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    Ernestine Shepherd recently celebrated her (eighty) birthday. The woman works out every day. But this was not always the case. She says, When I was younger, I did not think too much about eating (correct) or exercising, but as time went on, my mind changed completely. "

    One day, she went out shopping with her sister. Shepherd tried on a swimsuit. Both of them realized they were out of shape. They decided to take a fitness class to lose weight and get in shape. at the age of 56, alongside her sister, Shepherd started to exercise. "I started to lift weight and try to become a bodybuilder."

    In 1992, Shepherd's sister suddenly died a brain disease. "Her (die) made me treasure good health even more. Finally, I got myself together. I continued training to honor my (sister) memory. "

    Emestine started working out three times a week. Later, Emestine got support from a (person) trainer. "Then I did my first bodybuilding show." And she (win) her very first competition. At the age of 79, she became the world's oldest female bodybuilder.

    Now, Shepherd keeps a balanced diet and drinks lots of water. She says her lifestyle changes her health conditions. She still competes in bodybuilding events. This year she became author. Her book came out in April. Shepherd says she wants to let people, especially older people, know that it is not too late (get) healthy. "If ever there was an anti-aging pill, you would have to call it exercise."
