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  • 1. (2022八下·慈溪期中) 阅读理解

    The Ministry of Education (教育部) wants students to practice their sports skill. It wants to make homework for physical education classes. It also wants to cut down homework for math and language.

    Physical education helps improve children's health in a big way. There was a survey in 2019. It said that as high as 53. 6% of primary and secondary school students were shortsighted (近视的),and 81%among high school students. More physical activities helped with eyesight problems in children. The survey also said 15. 7 of Grade 1 students had eyesight problems. But in Grade 6, it was 59%. Those six years were important for helping with their eyesight.

    40 minutes of outdoor activities every day helps a lot. It can help students to relax their eyes. It can also help their bodies to have vitamin D. For preschool children, they'd better have outdoor sports activities every day. For those aged between 7 and 12, they'd better exercise for at least an hour every day. After outdoor activities, children can have a good sleep. This will help their bodies grow faster.

    1. (1) We may read this passage in a _______________.
      A . storybook B . newspaper C . novel D . notice
    2. (2) In Paragraph 2, the writer shows serious eyesight problems by showing us _____________.
      A . a picture of a boy B . the result of a survey C . the time students need to exercise D . the activities students need to do
    3. (3) According to the passage, a 10-year-old boy should exercise for at least _____________ minutes.
      A . 30 B . 40 C . 50 D . 60
    4. (4) The passage mainly talks about that students should ____________.
      A . care for their eyesight B . do more physical activities C . learn more language D . do less math homework
