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  • 1. 完形填空

        Sometimes business can take you out of your home country. That means you have to communicate with people from other cultures. So it's important to1some international customs. Here are some special2customs.

        In France, if you don't speak French, that's OK, but you are3to say sorry for you can't communicate easily first. If you don't have time to learn French before doing business there, learning a few phrases or greetings can serve as a4of good faith (诚意). Also, be prepared for5meals in France. Lunch can last up to two hours long.

        Change your6to a little earlier when doing business in Australia. Being on time is very important when meeting to discuss business. If you're not going to be7on time, then you should arrive a bit early. It's quite impolite to be late.

        While the business8hasn't been so important in the US, that is far from the9in Japan. When doing business with the Japanese, you should carry lots of business cards, which should be printed in both English and 10. The business card is held in very high regard in Japan. When giving your cards to others, you must pass them out11both hands, with the Japanese side facing up. When receiving a business card, you should accept12with both hands.13, the business card should never be written on or played with during the meeting, as both are signs of disrespect.

        Left-handers (左撇子) may have some14doing business in the United Arab Emirates. In Middle Eastern countries, the left hand is considered15. It is important to eat, shake hands and pass things with the right hand only. Using the left hand to do any of those activities is a serious insult (侮辱) .

    A . know about B . give up C . come true D . talk to
    A . greeting B . business C . table D . communication
    A . valued B . knocked C . expected D . exchanged
    A . reason B . result C . show D . praise
    A . long B . delicious C . big D . enjoyable
    A . tape B . car C . calendar D . clock
    A . only B . right C . still D . never
    A . card B . letter C . email D . manner
    A . case B . purpose C . position D . dialog
    A . Chinese B . Japanese C . French D . German
    A . in B . at C . on D . with
    A . them B . that C . these D . it
    A . However B . Besides C . Therefore D . Instead
    A . trouble B . interests C . hobbies D . experience
    A . uneasy B . unclear C . unclean D . uncrowded
