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  • 1. (2022八上·沈阳月考) 阅读理解

    Strange Plants and Animals

    ► Can a tree laugh?

    When it comes to laughing, this tree is really funny. This is because the fruit of this tree has a hole in it. If the wind blows, this amazing tree will "laugh". When people first hear it laughing, they are usually quite surprised and begin to laugh along with the tree. It grows in the middle of Africa.

    ► Can a fossil be alive?

    Look at this plant. It grows in the southwest of Africa. Like most plants, it has roots. But it has only two leaves and a stem (茎). Its two leaves continue to grow for its whole life. Does it look old? Not really. Actually, this plant can live as long as fifteen hundred years, so people call it "living fossil".

    ► Can a fish fly?

    A fish can fly? Most people don't think so. But look at this fish. It looks like a bird with its large wings (翅膀). It can jump and fly out of the water, and flap(拍打)its wings up to 70 times a second to stay away from dangerous animals. You can see a flying fish all over the world.

    ► Can't birds fly?

    Of course, birds can fly except Kiwis. Kiwis are birds, but they can't fly. Kiwis can be as big as chickens. Like all birds, they lay eggs - big eggs. People call them Kiwis because they made the sound: kee-wee. Kiwis live in New Zealand and are national animals of the country.

    1. (1) How long can the plant live?
      A . 15 years. B . 150 years. C . 1,500 years. D . 15,000 years.
    2. (2) The flying fish will fly out of the water when ______.
      A . it wants to breathe B . it meets dangerous animals C . the water is too dirty D . it is hungry
    3. (3) We cannot learn ______ from the passage.
      A . the reason why the tree can laugh B . what the living fossil looks like C . how fast a flying fish can flap its wings D . the reason why Kiwis cannot fly
    4. (4) We can find this passage from an encyclopaedia of ______.
      A . Nature B . Science C . Culture D . History
