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        The B&.O Railroad Museum is in Baltimore. Its site is1to be the birthplace of the American railroad. The museum2the most complete railroad collections in3. On the second floor, there is an 4of station clocks, and a small movie theatre. The museum also has an 5collection of engines, cars, cranes and6railroad equipment.

    7the winter of 2002- 2003, heavy8destroyed the roof of the museum and damaged more than half of the9, which may have been the museum's10loss. But there was still some11the insurance(保险) on the museum, though it wasn't clear at first12it would get from that.

        The museum was very13. In the end, although it had14millions of dollars, all of it was replaced by the insurance. The museum had been15until November 2004. Its manager says, "The insurance saved our museum!"

    A . looked B . made C . built D . thought
    A . shares B . owns C . discovers D . produces
    A . Britain B . Australia C . Canada D . America
    A . advertisement B . exhibition C . introduction D . entry
    A . inside B . outside C . indoor D . outdoor
    A . others B . other C . another D . many
    A . With B . For C . During D . At
    A . rain B . snow C . sunshine D . fog
    A . windows B . rooms C . collections D . wheels
    A . biggest B . smallest C . hardest D . easiest
    A . desire B . hope C . sculptures D . advantages
    A . how often B . how long C . how much D . how soon
    A . lucky B . unusual C . disappointed D . interested
    A . destroyed B . thrown C . wasted D . lost
    A . open B . closed C . cleaned D . noticed
