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  • 1. (2020九上·乐清月考) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

        Last Sunday was my  (第十) birthday. I had a great trip with my parents. We visited the West Lake. The West Lake is a (自然的) wonder, and it's also thought to be one of the  (极好的) places in China. It's so famous that  (百万) of visitors come to enjoy the blue water and  (天空) every year.

        The weather was nice. We walked around the lake and talked happily. Look! A young man  (弹奏) the guitar under a tree. It seemed he lost (他自己) in the music. A  (一对,两个) of teenagers were painting quietly. There were also some  (志愿者).They were so kind.

        We took the last bus to go back home. There weren't many  (乘客). Everybody looked tired but happy on the bus.
