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  • 1. (2021九上·双峰期中) 阅读理解

    Mary is a Grade 9 student. She doesn't have good looks and she is short and heavy. Because of that, she used to be unhappy. But after going to a place, she now doesn't feel that way. Where did she go?

    Last Saturday, Mary visited an old people's home with her mother. She had fun there.

    An old woman sat in a chair in the hallway. One of her slippers dropped. Mary picked it up and said, "Grandma, let me help you put it back on your foot. "Thank you, my girl. You are so beautiful," the old woman said to Mary.

    Then Mary met an old man with no legs, and he said hi to Mary. Mary stopped to talk with him.-She listened to him telling his stories. Mary didn't think the stories were funny, but she smiled all the time. "Thanks for listening my girl. You are so beautiful, "the old man said to Mary

    The old woman and man said Mary, was beautiful. This made Mary happy. She didn't do any special things in the old people's home, but she felt she got something special.

    Give your love to others, and you will feel you are born to sparkle(自带光芒)

    1. (1) What does Mary look like?
      A . She is short and thin. B . She is short and heavy. C . She is tall and heavy.
    2. (2) Who did Mary go to the old people's home with last Saturday?
      A . Her mother. B . Her grandma. C . Her father.
    3. (3) The underlined word "slippers" means a kind of __________________.
      A . hat B . shoes C . sweater
    4. (4) What do we know about the old man?
      A . He is a disabled man. B . He writes children's stories. C . He is good at telling funny stories.
    5. (5) Why did the old woman and man say Mary was beautiful?
      A . Because she smiled a lot. B . Because she dressed well. C . Because she showed love to them.
