How Shall We Go To Grandma's House?
How shall we go to Grandma's house?
Shall we jump on a bike?
Shall we take a train,
or go there by bus,
or maybe by plane?
If we lived a long time ago, of course,
we'd go to see Grandma
by donkey or horse.
If we lived in the future,
we'd go there by rocket
and bring Grandma a star
in our space-suit pocket.
How shall we go to Grandma's house?
We could take the car,
but let's use our feet.
Grandma just lives
a block down
the street!
What is this poem mostly about?
A . Spending time at Grandma's house.
B . Preparing for a trip to Grandma's house.
C . Choosing how to travel to Grandma's house.
D . Remembering different trips to Grandma's house.
What is the surprise at the end of the poem?
A . Grandma lives down the street.
B . The children have a new car.
C . Grandma has a new house.
D . The children live by the train station.
Which idea from the poem could not really happen?
A . Riding a donkey.
B . Wearing a space-suit.
C . Putting a star in a pocket.
D . Jumping on a bike