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  • 1. (2020·南岗模拟) 根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案。


    If we laid all of the blood vessels (血管) in the human body end to end, they would reach about 100,000 km long. That's nearly two and a half times around Earth!


    For the first time, CocaCola has showed that it uses 3,000,000 tons of plastic bottles each year.

    That's the weight of 15,000 blue whales the largest animal on Earth!


    If your throat tickles (发痒), pressing your ear might make it go away. That's because-your throat and ears share the same group of nerves (神经). When you press your ear, the nerves in your throat can feel it.


    It takes about 7 to 8 trees to make enough O2 for one person to breathe for a year. Each person needs around 750 kg of O2 every year. A large tree might make around 100 kg of O2 every year.


    To young children, a year might seem to last forever. But older people might say that it flies by. Why is that? According to the US scientists, young people's brains deal with information faster than older people. They take in more information and do more things in a day. So they feel like each day lasts longer. However, older people's brains take in less information and see a day, pass more quickly.


    About 200 muscles (肌肉) work together when you take a step. That's a lot of work for your muscles, since many people take, about 10,000 steps a day. If you want to get some easy exercise, walking is good for you.

    1. (1) Passages A and C are about ___________
      A . people and the universe B . protecting the environment C . the human body
    2. (2) What's the best title for all the six passages?
      A . Surprising World B . Amazing Facts C . Unbelievable Numbers
    3. (3) Why does the writer show readers the six passages?
      A . To help readers know more about human body and environmental protection. B . To ask readers to protect the environment and stop hunting whales. C . To tell readers to have less unhealthy drink and run every day.
    4. (4) Which of the following questions is answered in the passages?
      A . Why do kids and older people feel a year differently? B . Why could a large tree produce about 100 kg of O2 every year? C . How do our 200 muscles work together when we take a step?
    5. (5) Which of the following leads to the number "30,000?"
      A . The number of muscles working together by taking 200 steps. B . The length of vessels in 3 human bodies joining together. C . The weight of O2 for 40 persons to breathe a year.
