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  • 1. (2019八下·天台期中) 根据短文内容及所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的适当形式。每空限填一词。

        Sally is one friend of mine. She is one of the best  (志愿者) I have ever known. She is always ready to (提供) help for people in need. She usually likes to visit  (生病的) children in the hospital to cheer them up. Also she always tries to  (募集) money for those poor people and (借) money to her friends. She once told me," Someone once saved my life. He asked me to (传递)his love to my family, friends, neighbors and even strangers, I followed him. Now, I really know the  (重要性) of helping those in difficult situations. To my  (惊讶), I got a lot of happiness when I was helping others." Do you have the same (精神) as Sandy? Do you want to (加入)her?
