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  • 1. (2022九上·深圳月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Uncle Tim and his wife bad moved to the town where John and his parents lived. John came for a visit and he saw Oliver, their pet dog. "Why don't you make a 1 for Oliver, Aunt Melanie? He looks cold. "Aunt Melanie replied," I don't have time to make it because I have more2things to do. "John felt sad to hear this.

    That afternoon, John took Oliver for a walk. 3, there was a rain storm. John ran to take shelter (遮蔽) from the rain. Soon, he 4 Oliver wasn't with him. John was so5that he buried to search for Oliver. He looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.

    John's uncle put an advertisement in the newspaper. After all, he had spent much money on Oliver, so he didn't want to 6 him.

    A few days later, a lady replied to the advertisement in the newspaper. Since John's uncle and aunt were out on business, John was sent to 7on the dog. John was so 8because it was Oliver!" The poor dear was shaking with cold when I first found him," the lady said. "After our cat died, we decided not to keep any9. But then Oliver. . "Her voice shook. "When we saw the advertisement, for a moment we thought of not replying," her husband said sadly. "Oliver has become part of our lives."

    Finally, John thanked the couple and took Oliver home. Since then, his uncle and aunt had changed a lot. They paid much 10 to Oliver, playing with him in their spare time.

    A . meal B . coat C . gym D . language
    A . convenient B . successful C . important D . difficult
    A . Recently B . Suddenly C . Certainly D . Luckily
    A . refused B . responded C . realized D . received
    A . surprised B . worried C . bored D . lonely
    A . hide B . accept C . lose D . hurt
    A . call B . depend C . feed D . check
    A . quiet B . excited C . angry D . lovely
    A . pets B . diaries C . secrets D . jokes
    A . warning B . promise C . decision D . attention
