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  • 1. (2020八上·金华月考) 根据短文内容和所给中文或首字母写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词

    Robert was born in a small town in the (南方) of America. He was a big fan of football. He thought nothing was more (令人愉快的)than playing football. And he wanted to become a football player after he left (大学). However, a bad accident happened. His legs were badly  (受伤) in the accident and couldn't move anymore.

    He knew he would never have a (机会)to play football, so he felt very

    sad. Luckily, he met an (优秀的) PE teacher Mr Johnson. Mr Johnson often had (谈话) with Robert.

    One day, Mr Johnson (建议) Robert to join the school football team. Mr

    Johnson also told Robert that he could be a wheelchair(轮椅) football (教练), Mr Johnson's words made Robert feel much (更好的).He read books about football and watched football matches every day. Later, he got his dream job in the city sports centre.
