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    The Science of Talking with Your Preschooler

    Language is the fullest and most useful way of communication, and we can teach young children how to use language by engaging them in conversations. . There are three main conversation techniques that parents can use to help their preschoolers develop important oral language skills.

    . The more details that are added in a conversation, the more opportunities the young child has to learn new words. Listen closely to what the child is talking about, and then explain it further to help a preschooler expand language.

    Interact by asking questions and telling answers that are meaningful to the child's interests. . It also gives preschoolers opportunities to use the new words. By asking different types of questions like who, where, why, what, how and when, young children are encouraged to use their own words and express their own ideas.

    Help young children learn to use their language to consider and solve a problem. By "wondering aloud", an adult models his thinking process and exposes preschoolers to curiosity and the abstract uses of language. "Wondering aloud" is simply saying out loud what you are thinking. , you can involve your children in what you are doing and demonstrate how to think through a problem to come to a conclusion.

    Strong oral language skills developed during the preschool years will help a child's success with later reading comprehension in school. Engaging your young children in rich conversations can help them build important language skills. .

    A. If gestures are added

    B. By expressing your thoughts in words

    C. Clearly explain new words and add details

    D. It can also help you and your children to have fun together

    E. Having good conversations with preschoolers is a "science"

    F. Use simple words to make abstract thoughts easier to understand

    G. Such practice helps a child maintain interest in a topic or an activity
