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  • 1. (2021九上·乐昌期末) 任务型阅读

    Ben carelessly broke a window and fell onto a piece of broken glass that stuck into his right leg. It caused a deep wound. He lost a lot of blood.

    Lisa fell off a bike by accident just now. Her left arm is broken. It is swollen(肿胀的) badly now. How painful it is!

    Emily was doing an experiment in the chemistry lab with her classmates. All of a sudden, their clothes caught fire because of the wrong operation. They were so scared and didn't want to get burnt.

    Sam got stung(整) by a bee while playing in the garden with his elder brother. Now he is crying loudly with a swollen face.

    A ball hit Zheng Fei directly on the nose while he was running on the playground. Suddenly, blood from his nose was all over his face!

    A. Cover the wound with a paper towel, clean cloth or an article of clothing. And then press it hard until the bleeding(出血) stops or help arrives.

    B. If you are with someone who breaks an arm or a leg, call for help from an adult. Tell the person to keep the broken part still and stay with him/her until help arrives.

    C. Quickly cool the burnt area under running water for at least 10 minutes immediately. Call a doctor if burns are larger than 1/4 inch. If the burn looks deep—the skin may be white or brown and dry — go to the E.R.

    D. Ask the person to sit straight and lean (倾斜) their head forward. Hold an ice pack against the bridge of the nose after the bleeding slows down. If it doesn't stop after ten minutes, call a doctor immediately.

    E. Call for help and tell the person not to pull out anything that is stuck in a wound. Stop bleeding by pressing hard around the object but not on it. Put something clean to get the object in place.

    F. If someone is stung by a bee, get out the sting with a card or something clean if you can. Then put an icepack on the sting. If he/she starts to have breathing problems, call for help quickly.

    G. Have the person drop to the ground and cover his face with his hands. Then ask him/her to roll(滚) until the fire is out. Get some medical help if he/she gets burnt.
