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更新时间:2024-02-26 浏览次数:31 类型:月考试卷
一、第一部分 听力,第一节听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 1.  Where are they going on vacation?
    John, where would we go for our vacation in July?<br />Let me see.<br />We visited London last year.<br />What about going to Shanghai this time?<br />Sounds great!
    A . To London. B . To New York. C . To Shanghai.
  • 2.  What kind of movie will they probably watch?
    Would you like to go to the movies with me, Scott?<br />An action movie is on.<br />It is exciting.<br />Well, I don't like action movies.<br />They are boring for me.<br />How about watching a comedy or a cartoon movie?<br />I think a comedy will be better.<br />It always makes people laugh.
    A . An action movie. B . A comedy. C . A carto on movie.
  • 3.  What will Sam do on Saturday?
    Hi, Sam. I plan to have a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?<br />I'm sorry, Tina. My friend is coming to visit me.<br />Then bring your friend along.<br />Okay.
    A . Go to the party. B . Buy a birthday gift. C . Visit a new friend.
  • 4.  What does Nina think robots will be like?
    Robots can talk with humans now.<br />That's right, Nina.<br />Do you think they will be as smart as humans?<br />Yes, but they will never be as creative as humans.
    A . Creative. B . Hard-working. C . Smart.
  • 5.  What will they do tomorrow?
    Can Peter come to the housewarming party tonight?<br />I'm afraid he can't.<br />He caught the flu when he played football yesterday, and now he is still not feeling<br />well.<br />I'm sorry to hear that.<br />Let's go and visit him tomorrow.
    A . Go and visit Peter. B . Invite Peter to play football. C . Go to the housewarming party.
  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。
    Excuse me, my family just moved here.<br />I want to visit Fun Times Park with my mother tomorrow.<br />Do you know when it is open on Saturday?<br />Yeah, from 9am to 6pm.<br />Thank you.<br />How much is one ticket?<br />$30, but students can get half-price tickets.<br />Well, I'm a middle school student.<br />How can we get there?<br />You can ride the bike along Hill Street.<br />The park is between Green Restaurant and a post office.<br />Okay, thank you.<br />You're welcome.<br />Excuse me, my family just moved here.<br />I want to visit Fun Times Park with my mother tomorrow.<br />Do you know when it is open on Saturday?<br />Yeah, from 9am to 6pm.<br />Thank you.<br />How much is one ticket?<br />$30, but students can get half-price tickets.<br />Well, I'm a middle school student.<br />How can we get there?<br />You can ride the bike along Hill Street.<br />The park is between Green Restaurant and a post office.<br />Okay, thank you.<br />You're welcome.
    1. (1) What day is it today?
      A . It's Friday. B . It's Saturday. C . It's Sunday.
    2. (2) How much money will the boy and his mother pay for their tickets?
      A . 15 dollars. B . 30 dollars. C . 45 dollars.
    3. (3) Where is the park?
      A . Between two hills. B . Next to Green Restaurant. C . Across from a police station.
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    You look upset, Jane. What happened?<br />I didn't do well in the English exam. If my parents know that, they will be angry.<br />I don't think so. Just tell them the truth. As far as I know, your parents are very understanding.<br />Maybe you are right. Paul, you're good at English. Could you tell me how to improve my English?<br />Sure. I think listening to your teacher carefully in class is the most important thing.<br />I agree. Anything else?<br />You can read some English books to learn more new words.<br />Good idea. And I'm planning to join an English corner to do more practice.<br />Sounds good. I hope you can get a good grade next time.<br />Thanks!<br />You look upset, Jane. What happened?<br />I didn't do well in the English exam. If my parents know that, they will be angry.<br />I don't think so. Just tell them the truth. As far as I know, your parents are very understanding.<br />Maybe you are right. Paul, you're good at English. Could you tell me how to improve my English?<br />Sure. I think listening to your teacher carefully in class is the most important thing.<br />I agree. Anything else?<br />You can read some English books to learn more new words.<br />Good idea. And I'm planning to join an English corner to do more practice.<br />Sounds good. I hope you can get a good grade next time.<br />Thanks!
    1. (1) How is Jane feeling now?
      A . Upset. B . Angry. C . Scared.
    2. (2) What happened to Jane?
      A . She lost her English book. B . She got a bad exam grade. C . She had a fight with her parents.
    3. (3) What is Paul's advice?
      A . Joining an English corner. B . Reading English newspapers. C . Listening to the teacher carefully.
  • 8.  听录音,回答问题。
    Hi, I'm Maria.<br />Next Sunday is Mother's Day.<br />My sisters and I decide to cook for our mother.<br />Kelly will make popcorn for her mother because she likes eating it when watching TV.<br />Cindy decides to cook Russian soup.<br />Last week, she learned to cook the dish by watching an online video.<br />It was very delicious.<br />Anna wants to make sandwiches.<br />She needs bread, eggs, lettuce, one tomato and cheese.<br />What about me?<br />I will cook beef.<br />I learned it from my grandma and it's my mother's favorite.<br />I believe our mother will feel our love.<br />Hi, I'm Maria.<br />Next Sunday is Mother's Day.<br />My sisters and I decide to cook for our mother.<br />Kelly will make popcorn for her mother because she likes eating it when watching TV.<br />Cindy decides to cook Russian soup.<br />Last week, she learned to cook the dish by watching an online video.<br />It was very delicious.<br />Anna wants to make sandwiches.<br />She needs bread, eggs, lettuce, one tomato and cheese.<br />What about me?<br />I will cook beef.<br />I learned it from my grandma and it's my mother's favorite.<br />I believe our mother will feel our love.
    1. (1) What festival is next Sunday?
      A . Teachers'Day. B . Mother's Day. C . Children's Day.
    2. (2) What will Kelly make?
      A . Noodles. B . Cakes. C . Popcorn.
    3. (3) How did the Russian soup taste?
      A . Delicious. B . Terrible. C . Special.
    4. (4) Who taught Maria to cook beef?
      A . Her grandmother. B . Her grandfather. C . Her parents.
  • 9.  阅读理解

    People all over the world eat eggs. Most of the eggs we eat come from hens. Eggs are easy to cook. They can be cooked in lots of ways such as fried or hard-boiled. Eggs can be used with other things to make cakes and ice-cream. 

    The shell protects the egg. Shells can be brown or white. 

    The egg white is mostly water, protein(蛋白质) and some minerals(矿物质). Before it is cooked, the white is not white; itis clear. 

    The yolk has most of the egg's vitamins and minerals. The yolk can be pale yellow to dark orange. The color depends on what the hen eats. 

    The fresh test

    Put your egg in a pan of water and use the guide below to find out how old your egg is. 

    What happens to the egg

    Age of the egg

    Sinks(下沉) to the bottom of the pan and stays there

    Sinks, but floats at an angle

    Sinks, and then stands on end

    Floats on the top or just under the surface

    3-6 days old

    Just over 1 week old

    About 2 weeks old

    Over 2 weeks old

    Eggs last a long time. You can keep them for about four weeks in your fridge. 

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, cakes and ice cream are mentioned to describe ____ 
      A . the birth of chicken B . the difference between them C . the use of eggs D . the way of keeping them
    2. (2) What makes a yolk dark orange?
      A . The hen's food. B . The color of the shell. C . The age of the egg. D . The vitamins in the egg.
    3. (3) What does the table(表格) in the passage show?
      A . How heavy an egg can be. B . How long to cook an egg in a pan. C . How to make an egg sink. D . How to check the age of an egg.
  • 10.  阅读理解

    When you find that you can't make something right, what will you do? You might want to make excuses(借口) like a thing you wanted to do but you didn't do or a job that you didn't finish. 

    But excuses can't make any difference Let me tell you a short story I think it will show you the power(力量) of not making excuses and trying your best. 

    Before I read the story, I saw a picture. In it, a man was wearing different socks and shoes. It wasn't a show. It was the 1912 Olympics(奥运会), and the man was Jim Thorpe. On the morning of his matches(比赛), his shoes were lost. Luckily, he found two shoes in a garbage can(垃圾桶). But one of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear one more sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won gold medals(赢得金牌) that day. 

    So what are you going to do when you meet problems? Try to remember:When meeting any problem, don't let it stop you from running your race. You can get more in life if you don't make any excuses and try your best. 

    1. (1) What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 refer to(指代)?
      A . The picture. B . The excuse. C . The story. D . The show.
    2. (2) What happened(发生) to Jim before his matches?
      A . He lost his shoes. B . He got up late. C . He lost his way. D . He lost his socks.
    3. (3) Why did the writer tell us Jim Thorpe's story?
      A . To tell us an exciting match. B . To ask us not to make excuses but to try our best. C . To ask us to join in the Olympics. D . To ask us to wear our shoes rightly.
    4. (4) What's the writer's advice for us?
      A . Joining in matches as often as possible. B . Spending less money on what you wear. C . Trying your best when meeting problems. D . Learning from stories as much as possible.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    When we feel lonely(孤单的), we can call or video chat(视频聊天) with our friends and family. But what about our pet parrots? Can making video calls to each other help them feel less lonely, too? To find out the answer, some scientists from Northeastern University did a study. 

    The idea for this study came from the fact that parrots are used to(习惯于) living in large groups in the forest. But when they are kept in people's homes as pets, they are often on their own. Lonely parrots are unhappy. They may act strangely, and they often get sick(生病的) easily. 

    "Over 20 million parrots are kept as pets in the US, so it's necessary to help those birds get in touch with other birds, "said Dr. Jennifer Cunha.

    During the first month of the study, scientists taught 18 pet birds how to make video calls. In the next two months, 15 pet birds could make video calls freely. They made 147 video calls to other birds. Surprisingly, they often choose the same parrot"friend"to talk to over and over again. And the parrots making the most calls also got more calls.

    Dr. Jennifer Cunha said, "We saw some great results from the study. Some of the parrots liked to sing and play more after having video calls with each other. Some of them learned new skills(技能)from their online friends, like flying, looking for food and making new sounds. Some even wanted to show their friends their toys. In a word, these birds came to life through the calls. "

    1. (1) Why did scientists do the study?
      A . To help pet parrots get more friends. B . To show what makes pet parrots lonely. C . To see if making video calls is good for parrots. D . To find out if pet parrots are able to make video calls.
    2. (2) What surprised the scientists most according to Paragraph 4?
      A . It was easy to teach parrots to make video calls. B . Parrots made more calls than they had thought. C . All the parrots could make video calls in the end. D . Some parrots made"friends"through the calls.
    3. (3) After making video calls to each other, some parrots ____ 
      A . learned to speak some words B . stopped playing with their toys C . became more active than before D . became famous on the Internet
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The future life of pet parrots. B . Some useful ways to keep pets healthy. C . Making video calls gets more popular with pets. D . Making video calls can help lonely pet parrots.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Du Haotian, a student from Shaanxi Province, becomes popular online because of making guoba, a kind of snack(零食). 

    Usually, people use rice to make guoba. However, Du uses colored potatoes to make it. 

    Villagers in Zhenba County, Shaanxi Province, plant potatoes, but it is hard for them to sell potatoes. Du Haotian, a student of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University(西北农林大学), together with his team, thought of the idea of colored potatoes to help sell the potatoes. 

    After trying and improving(改进) several times, the snack became popular at Du's university. "We made 10, 000 yuan in an hour, "Du said.

    At the end of last year, Du's team opened their own factory in a village to process(加工)colored potatoes and make the snack in the county. At the beginning of this year, the production line(生产线) started. It can produce 5, 000 tons(吨) of potato snacks a year. 

    Du should have graduated(毕业) in June 2020, but he decided to graduate one year later. He said he still needed time to work in the factory. Finally, Du's teacher agreed with him. 

    Once, a villager showed the potato snack to Du, but the village r didn't know who he was. "At that time it warmed my heart, " Du said. Recently, Du's potato snacks joined in a local food game(当地的零食排行榜). His snack reached the top of the list because of the support of many villagers.

    1. (1) Why did Du decide to make guoba?
      A . To follow his dream. B . To help sell potatoes. C . To make much money. D . To join in a game.
    2. (2) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Du met some problems when he was making the snack. B . Many villagers like Du's colored potatoes. C . Du felt unha ppy when a village r showed the snack to him. D . Du joined in a college food game and got some money.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . A. student became rich by planting a special kind of food. B . A student left his university to help villagers plant potatoes. C . A student became popular because of making guoba, a kind of snack. D . A student found lots of ways to help the villagers in his hometown.
    4. (4) What do you think of Du Haotian? Why?
      A . He is very hardworking. Because he made a lot of money by selling potatoes. B . He is popular. Because his snack reached the top of the list. C . He is creative. Because he thought of the idea of colored potatoes to help sell the potatoes. D . He is helpful. Because he helped many people online.
  • 13.  从方框中所给的 A-E 五个选项中选择正确的选项(一项多余),将其序号填入31-34题,并回答35 题。

    In life, we often spend a lot of time thinking or talking about our dreams, but we do little. 

     Life plans, however, can work as a guide to help us make dreams come true Then how can you make a life plan?

    To get started, think about your dream life. Ask yourself some questions such as"Where will I live?"and"What will I do?"

    After that, try to evaluate(评价) yourself. Write down what you are good and bad at. In this way, you can have a better idea about what you can do 

    Next, an action plan is also necessary. Try. to take action every day. It can help you get close r to your goals(目标)  That will make you happier to do the next thing 

    Remember, your life plan guide you towards your goals. However, you may meet some problems sometimes. If you miss a goal or it takes longer than planned to reach, don't lose heart. You just need to make adjustments(调整) to your life plan. 

    A. Also, you can find what you need to improve. 

    B. You need to decide which one is more important. 

    C. Maybe that is because we don't know where to start. 

    D. Then write down your answers and think about what you need to do. 

    E. Don't forget to reward(励) yourself after you finish doing something. 

    What's your dream? How are you going to make it come true?

  • 14.  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Polly's parents planned to go to the Green Tree Farm to have a party for Polly's 11th birthday. Polly invited her 1  friends to the party. All of them accepted the 2  happily.

    On Polly's birthday, her family and her friends arrived at a house on the farm at about 9:30 a. m. Each friend brought Polly a gift Polly 3  them and put the four gift boxes on a table. Then the children went out of the house and 4  on the farm. There were many animals, such as horses and 5 . When the children found one hen laying an egg(下蛋), they felt quite surprised 6 they had never seen that in the city. 

    The children also saw a lot of vegetables. And with the help of a farmer, they 7  picked and tasted some fresh fruit. Later they went back to the house. 

    The party started at 11:30 a m Polly's father lit(点燃) the candles 8  the cake Polly made a wish 9  when her friends were singing the birthday song. Then she blew out the candles. After everyone at e a piece of cake, Polly opened the 10  on the table. She said she liked all of the gifts. 

    After the party, Polly's mother asked Polly, "Would you like to try 11 a horse here?"Polly wanted to do 12 special on her birthday, so she said yes. The owner(主人) of the horses helped Polly 13 on a young horse's back. Then the horse walked slowly "How 14 !"Polly said. After that, Polly 15  horse riding. She wanted to take riding lessons and be a good rider.

    A .  two B .  three C .  four D .  five
    A .  resolution B .  relationship C .  invitation D .  job
    A .  thanked B .  believed C .  disliked D .  grew
    A .  fell down B .  hung out C .  helped out D .  turned down
    A .  hills B .  tomatoes C .  bicycles D .  cows
    A .  because B .  if C .  so D .  though
    A .  never B .  even C .  only D .  maybe
    A .  below B .  about C .  like D .  on
    A .  quietly B .  cheaply C .  weekly D .  sadly
    A .  menus B .  doors C .  boxes D .  maps
    A .  feeding B .  saving C .  cleaning D .  riding
    A .  something B .  nothing C .  everyone D .  anyone
    A .  sleep B .  sit C .  paint D .  dance
    A .  scary B .  difficult C .  meaningless D .  fantastic
    A .  was similar to B .  was up to C .  became interested in D .  became bored with
  • 15.  用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每个词语仅用一次。

    shake exam prepare cover another time

    1. (1) The for the party started early this month 
    2. (2) When the train stopped, Mr Li me to wake me up 
    3. (3) We have to go home now Let's discuss the problem  
    4. (4) the soup with a big bowl, or it will get cold 
    5. (5) Cindy tried her best and did well in all the  last term 
  • 16.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

    John was twenty years old. He did not have a job. His parents and friends found some jobs for him, but he (dislike) them John liked writing and  was his dream to be a writer one day. 

    At first, John tried writing articles for magazines and newspapers But most of (they)were not good enough, so he felt  little sad Later, he started to write (story) and put them on the Internet. That brought him a lot of money. 

    John liked to work at night He drank a lot of coffee usually stayed up late Soon he found there was something wrong with his body. John went to the hospital. The doctor asked him some questions and then said, "Your living habits are (real) bad You should not stay up late and too much coffee is bad for your (healthy) "

    Now John still keeps writing, but he goes to bed (early) than before He knows it is very important (have) good living habits. 

  • 27.  假如你是李萍,你的英国朋友Amy后天将要来到中国,你想要在家为她举办一个欢迎晚会,请根据表格提示写一封邀请函邀请你的朋友们来参加晚会。词数80个左右。



    The day after



    at home


    For guests

    Time to reply

    by tomorrow

    Way to reply


    Things to bring

    Dear friends, 

    My English pen pal, Amy, will come to China So I want

    Li Ping

