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  • 1. (2020·鄞州模拟) 阅读理解

    Dear Editor,

        I was shocked to read your article about the ski resort (滑雪胜地) in Bolivia, South America. Temperature have risen so much in the past 100 years that soon, there may be no snow left at this resort.

        In Ningbo, we may think that problems such as this have nothing to do with us. Or, perhaps, we are so busy working and enjoying ourselves that we do not have time to think about the world around us.

    Yet the problem is real: the earth has warmed up by more than 0.5"C over the past few years. Sea levels have risen, and glaciers (冰川) have melted (融化). In the future, droughts (干旱) could cause hunger, and floods (洪水) could completely make low-lying countries disappear.

    Scientists make sure that humans are responsible for much of the temperature rise. Too many cars give off bad air, people cut down and burn trees to turn forests into cities, and heavy industry burns coal for power. We have turned a blind eye for too long. We must act now.

        We should all ask ourselves, "What can we do to help protect the environment? What have we done to help? What can we start doing now?"

        Let's cut down the number of the things we buy. Let's recycle. Let's reuse the useful things before we throw them away. Let's take action now before it is too late.

    Yours faithully,


    1. (1) The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 refers to ____________________.
      A . an article about a ski resort in Bolivia B . snow melting at a ski resort in Bolivia C . falling temperature around the world D . an unhappy experience in South America
    2. (2) According to the letter, low-lying countries could ____________________ in the future.
      A . be no longer there B . have melting glaciers C . suffer droughts and hunger D . warm up by less than 0.5℃
    3. (3) In Paragraph 4 why did the writer say they turned a blind eye?
      A . Because they tried to solve a problem. B . Because they looked with only one eye. C . Because they pay little attention to the problem. D . Because they turned around so that they could not see something.
    4. (4) According to the letter, Franky believes that ____________________.
      A . we must do something right now B . we should buy more green things C . it is already too late to save the planet D . we should recycle all the everyday things
