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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

        Once upon a time, a cat and a mouse were good friends. They lived a happy life in the same house. One day they went to the market and bought a big piece of cheese. They put it under a tree for winter.

        A few days later, the mouse wanted to eat the cheese. He told the cat that he had to join a baby's birthday party and then left. The mouse ate half of the cheese and returned home. When the cat asked him what the baby's name was, the mouse said" Half­gone".

        After a few days, the mouse wanted to eat some cheese again. He told the cat he had to join another baby's birthday party. He finished the other half and told the cat the baby was called "All­gone".

        When winter came, the cat went to the tree to get the cheese. But he found nothing. From then on, mice and cats were not friends any more.

    1. (1) Where did they get the cheese?(不超过3个词)
    2. (2) Where did they put the cheese? (不超过3个词)
    3. (3) Who ate the cheese? (不超过2个词)
