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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

    I'm Anna. I have good news! We have a new flat! The rooms are small but comfortable.

    There are more rooms in the new flat than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my bedroom. In the old flat, I shared(共用)a bedroom with my sister. My bedroom is my favourite room in the new flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to my radio or play CDs. I can play games on my computer and send emails to my friends. My second favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook meals. She is a very good cook. She teaches me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in New York when she was a girl, and she can cook American food. It's tasty.

    1. (1) What do the rooms in Anna's new flat look like?(不超过5个词)
    2. (2) What does Anna love to help her mother do?(不超过7个词)
    3. (3) What are Anna's favourite rooms?(不超过5个词)
