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更新时间:2024-02-29 浏览次数:43 类型:期中考试
一、听力,第一节:听小对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
  • 1.  What does the woman want to buy?
    Can I help you?<br />Yes, I need a cap for my father's birthday.
    A . AT-shirt. B . A watch. C . A cap.
  • 2.  When will Mary have her music class this week? 
    When is your music class, Mary?<br />Usually on Wednesday, but this week on Thursday, we will have a new music teacher.
    A . On Wednesday. B . On Thursday. C . On Friday.
  • 3.  What did the woman like about the film? 
    Did you enjoy the film?<br />Not really. I don't like the actors and the story was a bit boring, but the music was beautiful.
    A . The stoBry. B . The music. C . The actors.
  • 4.  Why does Anna get up early now? 
    When do you often get up in the morning, Anna?<br />At about eight in the past.<br />But now much earlier.<br />I have to make breakfast for my son.
    A . It's good for her health. B . She has to catch the first bus. C . She needs to make breakfast.
  • 5.  What are the speakers mainly talking about? 
    This book is very useful. It helps to improve my writing.<br />It's a little difficult for me. I like to read books with pictures.<br />This book is different. I believe you'll love it.
    A . A skill. B . A book. C . A picture.
  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。
    How is your mother, Jack?<br />Much better.<br />The operation was successful.<br />She came back home from hospital a few days ago.<br />Great. So, when will you come back on your job?<br />In March. I still need a month to take care of my mother at home.<br />Well, you need to look after yourself too.<br />I will. Thank you.<br />How is your mother, Jack?<br />Much better. The operation was successful.<br />She came back home from hospital a few days ago.<br />Great. So, when will you come back on your job?<br />In March. I still need a month to take care of my mother at home.<br />Well, you need to look after yourself too.<br />I will. Thank you.
    1. (1) Where is Jack's mother now?
      A . At home. B . In a hotel. C . In a hospital.
    2. (2) When will Jack go back to work? 
      A . Next Friday. B . In March. C . In a few days.
    3. (3) What might be the woman?         
      A . Jack's sister. B . Jack's doctor. C . Jack's friend.
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    Christmas is already here. I only put up my tree last week.<br />Yes, it has come so fast. You know I'm going to a Christmas party tonight.<br />Really? Where are you going to have the party?<br />My friends and I will go to the city hall. There will be a band playing music at the party.<br />That sounds like a great way to celebrate Christmas.<br />Yeah. Look, why don't you come with us?<br />Sorry, I can't join you. I'm going to listen to Christmas songs in the church with my parents tonight.<br />That's okay. It's important to spend Christmas with your family.<br />You are right. Enjoy your time.<br />Christmas is already here. I only put up my tree last week.<br />Yes, it has come so fast. You know I'm going to a Christmas party tonight.<br />Really? Where are you going to have the party?<br />My friends and I will go to the city hall. There will be a band playing music at the party.<br />That sounds like a great way to celebrate Christmas.<br />Yeah. Look, why don't you come with us?<br />Sorry, I can't join you. I'm going to listen to Christmas songs in the church with my parents tonight.<br />That's okay. It's important to spend Christmas with your family.<br />You are right. Enjoy your time.
    1. (1) What will the woman do tonight? 
      A . Go to a party. B . Put up the tree. C . Play with the band.
    2. (2) Where is she going?
      A . To the church. B . To the cinema. C . To the city hall.
    3. (3) How will the man spend the night? 
      A . He will have a big dinner. B . He will join in the woman. C . He will stay with his family.
  • 8.  听录音,回答问题。
    Hi, good morning Mrs. Smith.<br />This is Mrs. Jones from Sunshine Dry Cleaners.<br />Ten days ago you left four t-shirts and three coats with us.<br />Now they are ready.<br />Are you free to pick them up?<br />You can come anytime on Friday.<br />We're open from 9am to 4pm.<br />Do you still remember where our store is?<br />It is on the corner of Green Street, next to the theatre.<br />The total cost is $70.<br />If you have any questions, please call us at 467-311-4.<br />Have a nice day.<br />Bye.<br />Hi, good morning Mr. Smith.<br />This is Mrs. Jones from Sunshine Dry Cleaners.<br />Ten days ago you left four t-shirts and three coats with us.<br />Now they are ready.<br />Are you free to pick them up?<br />You can come anytime on Friday.<br />We are open from 9am to 4pm.<br />Do you still remember where our store is?<br />It is on the corner of Green Street, next to the theatre.<br />The total cost is $70.<br />If you have any questions, please call us at 467-311-4.<br />Have a nice day.<br />Bye.
    1. (1) How many coats did Mr. Smith leave with the cleaners?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Seven.
    2. (2) At what time can Mr. Smith pick up his clothes on Friday?
      A . At 8 am. B . At 2 pm. C . At 5 pm.
    3. (3) Where is Sunshine Dry Cleaners? 
      A . At Green Street. B . Next to the local museum. C . Opposite the Sunshine Theatre.
    4. (4) How much will Mr. Smith have to pay?
      A . 46 dollars. B . 70 dollars. C . 114 dollars.
  • 9.  阅读下面短文,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Don Powell was pulling letters from the mailbox outside his house when he noticed something unusual. A(n)1 doll couple were sitting on a love seat inside it with a note reading, "We've decided to2 here. " It was signed from Mary and Shelley.

    At first Powell thought it was a 3 . He asked the neighbors whether anybody had left dolls in their mailboxes, and everyone told him no. "Someone must be 4 with me, " he thought. So he kept them in the mailbox to see what would happen.

    A few days passed and 5 got the dolls back. Over a year later, the couple still live in the mailbox. And they're 6 getting more things, a painting, a cat and another 7 — their cousin Shirley.

    "It's getting a little crowded, " says Don. Every month or two, especially around holidays, the Powells would find something 8 in the mailbox. Last Christmas, a decorated(装饰) tree was left9 tiny presents. Things were taken back right after Christmas, however, before Don could open the boxes to see 10 there was anything inside.

    Don has recently put a tiny letterbox inside. "Their letters are mixing up with ours and may get 11 in the mail, " he says.

    Don first posted about the dolls on the local Internet page last August, 12 to solve the mystery(谜). But he now wants it to continue. The neighbors also find it's13 to follow his updates online.

    "People in the neighborhood are enjoying it and sometimes 14 to ask questions, " he says. "Some people ask if I've thought about putting an outdoor 15 . But personally, I like the mystery of it. "

    A .  tiny B .  young C .  beautiful D .  expensive
    A .  help B .  wait C .  live D .  sleep
    A .  show B .  test C .  present D .  mistake
    A .  dealing B .  sharing C .  joking D .  competing
    A .  somebody B .  nobody C .  anybody D .  everybody
    A .  luckily B .  simply C .  slowly D .  naturally
    A .  box B .  girl C .  seat D .  doll
    A .  new B .  strange C .  popular D .  funny
    A .  for B .  with C .  behind D .  across
    A .  how B .  why C .  when D .  whether
    A .  lost B .  worse C .  dirty D .  stuck
    A .  starting B .  hoping C .  refusing D .  preparing
    A .  moving B .  relaxing C .  exciting D .  surprising
    A .  wake up B .  stand up C .  stop by D .  pass by
    A .  sign B .  camera C .  mailbox D .  armchair 
  • 10.  阅读理解

    Studying in France is turning out to be a great experience, but does living abroad also bring challenges? Here are some answers. 

    You know those Hollywood films where the foreigner is living a nice, easy, comfortable life in another country? Well, forget it — that's not how it is. You have to do all kinds of things like finding somewhere to live, paying bills, and so on. These things aren't easy and they take time.

    After a few weeks I start to miss all kinds of things (and people) from back home. The special food, those TV programmes, and the friends whom I used to hang out with. Well, I know it's a phase I have to go through. I hope the homesickness won't last forever.

    Before I came, I thought my French was pretty good. But now I know I'm not good enough. People talk to me in the way they talk to each other — fast! There's new vocabulary which you have to pick up — the first time I went to a hairdresser, I didn't know what to say! Speaking French all day wears me out. Often, at night, I'll watch anything on TV in English! Anything!

    1. (1) What does Becca think of her life in France?
      A . It's really fun and nice. B . She has to be on her own. C . She gets no chance to study. D . It's the easy life that she wants.
    2. (2) What's the biggest challenge for Jackie?
      A . Language problems. B . Homesickness. C . No friends to play with. D . Getting used to the food.
    3. (3) In which situation can we probably hear the above three answers?
      A . On a magic show. B . In a science movie. C . In a street interview. D . At a music concert.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Riace is a small village in Italy, which is very pretty but also quite poor. Riace once had a population of 3, 000, but in the 1990s, many people left the village to find work in other places. The only school closed. There were no restaurants and very few shops. Many houses were empty. Riace was becoming an empty town. But these days it's a different story, because of one man whose dreams have turned Riace into a village with a future.

    One day in 1998, Domenico Lucano, a teacher from Riace, was driving near the sea when he saw a large group of people on the beach. They were refugees(难民). Lucano had an idea of how to help these people and how they, in turn, might possibly help him save his village. He decided to welcome them into the village and to give them food and living places in return for work. 

    It was the beginning of a plan. Lucano created an organization called City of the Future. The idea was simple: The village began to welcome refugees from Somalia, Iraq and other places. Lucano used buildings which had been empty for years to house the new arrivals(到达者), and he created workshops for them to work in. 

    Riace is now home to about three hundred refugees, who live happily alongside the locals. Most of the women make handicrafts to sell in local shops, while the men repair empty houses to rent(出租) to tourists. And because there are more children, the school is open again. Lucano, who became mayor of Riace in 2004, has managed to create jobs and to stop the villagers moving away, while at the same time helping some of the poorest people in the world. 

    1. (1) Why did many people leave Riace in the 1990s?
      A . There weren't enough jobs. B . The population increased fast. C . The local shops were closed. D . People didn't like the weather.
    2. (2) What is the second paragraph mainly about?
      A . Why Lucano went on a holiday on the beach. B . How Lucano came up with the idea to save Riace. C . What Lucano had succeeded in helping the homeless. D . When Lucano created an organization to change the village.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Riace from the passage? 
      A . Refugees needn't do anything for food. B . New houses are built to welcome refugees. C . There are still no schools in Riace these days. D . More villagers choose to stay and live in Riace.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
      A . New Arrivals of Italy. B . AWay of Helping Refugees. C . Studying hard for a Better Future. D . Bring A New Life to the Village.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    For centuries, the power of Chinese emperors(皇帝) fell with their control of the Grand Canal. Today, this waterway is shorter than it once was, but it is still the longest man-made river in the world. 

    The first canal system began around the year 605. China's Emperor Yang realized that he needed a better way to feed his army and move food quickly from China's southern rice-growing area to the north. So, he ordered to build the first part of the Grand Canal, connecting other canals, lakes and rivers.

    Over the next 500 years, the canal's importance grew. However, by 1127, many parts had got worse. In 1279, Kublai Khan began to repair and build new parts of the canal. That created a more direct north-south way to and from Beijing. Future rulers continued to improve the waterway, and it became more and more important.

    Besides moving rice around China, the Grand Canal also connected the south and the north in other ways. 

    Soldiers, businessmen and artists transported ideas, local foods, and cultures from one part of China to another. It's said that is how Peking duck, a dish from Shandong Province, and the Peking Opera, from Anhui and Hubei, were both brought north through the canal.

    Even today, the country's watery highway plays an important role in China. Boats carry tons of coal, food, and other goods to points between Hangzhou and Jining — now the northernmost city the canal reaches.

    This development comes at a price, though. "Traditionally we talk about 18 main cities on the Grand Canal, and each had something special about it, " said Zhou Xinhua, the former director of the Grand Canal Museum in Hangzhou. "But now many of these cities are all the same: a thousand people with one face. "

    1. (1) Why was the first part of the Grand Canal built?
      A . To help the army move quickly from the north to the south. B . To make people from the north be able to visit South China. C . To transport food from the southern part of China to the north. D . To improve the communication between the north and the south.
    2. (2) Why is the example of Peking Opera used in Paragraph 4? 
      A . To explain why the Grand Canal was improved. B . To introduce the development of the Grand Canal. C . To tell the change of the Grand Canal's role nowadays. D . To show how the Grand Canal helped with cultural exchange.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe the Grand Canal in history?
      A . A transport tool. B . A national lifeline. C . A place of interest. D . A great gift of nature.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . People in the cities on the canal live the same life. B . Each city needs to find its special way to develop. C . The development of the canal also brings a problem. D . Protecting the canal is not so important as it was before.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    An affirmation is a strong and positive statement(陈述) of something that is said as a fact. Statements you make to yourself, such as, "I'm a good dancer" or "I can't draw", are self-affirmations. They matter because you hear your own voice all the time. So if you tell yourself you're good at something, you're more likely to have a go.

    Affirmations can help you or they can hold you back. Maria Evans, a coach for young people, says everyone has a voice inside their head that tries to protect them from risks. "It can stop us from doing things that feel big but exciting, like trying out for the school play or the basketball team. You don't try so you never know what you are able to do, making you feel regret, " Instead, using positive self-affirmations builds your confidence. Evans says, "The sooner you can start telling yourself positive things, the more enjoyable your life will be. "

    To make your affirmation, think about the positive way you want to be or feel. For example, you may want to be brave or feel you can improve at Math. Now put that in a sentence and say "I am brave" or "I can get better at Math". Avoid using negative(消极的) words, because if you say "I don't feel scared" your brain hears the word "scared". By focusing(聚焦) on the positive, your brain hears what you want to feel. Also, if the affirmation is short and snappy it will be easier to remember.

    Grace, 15, shares her self-affirmation, "When I'm feeling down and I have to do something like a test, I know that it's useful to try and turn that around by saying to myself, ‘I am filled with energy, I can do anything I put my mind to, I am capable. '"

    1. (1) Why are self-affirmations important to us according to Paragraph 1?
      A . They pass on secret messages. B . They are facts telling the truth. C . They have great influence on us. D . They help us get special abilities.
    2. (2) What does the underlined part "a voice inside their head" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . A kind word. B . A serious idea. C . A wrong statement. D . A negative affirmation.
    3. (3) Which of the following is the right way to make an affirmation? 
      A . Try to use simple and positive words. B . Write down how you feel in a sentence. C . Pay attention to what you hear in your brain. D . Think about both the good and bad sides of an event.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
      A . To advise us to live an enjoyable life. B . To show us the power of positive thoughts. C . To encourage us to have a big dream for future. D . To teach us a useful way to change our feelings.
  • 14.  A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。






    1. (1) An        book is also called an e-book. 
    2. (2) speaking, the more expensive the car is, the better it is. 
    3. (3) Do you have next year's? Let's make an early plan together.
    4. (4) Jack the match with his coach and his friends when I got there. 
    5. (5) I'm going back home on the of February to spend Spring Festival with my family.
  • 15.  B. 根据短文内容和中文意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    How did people communicate in the old days? Cave paintings are an early (形式) of communication. Some of them, for example, are (几乎) 30, 000 years old. These paintings don't have written words, but they tell stories of hopes and fears.

    Sometime between 4000 and 3000 BC, people in Egypt developed the skill of writing. They "wrote" text on stones first. But it was (不可能的) to carry stones from place to place. Later, Egyptians began to write on papyrus(纸莎草). The invention of papyrus (允许) documents to be moved easily.

    Paper was invented in China as early as 105 CE. The world's oldest known printed book is from China, too. It was published on (五月) 11, 868 CE. In Europe, books were written by hands until the middle of the 15th century, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in (德国). Since that time, about 140 (百万) books have been produced worldwide. For many people, one of the life's greatest (愉悦) is spending a few hours in a bookstore reading books.

    Books will be around for many years, of course. But some people  (更喜爱) reading e-books. Now you can buy your books  (无论何时) you want without having to leave the comfort of the your home. 

  • 16.  阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    A new game is becoming popular with young people: tens or even hundreds of people come together, choose to be "cats" or "mice", and play hide-and-seek in open-air space. Young people say that this game not only makes people (exercise) but also brings back happy childhood times. It turns running into a fun game.

    Last Saturday I went to experience the activity. There were around 30 people. The game had two rounds. In the first round, five people (choose) as "cats" and the rest were "mice". With five minutes for "mice" to run and hide, the "cats" found them using the locations(位置) they shared on a map app. The second round was group competition.

    It (turn) out to be a joyful experience. The use of GPS made this childhood game much (interesting). "It was a creative way of bringing something new to old games with technology, " said Lily, a friend of (me). "It's also fun as you never know you will meet. "

    For me, it's good that this activity got me moving since I do not work out (regular) in my daily life. However, I could have more fun the park wasn't so big. The long run was too hard an exercise for me to take.

  • 17.  阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的 A~E 五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号

    填入 71~74 题,并回答 75 题。

    Can you imagine how much rubbish you create in a month? The man in this picture is wearing all the rubbish that he has created in a month. He looks funny, doesn't he? Actually, he is an activist(积极分子) for environment protection. And he is doing it to get more and more people to know about pollution. To protect the environment, it is important to reduce, reuse and recycle.

    Recycling is making something new from something that has already been used. Instead of throwing things away, we can collect and recycle them to make new things. For example, we can recycle glass, metal, plastic and paper. Let's look at plastic. We use it every day. Only some kinds of plastic are easy to recycle. Some plastic is hard to recycle.

     First, we collect the plastic. It is separated into different kinds. Then it is cut into small bits and washed. After it has been washed, the plastic is melted(熔化) and made into small pellets(颗粒). Now, the old plastic can be used again. 

     We can make many things out of recycled plastic, like clothes, furniture or toys. 

    It is good to recycle because too much rubbish is bad for the earth. Then what can we do in our everyday life? We can reduce how much we use. We can reuse things. And we can recycle. But more importantly, we need all of you to join in. 

    A. Now, what is recycling?

    B. Then, how do we recycle plastic?

    C. But why does he do that?

    D. What can we recycle?

    E. What new things can we make?

    What can you do to protect the environment? Why?

  • 18.  假设你是李华,你收到了美国笔友 Steve 的电子邮件,请阅读邮件并回复。

    注意:(1) 邮件必须包含 Steve 所要了解的所有内容(who, when, what 等),并适当发挥。(2)        文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。(3)        词数:约 100。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Steve, 


    Li Hua

