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  • 1. (2021高一上·桐城月考) 完形填空

    I remember I was just eighteen when Grandma Julie died. Until the lawyer read her1, I would never fully 2 the depth of Grandma's love. It was a moment I will never forget - a day that made me the3 kid in town.

    After4the distribution of Grandma's possessions (财产分配), the lawyer said, "There are three more things. " He 5 his bag and brought out a small 6 box, which contained my Grandma's wedding ring. "These letters and notes are also for you, " he7.

    Grandma's letter began, "Dear Jeffrey, I'm 8 you one of my most precious treasures - my memories. These memories are the letters your9 wrote me. They are both 10 and valuable – a(n)11 that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your honesty. When you read them you will 12 the love and enthusiasm of a good man for a good woman, and you'll learn how love can become the 13of your life.

    "I have been 14, since I loved a wonderful man who also loved me. Love is like a beautiful15 you store in an album. You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it 16 . I've just shown you how priceless his love notes are. Please learn from them. Then find the right girl to love and love her17. This love will18 both your lives and make you both happier. "

    "As for being valuable, save the envelopes. It's said the old19 are worth far more than the rest of my wealth. And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps. Have a20, meaningful life. God bless you."

    A . wish B . words C . will D . decisions
    A . appreciate B . measures C . admire D . find
    A . happiest B . luckiest C . loneliest D . richest
    A . delivering B . sharing C . announcing D . writing
    A . got into B . reached into C . searched into D . looked into
    A . tool B . jewelry C . letter D . paper
    A . whispered B . remarked C . added D . joked
    A . buying B . leaving C . passing D . providing
    A . Dad B . Mom C . Grandpa D . parents
    A . priceless B . beneficial C . lovely D . serious
    A . direction B . guidebook C . introduction D . approach
    A . feel B . miss C . share D . notice
    A . edge B . center C . process D . trouble
    A . honest B . strong C . fortunate D . energetic
    A . photograph B . article C . memory D . record
    A . in rags B . in wonder C . on purpose D . by chance
    A . carefully B . immediately C . respectfully D . enthusiastically
    A . save B . strengthen C . enrich D . design
    A . stamps B . notes C . letters D . envelops
    A . pleased B . successful C . unforgettable D . loving
