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  • 1. (2020高一上·东丽期末) 阅读下面的短文,回答以下问题

    I sill remember my first day of second grade. I was led to a classroom. No teacher yet. Girls talking and laughing. Boys playing games.

    I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later, a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.

    "What are you doing?" she said.

    "I am doing Fun with Number" I replied. Then I rose from my seat to get my pencil sharpener. I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg.

    Her name was Lucy. From that day on we got to know each other, and she became my best friend. Now we have been close friends for more than 60 years. We often get together and recall the past.

    Some TV advertisements try to tell us what children need for school, new shoes, clothes, and schoolbags. But really, children's needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved- they need the gift of friendship.

    For years, I feared how people saw me. But one day, I finally understood I didn't need to be smart or pretty or popular, but just needed to be kind.

    My grandson William recently finished his preschool and received a prize for "friendship". Even an Olympic medal wouldn't make me prouder! I think children need to know that they are loved. They need to know they have all they need and that the best way to win friends is to be kind.

    1. (1) When and where did the author meet Lucy for the first time?
    2. (2) What was the author doing when Lucy came over?
    3. (3) How do Lucy and the author keep their friendship growing?
    4. (4) Besides the basics, what do children need for a happy school life?
    5. (5) In your opinion, what is the best way to win friends?
