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  • 1. (2021高三上·渭南月考) 阅读理解

    Even though they're not the most exciting things in the world, plants have attracted us ever since the days of early humans. They may not do any tricks or greet us when we come home at night like a dog would, but that doesn't mean they're any less interesting than animals.

    However, just when we thought we knew everything we could about them, a recent study found that plants may have a secret ability that has gone unnoticed all this time.

    According to the study by Australian biologist Monica Gagliano, published in the journal Oecologia, plants may be able to "hear" sounds . To come to this conclusion, Gagliano and her team planted pea seedlings (幼苗) in a pair of different Y-shaped pots with two arms. The first pot's arms led to fresh water, while the other's led to either dry soil or a sealed (密封的) plastic tube containing flowing water. Naturally, the first pot's seedlings grew toward the water. What's surprising, however, is that the second pot's seedlings grew toward the sealed water supply but not the soil.

    "They just knew the water was there even if the only thing to discover was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe," Gagliano told Scientific American. She believes that plants are able to use their leaves to discover sound waves, which make tiny vibrations (振动) as they're produced. This could explain why so many people believe that singing or playing music to their plants helps them grow." I had a plant that I used to wash the leaves of once a week and sing to," plant lover Heather Goodall told BBC News. "It grew from being about 2 feet tall to 7 feet tall in just a couple of years. "

    So, does this mean we should start treating our plants like pets? Not necessarily, although perhaps it does mean we should give them more respect. "I would like to see plants accepted more as the amazing and interesting living beings, and less as just a source of human nutrition," Fatima Cvrckova, a scientist at Charles University in the Czech Republic, told BBC News.

    1. (1) What did Gagliano find in their study?
      A . Plants can recognize the sound of water. B . Sound can change the direction plants grow toward. C . Plants can tell the difference between various sounds. D . Different plants can discover sounds in different ways.
    2. (2) What do plants use to hear sound according to Gagliano?
      A . Their roots B . Their flowers C . Their fruits D . Their leaves
    3. (3) Why does the author mention Heather Goodall's example?
      A . To show a different way of growing plants. B . To inspire people to sing to their plants often. C . To prove that music plays a role in plant growth. D . To stress the importance of treating plants like pets.
    4. (4) What would Cvrckova probably agree with?
      A . Plants are just a source of human nutrition. B . There is still a lot we do not know about plants. C . Plants are unbelievable and deserve more respect. D . Most people do not care enough about their plants.
