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  • 1. 根据所给汉语完成句子,每空一词

    1. (1) 帮助他人是很重要的。

           help others.

    2. (2) 不要忘记把你的垃圾丢掉。

      Don't forget to your rubbish.

    3. (3) 我把杂志放入抽屉里。

         I the magazine the drawer.

    4. (4) 你们上个星期天在公园玩得高兴吗?

      Did you in the park last Sunday?

    5. (5) 我们通常7点起床。

      We usually at 7 o'clock.

    6. (6) 在我们的城市里有800万人。

      eight million in our city.

    7. (7) 布莱克先生拿起帽子走了出去。

      Mr Black his hat and went out.

    8. (8) 请将这些句子写下来。

      Please these sentences .

    9. (9) 我们每个人有一个书房。

      of has a study.

    10. (10) 从我家到学校我走了半小时。

      I walked for an hour my home school.
