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    What if you could give your children everything they wanted without them having to take any effort at all to get it?Would  they appreciate what they now have?Would they know how to even maintain the lifestyle or how to keep the business moving forward and not downward?

    There is some debate among parents of this new generation about the question of whether our children have been given so much that they now expect everything all at once. A case in point is a friend of mine who has a son in his late twenties. It is not that he doesn't have a good paying job and a really nice house. Actually his house is a lot better and bigger than I ever had at his age. But, he is not satisfied with what he has;he wants everything else right now, not tomorrow, but right now.

    What he wants is a bigger house, a fancier car, and all the newest gadgets(小玩意) that come on the market. He never thinks he should work a little longer and save his money or that he shouldn't have it all. Maybe we have spoiled our children to expect more than what they should normally expect and then expect all of these worldly possessions to keep coming their way.

    Now, the situation with my friend's son is one where his son calls him and complains that life is difficult and that he is having a hard time getting what he wants. The discussion usually then turns to waiting a little longer and working to save money but this discussion usually ends with his son still being disappointed with his life.

    Each life must come from work, sacrifice and satisfaction of being able to provide for your family, but there is little room for just wanting when waiting, working and patience could get it done.

    All of us need a bit of hardship, struggle, learning to overcome obstacles, understanding perseverance, and developing an attitude that speaks loudly about accepting responsibility for one's own destiny.

    1. (1) The writing method of the passage is         .
      A . listing facts B . giving an example C . explaining reasons D . making comparisons
    2. (2) When given so much by his parents, the boy may         .
      A . live a happier life B . learn to be independent C . never be satisfied with it D . be grateful for his parents
    3. (3) The fourth paragraph mainly shows us         .
      A . the result of parents' spoiling their children B . the way for parents to prepare for a better life C . the advice for parents on how to raise their children D . the solution for parents to solving their family issues
    4. (4) What can we know from the last paragraph?
      A . What our life offers us. B . What we should do for our family. C . How we should gain what we desire. D . How we should prepare for our destiny.
