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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        Everyone has his or her own hobby. Many people like to collect things. For example, they enjoy 1 stamps, books, pictures and so on. But some young children are the fans of movie stars or singers now. They collect all the 2 about the stars. They are happy if the stars are happy and feel sad 3 the stars are unhappy.

        Being fans, sometimes they spend a lot of 4 and money. When a boy becomes a fan of a player, he may collect the clothes and the balls that the player 5. And he hopes to 6 the player's autograph (签名) in a notebook or on a ball. If the player isn't friendly to him, he will be sad. When a girl becomes a fan of a singer, she may 7 the singer here and there. She will buy tickets and go to the singer's every concert. She will 8 and clap her hands for the singer. She hopes to take photos with the singer, but there are 9 of fans there and not all the fans can get the chance.

        It is fun for us to have a hobby, but it's more important 10 a right hobby. Don't you think so?

    A . collect B . collected C . collecting
    A . friends B . music C . information
    A . what B . when C . where
    A . time B . room C . house
    A . made B . saw C . used
    A . get B . take C . put
    A . ask B . talk C . follow
    A . say B . speak C . shout
    A . thousand B . thousands C . a thousand
    A . have B . Having C . to have
