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  • 1. (2021·武城模拟) 阅读理解

    Friday, 14th January

    It was my first overseas trip. Laura and I visited Dream world in Australia. We had a fantastic time there. Laura, the daredevil, took many adventurous rides. Being not brave enough, I preferred to tour the theme park by myself. I saw a film in a gigantic theatre and caught a farm show and watched the shearing of sheep. Laura enjoyed her rides on the different roller coasters(过山车). Both of us enjoyed our time there.

    Saturday, 15th January

    We visited Movie World. It was a captivating sight. We could not resist(抵抗)going up to the cartoon characters in the parade. We were busy taking pictures with them. Next, we watched an action-packed stunt show(特技表演). Then we saw a humorous musical show. We had such an entertaining day.

    Sunday, 16th January

    We woke up at sunrise. Laura, the animal lover, wanted to visit Sea World. We were the first ones to reach the theme park. We came into contact with the sharks, dolphins and polar bears. Laura even touched the sharks and dolphins. They were surprisingly tame. It was a wonderful experience. However, both of us felt doleful as our holidays would end the next day.

    1. (1) The writer didn't _______ in the Dream world.
      A . see a film B . catch a farm show C . watch the shearing of sheep D . take many adventurous rides
    2. (2) How many days did the writer stay in Australia at least?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    3. (3) The underlined word "doleful" in the third paragraph means _______.
      A . sad B . excited C . happy D . relaxed
    4. (4) Which word CAN'T be used to describe Laura?
      A . Adventurous. B . Frightened. C . Animal loving. D . Brave.
    5. (5) According to the passage, which is WRONG?
      A . We visited Dream world and saw a musical show. B . We visited Movie World and took pictures with cartoon characters. C . We visited Sea World and contacted with the sharks, dolphins and polar bears. D . We were the first ones to get to the Sea World.
