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  • 1. (2021·温州模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    Virtual stars

    Meet Luo Tianyi, the most popular virtual star in China. The 15-year-old singer is not a real person, but a (卡通) character created by a computer. She has (表演) on many TV shows and become a spokesperson for famous brands, including KFC and Mirinda. And she has appeared in many ads. Last year in Shanghai, she even (成功地) held a concert with more than 10,000 fans.

    Starting her career in (七月) 2012, Luo is China's first virtual star. Yet she is not the only one.

    Just last year, 14 virtual idols were created in China. Although many people think the virtual world seems not so (可相信的) ,the virtual stars have all found their places (在……中) fans.

    How do these virtual stars win people's hearts when there are so many good looking and (有才艺的) human stars? One possible reason is that compared with human stars, virtual idols like Luo are much closer to their fans. Fans write (歌曲) for their virtual idols.

    Virtual stars are also . (更擅长) at staying out of trouble or scandal, which makes those famous people embarrassed.

    By giving people something that human stars can not (提供) ,virtual idols are more than idols to their fans.
