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        Steve visits the nursing home near his house two afternoons each week. On one of those days, he reads to his friend Martin. On the other afternoon, he plays cards and talks with Mrs Johnson. Steve enjoys spending his extra time this way. He is a volunteer. A volunteer is a person who helps another person or has a job for which he or she does not get paid. A volunteer donates his or her time for free.

        Everyone else in Steve's family is also a volunteer. Steve's mother Mary volunteers one afternoon each week at the local hospital. She talks to patients, delivers flowers, and helps the nurses with odd jobs. Steve's sister Gina volunteers two afternoons each week at the museum. She welcomes visitors and answers their questions. Steve's father David is also a volunteer. He is a volunteer fire fighter for the town in which they live.

        Steve's family thinks volunteering is very important. Steve's parents think being a volunteer helps to teach values. Steve and his sister learn how to be kind and respect other people.

    Steve's family does volunteer work to give something back to the community. They want to help people who are not as fortunate as they are.

    根据短文内容, 完成信息表。

    A family of volunteers



    Time per week




    Anytime necessary

    Anywhere necessary


    One afternoon

    The local hospital

    Talk to patients;Deliver flowers;Help nurses



    Two afternoons

    Read to Martin;Talk and play with Mrs Johnson


    Two afternoons

    The museum

    Welcome visitors;Answer questions
