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更新时间:2023-04-11 浏览次数:105 类型:期中考试
  • 1. (2022八下·杭州期中) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项.

    This story tells of two sporting heroes. Who made an impossible dream come true. Bob Champion was a young jockey (骑师) with a bright1. Then, one day, he fell off his horse. He went to the doctor 2 his injuries (伤) and was surprised when he3 that he had cancer The medical treatment lasted many months and made him very4. At times, he nearly died.

    At the same time, there was a successful 5called Aldaniti Unluckily, during one race, the horse got a serious injury. The horse's owners6 to put the horse down though the doctor advised the horse's trainer to do so. They7 Aldaniti for a whole year and the horse's injuries got better.

    By this time, Bob Champion was out of8. Slowly, he got back his strength. Eight months later, he9 to his job as a jockey. A month after that, he rode the winning horse in a race. Soon afterwards, Aldaniti 10returned to training.

    Early the next year, 11Bob Champion and Aldaniti were almost back to full fitness (健康). Now, there was a new plan. Bob decided to 12 Aldaniti in the Grand National, one of the UK's most famous horse races.

    People watching the race knew all about the 13 fights against illness and injury. Every one of them wanted the fairy tale to have a 14 ending. And it was perfect. Aldaniti and Bob Champion were real sporting15.

    A . future B . idea C . smile D . voice
    A . instead of B . except for C . because of D . away from
    A . suggested B . found C . examined D . remembered
    A . sad B . scared C . poor D . weak
    A . doctor B . horse C . owner D . trainer
    A . refused B . prepared C . planned D . forgot
    A . waited for B . looked after C . called in D . paid for
    A . work B . school C . sight D . hospital
    A . stuck B . belonged C . returned D . moved
    A . also B . still C . even D . again
    A . either B . both C . all D . each
    A . stop B . walk C . ride D . feed
    A . one's B . pair's C . group's D . family's
    A . sad B . funny C . happy D . similar
    A . heroes B . players C . results D . events
  • 2. (2022八下·东阳期中) 阅读下面材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Q: My younger brother tore up (撕坏) my workbook one afternoon. My mother said he was just a child so I shouldn't blame (责备) him. I think it's so unfair. What should I do?


    Dear Ashley,

    I think everyone with younger brothers or sisters has had your experience. I'm sure that you want justice (公正). It sounds like that you want your parents punish (惩罚) him. But I don't think it will be very helpful. Young children have little understanding of what is

    important. So he has no idea why that book is important. If someone punishes him, he will be confused (迷惑的). He may still not know why he is wrong.

    In other words, this is a chance for you to teach him something. Give him a book and crayons so that he can draw. You can draw together with him. In this way, he will learn that a book is something we love and enjoy, not something we can tear up. He will also get some good time with his older sister.


    Dear Ashley.

    I also have a little brother. He was very naughty (淘气的) and he always tore up my things. At first, I was angry and always shouted at my mother for it. But I soon found it was not a good way. Later I told him that those things were important to me. And I asked him: “Will you be sad if I tear up your things?" Then he understood it. So don't worry! Little kids are so young that we can't punish them. But we can talk with them patiently (耐心地). If you do it kindly, he will listen to you.


    1. (1) Both Daniel and Betty think it is ______________ to punish the younger brother.
      A . useful B . good C . necessary D . helpless
    2. (2) According to the passage, which of the following is right?
      A . Daniel thinks Ashley's parents should punish her younger brother. B . Betty is still angry with her little brother when he tears up her things now. C . We should be more patient to little children because they are too young. D . After we punish a little child, he will know why he is wrong.
    3. (3) What might Ashley do after she reads the two answers?
      A . She might ask her parents to punish her younger brother. B . She might have a talk with her brother and tells him what is important. C . She might fight with her younger brother. D . She might be angry with her parents.
  • 3. (2022八下·慈溪期中) 阅读理解

    The Ministry of Education (教育部) wants students to practice their sports skill. It wants to make homework for physical education classes. It also wants to cut down homework for math and language.

    Physical education helps improve children's health in a big way. There was a survey in 2019. It said that as high as 53. 6% of primary and secondary school students were shortsighted (近视的),and 81%among high school students. More physical activities helped with eyesight problems in children. The survey also said 15. 7 of Grade 1 students had eyesight problems. But in Grade 6, it was 59%. Those six years were important for helping with their eyesight.

    40 minutes of outdoor activities every day helps a lot. It can help students to relax their eyes. It can also help their bodies to have vitamin D. For preschool children, they'd better have outdoor sports activities every day. For those aged between 7 and 12, they'd better exercise for at least an hour every day. After outdoor activities, children can have a good sleep. This will help their bodies grow faster.

    1. (1) We may read this passage in a _______________.
      A . storybook B . newspaper C . novel D . notice
    2. (2) In Paragraph 2, the writer shows serious eyesight problems by showing us _____________.
      A . a picture of a boy B . the result of a survey C . the time students need to exercise D . the activities students need to do
    3. (3) According to the passage, a 10-year-old boy should exercise for at least _____________ minutes.
      A . 30 B . 40 C . 50 D . 60
    4. (4) The passage mainly talks about that students should ____________.
      A . care for their eyesight B . do more physical activities C . learn more language D . do less math homework
  • 4. (2022八下·东阳期中) 阅读下面材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Do you play with your phone before bedtime? According to a US study, looking at screens at night can cause us to sleep badly.

    In the evening, our bodies make melatonin (褪黑素),Melatonin helps us feel sleepy and relaxed. It's an important part of our sleep cycle (周期). However, our electronic screens stop that cycle from working normally. That's because phones, computers and TVs make blue light. Blue light stops our bodies from making melatonin. Even just a little bit of blue light can make a difference. Eight minutes of blue light can keep our brain (大脑) "awake”for another hour, according to the study. Even if we fall asleep, we may have lots of dreams. Our brain won't have a good rest.

    It's even worse if you play an exciting game before going to bed. Games make our hearts beat faster, so we have a harder time falling asleep. Then, when we fall asleep, we don't get enough "deep sleep". So next day we will feel very tired.

    Use these following tips to get a good night's sleep.

    ★Have a relaxing habit every night. Take a warm shower, or read a book, and then you can relax yourself.

    ★Sleep in a dark, quiet room and the room is not too warm or too cold. This can help you fall fast asleep.

    ★Count sheep. It's the oldest way, but it can really work! So if you can't get to sleep, try this one.

    ★Don't eat a big meal or have caffeine, but you can drink some milk. Don't run around or exercise for three hours before bedtime.

    1. (1) From the passage, we can know melatonin from our bodies ______________ in the evening.
      A . helps us feel sleepy and relaxed. B . can make our face become dark. C . isn't an important part of our sleep cycle. D . works well if we don't use the phones too long.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word “normally" in the second paragraph probably mean'?
      A . in a different way B . in a usual way C . in an easy way D . in a difficult way
    3. (3) What can we do to have a good night's sleep?

      ①Take a warm shower or read a book at night.

      ②Sleep in a dark and quiet room.

      ③Drink some milk before bedtime

      ④Take exercise for four hours before bedtime.

      A . ④②③ B . ④①③ C . ④①② D . ①②③
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can we most probably read this passage?
      A . Travel. B . Sport. C . Food. D . Science.
  • 5. (2022八下·乐清期中) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Why do most Japanese people live longer than the rest of us? One reason might be soybean products(豆制品)like tofu and miso(日本豆酱).Scientists from Japan's National Institute of Health and Nutrition did a study into the health benefits of soybean products. They said people who regularly ate tofu and miso were 10 percent less likely to die from diseases than people who ate no soybean products. Eating soybean-based food cut the risk( 风险) of death from heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular problems. Eating fermented soy products(发酵豆制品) lowered the risk of death.

    Soybeans are super food. They are rich in protein, fibre, minerals and unsaturated fats. Soy fibre helps to lower cholesterol(胆固醇) and reduce weight. Soy is an important part of the cuisine(烹饪) of Asia, especially in Japan. People in Asia have eaten soy since ancient times. The most common types of soy products are tofu(soybean curd), natto( fermented soybeans), miso(a fermented soybean paste added to soups) and soy sauce. Miso is high in salt. Researchers said salt in miso does not put people at risk of high blood pressure. Soybean products are becoming popular around the world.

    1. (1) Where is the National Institute of Health and Nutrition?
      A . In China. B . In Japan. C . In France. D . In England.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "benefits"in Paragraph I mean?
      A . Problems. B . Reasons. C . Something harmful. D . Something good and helpful.
    3. (3) What kind of food did the article call soybeans and fermented soybeans?
      A . Fast food. B . Fresh food. C . Healthy food. D . Super food.
    4. (4) What's the main idea of this passage?
      A . Soybean products may help you live longer. B . An institute in Beijing did the research into soybeans. C . Researchers said the miso in salt leads to high blood pressure. D . People who ate natto were 20 percent less likely to die from diseases.
  • 6. (2022八下·东阳期中) 用方框中所给单词或词语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次,

    afford,  just,  lesson,  private,  win the heart of

    1. (1) The little boy has few friends and he often lives in his own world.
    2. (2) Everyone learned a from the story.
    3. (3) The cartoon has the young people since it came out.
    4. (4) I can't to buy a car because I haven't worked for a long time.
    5. (5) I come to the countryside to visit my old grandparents.
  • 7. (2022八下·乐清期中) 根据短文内容和所给提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。

    On April 16th, 2022, Wang Yaping with the other two (宇宙员) came back from space. When she came out of the spaceship. We were happy to see that she was in good (状况). Her daughter was so (自豪的) that she had a mother who could pick stars for her.

    Wang Yaping is(漂亮的) and has black hair. She has lots of (爱好)  like playing the piano and swimming. She is (聪明) and good at everything. She is interested in science and she hopes to fly to space some day. Now she has achieved her (梦想). Her interests bring her  (成功)and (快乐).She has also(赢得) the hearts of Chinese people.

  • 8. (2022八下·慈溪期中) 语法填空

    Lots of kids hate school, but usually this kind of feeling never (last) long. But what (happen) if you feel this way too much? School is a fact of life, and getting good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let's talk about school and to do when you don't like it.

    If you don't like school, the first step is (find) out why. You might not like school because you don't have enough (friend), or maybe you don't get along with your teachers. Sometimes it's a big problem with your classes and schoolwork. You may be getting farther and farther behind, it may seem like you'll never catch up.

    When you know why you don't like school, you can start taking steps to make things much (good). It's a good idea to talk to someone your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor (顾问) will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It's a great way to let out your (sad). Remember, you don't have to share what you've written with others.

  • 9. (2022八下·富阳期中) 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It's school time again! After a long holiday, are you ready for the new term? You may feel excited to see your classmates, or a little nervous about the coming schoolwork. Heading back to school is aim of transition(过渡). How can we fit in the new term? Here are some ways to make the transition from holiday to school a little easier.

    It's very normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routines(常规)and fitting in new school work take some time after a long break. So how can we deal with(处理)our worries? Just think about your first day in the past years. Everything will go well once you get used to it. Just relax and wait.

    People say "a good beginning is half done" A good plan is surely needed before the new term. Think about what you can do better this term than the last. Make a plan and try to go for it!

    If you went to bed and got up late during the holiday, you will have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. This way, you won't be tired after the first few days of school. Also, having some warm-ups is helpful. Doing exercise and practicing morning reading every day are some other good ideas to get ready for the new school-year schedule.

    It makes you feel good if you are prepared and have all the things you need. Check all the homework you need to do a week earlier. And it's better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts.

    What about wearing something you like? Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sports shoes that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.

    A. Start your school-year schedule.                 B. Back to school fashion.

    C. Deal with your worries.                     D. Prepare your school things.

    E. Say goodbye to last year.                     F. Make a plan and practice.


  • 10. (2022八下·北仑期中) 在成长的道路上,每个青少年都会遇到烦恼。上周,学校的英语社团开展了一项关于青少年烦恼的调查,以下是调查结果,请根据表格中的内容,用英语写一篇短文,并给出合理的建议.



    take too many after-class lessons

    have trouble in sleeping well

    have no friends at school

    communicate with our parents








    We did a survey about teenagers' trouble last week.

