当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空—词

        Everyone can make mistakes when learning English. What should we do to make fewer (错误)? Now, I'll give you some (秘诀) to learning a language well.

        Use simple language. Some beginners try to build long (句子) with complicated(复杂的) (语法). They make mistakes. Don't do this! If you've just started to speak or write in English, you should say what you can say- not what you want to say. You may feel you're talking like a child, but it doesn't (要紧). Right now, your task is to learn the language.

        Be slow and careful. In the beginning, don't speak or write (快速地). You should write very (缓慢地). If you need 2 hours to write an e-mail with 10 correct and (完整的) sentences, that's okay. That's how long it should take if you're just starting to write.

        Why should it take so (长)? Because you should read your sentences many times, looking for mistakes. You should check if your sentences are correct by (使用) a dictionary and the web.
