Here is how to leave the supermarket with the things you wanted to buy and nothing more.
Suggestion 1: Pick up a basket.
You'll head straight for the checkout (收款台)when it starts to get heavy. Don't use the trolleys (购物车)because they will make you put in extra things.
Suggestion 2: Make a list and stick to (坚持)it.
Supermarkets usually place things we use every day far away,such as bread and milk. So you have to walk along the aisles (过道)in between,buying things you don't really need on the way.
Suggestion 3: Keep away from BOGOFs (Buy One Get One Free offers).
Just how many watermelons can you eat in a week? Fruit and vegetables usually work out cheaper.
Suggestion 4: Look up and down.
The most expensive things are placed in the middle. For cheaper things, check the higher and the lower places.