottle to him. His smile has been in my mind ever since.

    I came back to the hotel room and when my parents returned, my dad told me he had a story for me. He asked if I remembered the homeless man down the street from our hotel and I shyly nodded. He then told me a story. As they were returning from their walk, they saw the homeless man was sharing a bag full of food with other homeless people around. They were all smiling and laughing as they ate.

    I smiled at my dad but I have never told him to this day the other half of the story. Till today, I still haven't forgotten that man's smile but I wish I had the courage to do this more often. One small kind action can begin a ripple effect(连锁反应)of kindness. So please,share a smile and do something kind for the people in need.

    1. (1) Why did the author go to Washington DC?
      A . To visit her parents. B . To go on a vacation. C . To do some shopping. D . To meet with friends.
    2. (2) When the author went to see the homeless man, her parents ____
      A . were having a walk B . were staying in the hotel C . had gone back home D . were in a food store
    3. (3) It can be inferred from the passage that____
      A . homeless men usually live a happy life B . the author's father was proud of her C . the author kept a secret to her parents D . the author was paid back by the homeless man
    4. (4) The story inspires the readers to ____
      A . help those in need B . seek for their dreams C . value what they have D . face difficulties bravely
  • 13. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读理解

    In 1969, watching the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon on TV from his parents' farm in Canada, Chris Hadfield was amazed and excited. On that day, at only nine years old, Chris made the most important decision of his life: He was going to be an astronaut.

    There wasn't even a training program in Canada to become an astronaut; but Chris was determined. He spent a great deal of time studying and fixing engines. After school he joined the Canadian army where he learned to fly many different types of planes. Chris did a lot of research for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States and had special training. Finally, in 1995, he rode his first rocket into space.

    Chris became the first Canadian astronaut to walk in space, and went on a number of space missions throughout his career. The most memorable was his five-month stay on the International Space Station (ISS) as commander, between December 2012 and May 2013. He posted on social media thousands of photos of Earth and videos of himself explaining how things work in zero gravity. His followers could watch him sleeping, brushing his teeth, washing his hands, or preparing "space" snacks in zero gravity, which turned him into a social media phenomenon.

    Today, Chris travels the world giving talks about his work. He once said, "Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you'd be, but you will be doing things that suit you in a profession you believe in. Don't let life randomly kick you into the adult you don't want to become.

    1. (1) What led Chris to make up his mind to be an astronaut?
      A . The life on his parents' farm. B . His ability to fly various planes. C . Apollo 11's landing on the Moon. D . His passion for studying engines.
    2. (2) Which of the following was best worth remembering about Chris' career?
      A . Serving in the Canadian army. B . Working as commander on the ISS. C . Receiving a lot of training from the NASA.         D . Being the first Canadian astronaut to walk in space.
    3. (3) What made Chris popular in the media?
      A . The space tasks he conducted in his life. B . The pictures and videos he posted online. C . His strong determination to pursue his dream. D . His great contributions to Canada's space industry.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Chris' words in the last paragraph?
      A . Courage is what it takes to overcome difficulties. B . Opportunities go hand in hand with challenges. C . From small beginnings come great endings. D . The secret of success lies in the firm aim.
  • 14. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读理解

    Press your fingers into the back of your head, just above your neck. If you feel a small bony bump (突起), you may find evidence of human evolution (进化): it could be your body responding to common smartphone use in the 21st century.

    According to a recent study, published in Scientific Reports, more young people have bony bumps at the base of their skulls, right above the neck. Medical professionals call them enlarged external occipital protuberances (EEOPs, 枕外隆突).

    Australian health scientist David Shahar, the author of the study, told the BBC that he's seen more and more patients with EEOPs over the past ten years. Together with other researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, they examined 1,200 skull x-rays from people aged 18–30. They also measured the bumps and noted each person's posture. They found that one in four people had developed these growths. This led to their theory that smartphones are the cause.

    According to their research, looking down at our phones adds stress onto the top of our spines (脊柱). To prevent damage to our spines, Shahar believes our bodies add fresh bony bump to help reduce the extra stress.

    Most of the EEOPs measured just a few millimeters. However, several subjects were found with EEOPs as large as 30 mm.

    In his report, Shahar said the results "highlighted the need" for prevention. In other words, we need to change our posture while using our phones.

    Many people assume our bones are solid and unmoving once we reach adulthood. In reality, they are alive and covered with blood vessels (血管), which allows them to develop in unique ways for each person.

    Aside from EEOPs, other noticeable recent changes in human bodies include shrinking jaws, narrower elbows and generally smaller skeletons. The human body is adapting to modern life, so who knows what people in the future might look like?

    1. (1) What did the recent study find about EEOPs?
      A . They grow on one's neck. B . They can lead to many health problems. C . They may stop growing when you reach 30. D . They occur among more and more young people.
    2. (2) What is the main cause of EEOPs according to the researchers?
      A . Extra stress. B . Aging bones. C . Gene problems. D . Smartphone use.
    3. (3) Which of the following would Shahar probably agree with?
      A . EEOPs are actually beneficial to our spines. B . EEOPs increase the stress on our spines. C . Young people's bones adapt in similar ways. D . Young people should exercise to improve their posture.
    4. (4) What's the writing purpose of the text?
      A . To persuade readers to protect their spines. B . To show some recent changes in human bodies. C . To explain why human bodies develop EEOPs. D . To recommend some healthy habits of using phones.
  • 15. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact.

    When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. One of them exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or a motor car all day.

    If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, or that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much his own fault as if it was his arms or legs that were weak.  But all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means — practice.

    Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? It's because those who cannot read or write have to remember things. They cannot write them down in a little notebook and they have to remember dates, time and prices, names, songs and stories, so their memory is being exercised the whole time .

    A.Why is this?

    B.What do you think of it?

    C.Someone else says that he is poor in health.

    D.The position is exactly the same as that of two people.

    E.So if you want a good memory, practice remembering.

    F.Not all of us can become extremely strong or extremely clever.

    G.Yet many people do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way.

  • 16. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My parents announced I was getting my own room. I was so excited. 1 , my new bedroom was down in the dark basement, and basements are scary places when you're only five years old. So I was a little 2 until I knew my grandmother would live next to me. She 3 completely and offered to let me sleep with her.

    It worked out well for both of us for a while. I could even 4 that her snoring (打鼾) was lovely. But soon my parents 5 , and they were not happy. They wanted me to learn to 6 by myself. Of course, I screamed and threw temper tantrums (使性子). It didn't 7 . At last, I went back to my own room. However, I was fearful. So when I 8 my parents had fallen asleep, I got up and walked as quietly as I could into Grandma's bedroom.

    In the morning, Grandma shook me awake and said 9  that I needed to get back to my room before my parents got up. I ran back to my room just in time as I heard 10  upstairs. My wonderful grandmother 11  me while we lived there. She 12  to patiently wake me up every morning to go back to my own bed. Because of her, I never had to sleep by myself.

    A year later, we moved to a different house. My mom told me that I would 13 a room with my grandmother. I was 14 ! Mom said I didn't have to go to sleep 15 with Grandma anymore.

    A .  Obviously B .  Unfortunately C .  Basically D .  Thankfully
    A .  puzzled B .  curious C .  worried D .  ashamed
    A .  refused B .  understood C .  agreed D .  hesitated
    A .  suspect B .  explain C .  consider D .  forget
    A .  gave up B .  kept away C .  broke down D .  found out
    A .  play B .  exercise C .  live D .  sleep
    A .  work B .  end C .  pass D .  matter
    A .  confirmed B .  declared C .  admitted D .  remembered
    A .  confidently B .  regretfully C .  softly D .  repeatedly
    A .  operation B .  movement C .  argument D .  situation
    A .  saved B .  appreciated C .  adopted D .  challenged
    A .  continued B .  promised C .  longed D .  pretended
    A .  decorate B .  match C .  share D .  reserve
    A .  calm B .  embarrassed C .  disappointed D .  overjoyed
    A .  specially B .  flexibly C .  fearfully D .  secretly
  • 17. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    It is (advice) to remember that journalists may have different priorities,would influence how they report an event. Let's take the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire an example. We can see that the first news report pays more attention to the rescue efforts,the second talks more about deaths and injuries. When we read more than one report, we come to understand an event in a (comprehensive) way.

    Even if news reports are written from basically the same perspective, they may contradict each other in terms of factual details, as events in the real world are usually complicated and constant) changing. When we come across fact) differences, we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information., check when the reports were written. News reports written at different stages of an event could contain different information as new facts are brought to light. Another aspect worth) of mention is that journalists may approach information they get from research or interviews differently. Suppose emergency services' estimates of the number of deaths vary between 5 and 9, journalists may choose to present the minimum, the maximum or something in between in their news reports. Therefore,check) different sources enables us to draw a more informed conclusion.

  • 18. (2023高二上·苏州开学考) 假如你是李华,你所在的城市要举行运动会,组委会现征集志愿者。请给组委会负责人王先生写一封信,申请成为一名志愿者。要点如下:1.个人情况;2.为什么申请当志愿者;3.你将如何当好这个志愿者。


    Dear Mr.Wang,


    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Li Hua

  • 19. (2023高二上·苏州开学考)  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I'd had a rather stressful day at work. It didn't help that I'd also had another argument with my teenaged daughter that morning. By the time I arrived home, I eagerly anticipated(期盼)getting my evening walk to clear my mind. It was getting cloudier and I could tell that rain was coming. No problem. I would be home long before the liquid sunshine fell.

    The intense walk worked off much of my energy. I slowed my pace, but a quick glance down shocked me. The cutest Jack Russell Terrier had appeared out of nowhere and was keeping pace beside me. I knelt to pet her, delighted to discover that her ears were so soft that she reminded me of my childhood dog. She had the same coloring as Lucky — white with a large black spot on her back and side, brown face, and white nose.

    "Where did you come from, little one?" She was not wearing a collar or identification tags. I remembered seeing a Terrier when I drove into the neighborhood a few hours earlier. It had darted(突然行进)into the street in front of my car, but I had assumed she lived in the area. She must be the same dog.

    I continued my walk, thinking she would find her way home on her own. The little stray continued to keep pace, walking next to me as if we were age-old companions. When I looked around, I was not surprised that, other than the dog, I was alone on this dreary(沉闷的)night. The sky had already darkened. I was worried. If I left her out there, she might be hit by a car. I wondered if I should just take her home.

    The timing was ironic(讽刺的). My sixteen-year-old daughter, Megan, wanted another pet. Our family dog, Daisy, had slowed considerably in her old age, and Megan hoped we would adopt a younger, livelier dog. We had resisted her requests, since she would be leaving for college in a couple of years. Besides, Megan and I had not exactly seen eye-to-eye earlier that day. I didn't want it to seem as if I was rewarding her after yet another argument.

    The heavens opening and rain pouring, I made my decision.


    The neighbor offered to give me a spare leash遛狗绳, and I accepted gratefully.

