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  • 1. (2021九上·乐昌期末) 请阅读下面的文章,根据所提供的信息回答问题。

    Recently, the result of the national reading survey has come out and it paints a shining future for reading habits in the Internet times. Last year more than 20, 000 people from 55cities all over China took part in the survey. The survey shows that although the daily reading time and yearly reading number of paper books, printed newspapers and magazines have dropped, digital(.数字的) reading has continuously increased. Every day Chinese people use different digital devices(装置) like mobile phones. personal computers or iPads for about100 minutes on average(平均)15.5 percent higher than the year before.

    According to the survey, Chinese people's reading habits have changed because mobile phones offer people more chances to get different kinds of reading materials on digital platforms. More than 50 percent of the Chinese people who were interviewed prefer digital reading mostly on mobile phones.

    Another interesting result is that the number of people who like to listen to audio-books(有声读物) has increased since 2015 .More than 30 percent of the people who answered the survey listen to audio-books, higher than the year before. It may have something to do with the way people go to and from work - many people in the countryside drive or take public transport for long hours and it leads to the greater need for audio-books

    1. (1) Where are the people who took part in the survey from?
    2. (2) What has continuously increased from the reading survey?
    3. (3) Why has Chinese people's reading habits changed?
    4. (4) When did people begin to fall in love with audio-books?
    5. (5) How many kinds of reading ways are mentioned in the passage?
