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  • 1. (2021高二上·峨山期中) 阅读理解

    When the young donkey Daisy May came to us, she was pregnant. With no donkey experience. I was unprepared for what might come next.

    After some difficulty,Daisy's baby was born. I thought the poor thing was dead. I planned to put the loss behind us and make sure she never got pregnant again. Just then, I heard a little noise. I couldn't believe that baby was breathing and looking at me! We called him Samson, and of course I became his mother as much as Daisy was.

    When Samson was nine months old, I had to separate Daisy and Samson for a few hours a day to wean(使断奶)him, but otherwise he went wherever she did. I think she would be lost without him. His donkey stepdad Bernard taught him to always be ready to have fun. They enjoy playing football together and going for a roll on a hot summer day.

    I asked a worker to make a harness(马具)for my three little donkeys. When I brought it home I taught them one by one how to pull a cart. Samson watched and freely followed Daisy. When he was three, I put the harnness on him and he knew exactly what to do.

    That was 15 years ago. Now, the most exciting thing about Samson is that he has become a little renowned. People come from all over to see him perform. The neighbors bring their grandchildren, and my sons bring their friends.

    Samson shakes hands,unties my shoe, picks up a hat and more. And when I ask him if he has any bad habits, he tries to pick my pocket! He surprisingly learned these tricks himself. I just ask him to do them and he understands.

    The relationship I have with my "baby" Samson has been an amazing experience. Every day is a fun day with this superstar donkey.

    1. (1) Why was the author at a loss for what might happen next at first?
      A . She wasn't ready to be a mother. B . She never raised a donkey before. C . The donkey was pregnant by accident. D . The donkey gave birth to a dead baby.
    2. (2) What can we learn about Samson when he was little?
      A . He was surrounded by love. B . He was separated from his family. C . He was unwelcome to the neighbors. D . He was skilled in entertaining people.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe Samson?
      A . Friendly and courageous. B . Intelligent and lively. C . Carefree and creative. D . Patient and fortunate.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "renowned" in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?
      A . Strange. B . Proud. C . Humorous. D . Famous.
