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  • 1. (2022·枣庄) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入小题横线上的最佳选项。

    Everyone needs friends, and if you fail to make friends,   

    Maybe you have social faults such as talkativeness (多嘴) and improper behaviour, which drive away your new friends. Whatever your social faults may be,

    A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel comfortable, wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the other person's place and make him feel welcome.

      It makes your new friends feel happy. And it gives them the feeling that they have made an impression (印象) on you because you remember them.

    If you do not agree with other people on a certain matter,   or you will lose friends easily.

    Finally a friendly person thinks of not only himself, but also others.  

    A. Smile at someone and you may surely get a smile in return.

    B. do not argue, but discuss,

    C. you should think if there's something wrong with your personality (性格).

    D. Treat different people in different ways.

    E. Try to remember names.

    F. People who refuse to consider others have few friends.

    G. look at them honestly, and try to correct them.
