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  • 1. (2021九上·乐昌期末) 语法选择

    The novel corona virus (新型冠状病毒), now, officially named Covid-19, is a new illness and scientists are still studying the best way to control it.1, defeating(战胜)Covid-19 is not only the job of scientists and doctors. People also have 2 important role to play in this battle. The best way 3 prevent the virus spreading is by protecting yourself and staying healthy.

    Scientists are now sure that Covid-19 is passed between people through coughing and sneezing. The virus travels 4 the air and can be breathed in by people nearby. It may also land on places such as tables and chairs. If these places 5, the virus maybe on your hands. Touching your eyes or mouth with unwashed hands can let the virus 6 your body.

    To protect yourself and 7, wear a mask(口罩) at all times when out in public. This stops the people in good 8 from breathing in Covid-19 and reduces(减少)the amount of the virus that ill people send into the air. Most importantly, wash your hands often and 9, especially while you are outside your home.

    Covid-19 is undoubtedly a serious challenge,but if we all contribute and behave responsibly, it is an illness 10 we can overcome (克服).

    A . However B . But C . And D . So
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . help B . helps C . to help D . helping
    A . of B . about C . through D . from
    A . have touched B . are touching C . is touched D . are touched
    A . entering B . enters C . entered D . enter
    A . another B . other C . others D . the other
    A . health B . healthy C . healthily D . healthier
    A . careful B . carefully C . more careful D . most careful
    A . what B . who C . that D . whom
