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  • 1. (2020高一上·亳州月考) 阅读理解

    It is said that many brain training products is able to keep us mentally fit. Some products even claim that brain training can prevent dementia (痴呆) in old age. Many such products are only money-making rubbish. Also, there is no scientific proof that games or other brain exercises can have this effect. That is what the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) pointed out.

    As we get older, our thinking gets slower and it is harder for us to learn new things. Many people try to stay mentally fit by, for example, learning a new language or doing crossword puzzles. Computer games that aim to keep the brain active are also becoming increasingly popular. "Doing exercises like trying to find symbols on a computer screen as fast as possible can actually improve your reaction time," explains Professor Peter Sawicki, the Institute's Director. "But scientific studies have shown that brain training only leads to an improvement in one aspect that it is aimed at. So if you learn to find symbols quickly, it does not mean that you will be able to improve your memory."

    Research has not shown that brain training can keep up or enhance (加强) people's overall (全面的) mental abilities as commonly thought. "So there is no need to feel bad if you do not enjoy brain training: there are no health reasons for doing it," says Sawicki. "But if you think brain training exercises are interesting, you can try out different things. For example, completing the order of letters can improve your logic skills. And practicing word association techniques can help you to remember things better. You can do all of these things at home on your own."

    1. (1) What can we learn about the brain training products according to the passage?
      A . They are expensive. B . They are effective. C . They are harmful to the brain. D . They are unreliable
    2. (2) According to Peter Sawicki, brain training exercises can        .
      A . only improve a certain ability of people B . help all people improve their memory C . keep the brain active for a longer time D . only improve your reaction time
    3. (3) The last paragraph shows that brain training exercises should be done       .
      A . when you can't learn new things B . in a relaxing way C . under strict instructions D . when your thinking gets much slower
    4. (4) On the whole, researchers think that brain training exercises       .
      A . aren't as effective as commonly thought B . are just designed for young people to have fun C . may benefit people in some indirect ways D . shouldn't be encouraged
